Voodoo Vince and Bubsy are the surprises of the year for me ...
Random Thoughts
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![]() On 06/25/2017 at 12:43 PM by Casey Curran ![]() See More From This User » |
I've just been spitballing a few ideas and feel like sharing them
- We have three exclusive 3D mascot platformers coming out to each console this year (Crash Bandicoot, Mario, and Super Lucky's Tale) and that hasn't happened since 2003 with Jak 2/Ratchet 2/Sly 1, Wario World, and Voodoo Vince. I think that's awesome. And this year's look much stronger on Nintendo and MS' part.
- Also speaking of Voodoo Vince he got a remaster and that's really fucking weird.
- While I'm still on Xbox and weird, Xbox One should have been called Xbox X from the start. Then have the XB1X be called Xbox X2 and people wouldn't be confused as to what this thing is. Because even Xbox One U would have been a better name.
- As much as I love Kirby games and enjoy Yoshi games, Nintendo needs to get these series off auto pilot. A shift to 3D would be the most obvious way to do something new with them, but I'm open to other ideas. When Kirby gets a mech suit and I feel they're not doing enough different, something's not right.
- Mario Odyssey was a blast from what I played and the hat mechanic has my mind exploding with all the possibilities, but I'm worried the platforming may not be up to snuff. The best Mario has been Sunshine's FLUDD-less levels and Galaxy's hardest levels because of the insane challenge they pose and I'm worried if Odyssey will take away from the best part of the series.
- As excited as I am for Metroid Prime 4, what's even more exciting is that Retro hasn't released a game in over three years and we haven't heard a peep yet. I think they have something really big planned.
- With all the petition to get Dragonball Fighter Z on Switch, I want to add that I want absolutely everything that can run on the Switch on that machine.
- Off the top of my head, I can think of six different revisions Nintendo can do for the Switch. If you thought 3DS had too many, strap yourselves in
- Even though the Wii U is getting treated as this amazing, underrated console right now, it really wasn't. 2013-2015 were its golden years and the PS4 and XB1 started off awful in 2014 and were pretty mediocre in 2015. So naturally a lot of Wii U games looked amazing next to them even though it wasn't getting a lot and got just as much crap.
- Anthem looks fun, but doesn't feel like what Bioware should be working on. Maybe it can work and the idea could be strong enough to make the game work, but they really can't afford another dud after Mass Effect Andromeda.
- Speaking of Andromeda, yeah, I hated it. Really really hated it.
- I'm still not sold on this new God of War. That camera looks like it's way too close for an action game and I'm unsure how deep they can make the combat with what they've shown.
- EA is making Star Wars boring
- Gamergate was annoying, but it's over. People need to stop bringing it back to shame others. It just makes them look pathetic.
- Not everything has to do with President Donnie and everyone needs to quit bringing him up all the time when talking about video games.