"I'm sick of all these motherfucking games on a plane!" - Samuel L Jackson.
Haha, will read this a little later, just wanted to post that....
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![]() On 06/26/2017 at 02:04 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
So I figured you good people needed a break from my ramblings about whatever freemium game I was playing on my phone, or how my basketball team was doing in NBA 2K16 (I refuse to buy 17 because my team is so much fun to use and I don't want to start over) but I have a somewhat decent excuse as to why I was absent for the week: I was in Hawaii! I went back for a little over a week (like one day over a week) because we were house sitting/watching over my younger cousins and their little dog while their pops was donating bone marrow. I got to spend some time with my pops, my sister, and while my sister was at her club volleyball practice, my pops, his girl, and I watched WWE's Money in the Bank Pay Per View in the parking lot, on my phone (I do love technology) but more on the randomness of my trip later. Monday is reserved for What I Played, and let's get started.
When booking tickets for the flight I noticed that each chair would have a power outlet which means my laptop was going to get some use. Now I wanted to blog from the plane but the weirdo across the aisle kept staring (I see you weird short guy!) and I didn't want him to realize I'm a bit weird as well so I stuck with games.
This was on a 777 in the middle row right behind the galley so there was a lot of room for activities. It was also next to the door, closet bathroom, and that thin blue curtain that separates first class from us cheap folks. Anyways 20 minutes after the flight took off it was time to kill some of the five hours during the trip.
NBA 2K16 – Steam
I got in maybe three games because I kept jumping around from game to game. At first it was a little odd playing because I knew the weird guy was watching and I tend to play a little differently when I know someone is watching. I tend to play more traditional basketball instead of my usual run and gun game. I would play one game of NBA, switch over to another game, and then back. That was the cycle I was on for the next four hours.
Quantum Outbreak – Steam
The final hour of gaming on the plane I finally started up this game, and there are a couple of familiar faces in the game (hello Warehouse 13 and Game of Thrones) I didn't get far into the game because I was tinkering with the screen brightness, and one of the stewardesses was asking questions about it, and commented on how good it looks and if it was available on a console. So far it seems a little strange
Mafia III – Steam
This was my game on the flight back. I played a bit of this along with more NBA 2K16. Again I didn't get far, just the first mission or so because I thought the violence my character blasting people wasn't family friendly.
When not over the Pacific I played a couple of games on the iDevices
Halo Spartan Assault – iPad
For some reason this game keeps crashing on my phone but works fine on my iPad Air. I never really put much time into the series but while in Hawaii I played up to the middle of group C. I like this game because there isn't much to the controls and after figuring out how to toss grenades, the game opened up for me. I went back to the earlier levels and tried using the skulls to make the game more difficult and it adds to the enjoyment along with adding extra XP for my score. I forgot I also own the two games on Steam but I will probably play through the iPad versions first before jumping back into the Steam games (and learning how to toss a grenade with a controller)
Disney Emoji Blitz – iOS
When I remember to play it I unlocked some a new character as well as upgraded a current one.
One of the best things about this game is that you can play it without an internet connection so I played a couple of games while taking off, and landing.
Injustice 2 Mobile – iOS
I played a lot of this game, A.LOT. I played this so much that I had to charge my phone in the middle of the day. After dropping the short folks off at school, played some I2, took the dog outside so he can chase geckos, played some I2, in the car, waiting for food, all perfect times to play this game. NBA and Injustice have become my go to games. Anyways I seem to get at least 250 gems a day so I could buy the premium box that supposedly better odds to land a 3 star character. I landed two gold 3 star characters, and a bunch of 1 star silver characters, a couple of duplicates that become shards to upgrade the characters.
I have a decent stable of fighters, but I wish I would have gotten more gold fighters. Anyways I played through the story mode, which is only one part, and I think the other section will be released later. That answers my question about revealing the story mode in a freemium game, and I play a lot of the online Arena because it doesn't use any of the lightning, and helps my ranking for rewards.
Alright Pixlpeeps I am off. Have a good week!
That's all for now, more later!
Funny that while you were in Hawaii, everyone and myself and my mother (and father) were checking out Moana on Netflix, or so my facebook would make it seem. lol
Weird, creepy short guy should have been given a staredown. Or he's like me and doesn't realize he's staring while he's really just drifting off and looking at nothing in particular.