I'm glad I didn't buy a lot of Wii U games so I can get into the "deluxe" editions for Switch. I don't have a switch yet, but my plan is to get one by the time mario is out... I'm SO hyped for that.
The SNES Classic is Coming! + Nintendo Rantings
On 06/27/2017 at 04:08 AM by NintendoFanJon See More From This User » |
So confirmed in news recently was the announcement by Nintendo that the SNES Classic was coming. After a successful limited run of the NES classic which came packed with 30 games for $60, the SNES classic will come with 21 games and will run for $80. It's set to be released on Sep. 29th, 2017 so prepare to visit Nintendo's website everyday to see when you can pre-order yours because if you know how the NES Classic went down...just take a look at ebay prices...ouch. However, you may probably have an SNES emulator of some kind already on your computer... and well...you probably won't need this anyways.
In unrelated news I'm really digging the Switch so far. I've got a couple of games I'm excited for such as Super Mario Odyssey or that weird x-com lite mario+rabbids crossover. I may even buy an amiibo just because I like the pimped out white suits of Mario and Bowser. I've got Street Fighter II, I bought Disgaea 5, and if Nintendo continues the trend I think this will be a great system for...rpgs! I mean holy hell there are so many rpgs on or announced for the system. I am Setsuna is out now as is Disgaea 5 (but I already mentioned that doodz), we have Xenoblade 2 coming soon, Monster Hunter XX, a new Shin Megami Tensei, Fire Emblem Warriors, Project Octopath Traveler, Various Dargon Quest games, Lost Sphear, various indie titles, etc. If you want to sink hours and hours into long grinds and stories I think the Switch will be filling that rpg void nicely. And it's nice to see this considering the fact that we barely got any RPGS for the Wii U. I can name about 5... that's it. I'm a big rpg nut...even if I don't have the time to sink into them like I used to.
Of course as exciting as that it I have my major doubts. It's nice that Nintendo is working with third parties and I would never have expected Nintendo and Microsoft to be chummy on cross-play between platforms. Who knows what this will mean, but it's already led to Minecraft on Nintendo systems and now Rocket League on the Switch. These aren't necessarily titles I'm interested in, but it's bringing more sales and gamers on board, so who knows what that means in the future. It's a bittersweet feeling of sorts. I've mentioned Bethesda who I like, but will they be offering more than just Skyrim for the Switch? Will long term support be happening? EA is only releasing Fifa and taking a wait and see approach as it's basing it's support on sales figures, and many other developers have games that they state simply just won't be in development for the Switch, because now they're working with more diverse and expansive engines that the Switch unfortunately cannot run.
I'm also bittersweet on the Wii U. Reggie stated recently that more Wii U titles could be made into deluxe editions for Switch. Now I liked the Wii U enough. It had some fantastic games. As a jaded Wii U owner I feel like this is where Nintendo is dropping the ball. How many Wii U games are even still exclusive to the system? I mean think about it. Hyrule Warriors-3DS port, Lego City Undercover-Multiplatform, Smash Bros- Also on 3DS, possible deluxe edition coming to Switch, Mario Kart became deluxe, Pokken is deluxe for Switch, Yoshi's Wooly World- Became Poochy & Yoshi's Wooly World on 3DS. What does that even leave? There are still a few such as Mario 3D World, The Wonderful 101, DK: Tropical Freeze, Bayonetta 2, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, and that terrible Star Fox Zero game... but who knows how long those will stay safe. So as a Wii U owner who enjoyed the system I should at the very least get an apology letter saying "Sorry for this...We done goofed." Now of course it is my fault for supporting the Wii U and buying the games available for it...but I'm a stubborn son of a bitch... I didn't sell my Wii U (In hindsight...probably should have). However, I needed to justify my $200 refurbished wii u brought from nintendo damnit! Now I realize I'm an idiot and you're probably thinking well you supported the piece of crap. I get it Nintendo...not many people bought a Wii U.... I did.... Now I may be an idiot, but can't you throw the Wii U idiots a bone and at least offer a Switch Incentive if say I bought Pokken for Wii U for $60 then maybe I could get a discount so I don't have to fork over another $60 for 5 new characters. It's not going to make idiots like me buy the new edition. It's the same reason why I'm not rushing to get Mario Kart Deluxe or Lego City for Switch. Why pay more money for a game that I can experience for cheaper, albeit without a few extra little added incentives. I'll be honest...I want to play the revamped battle mode in kart deluxe...i just really, really don't want to do so for $60. The DLC already being on there and the added characters are not really a factor for me... I really don't need to play as king boo that badly and i already have the dlc stuff. If only it was like $30 I could stomach it better.
Anyways that's just my rant... And as always I remain... a jaded, beaten Nintendo fan that for some silly reason holds out for some hope that will never come. It's not that I don't realize it. Maybe I'm some sort of masochist. Maybe Nintendo secretly reads my blogs and laughs as they toy with my emotions like a cruel psychological experiment. You beautiful bastards Nintendo. Our love-hate relationship continues another day. Well played Nintendo... well played indeed.