I'm considering making that '67 Pontiac GTO "my car" but it really belongs to someone older. I should have a car from about '84 when I learned to drive. I'll have to think about it, but I do love that '67 Pontiac.
Quick Hits: Chris Reads Comics, Enjoys Some Of Them
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So let's recap the current situation: Gym reopens and I'm excited. It's a 1000 degrees outside, so I go work out in an air conditioned room, then I go to the pool where it's a 1000 degrees outside and swim a couple of laps. I sit for a bit to dry off, then jump in the truck for the two minute drive to my house, than into an air conditioned house to take a shower. A couple of days of this and I now have a cold. I'm currently typing this with a stuffy nose, slight headache, and sneezing up a storm. We'll see if I decide to venture out for CD Friday. I also find it funny that I have a cold when it is 1000 degrees outside. Anyways that some personal randomness let's get started with this week's Quick Hits.
Chris Watches...
Other than Big Brother, I haven't watched a lot. I'll catch parts of some random show here and there but nothing really that pulled me in. I do however am saving Season 2 of Quantico for this weekend if I don't get sidetracked with anything.
Chris Reads...
Ok so I've been using my Android tablet as a reader for awhile now and last week I've jumped into comics. I'm currently reading through the 2016 run of Marvel and DC (holy cow there are a lot Batman issues) and I'm jumping around to characters that I want to check out and then move from there. Who knows I might find some of the characters I normally don't think about to be interesting or my new favorites. Also I'm trying not to spoil anything so I don't talk about any specifics
Marvel's Agents of SHIELD Issues 1-13 2016
This was such a fun story to read and it would have made a perfect one off episode in the show, kind of like how shows used to have special holiday episodes. I don't want to spoil it but I like the use of the current TV show roster with a sprinkling in of some Marvel favorites. This was a good read.
Arrow: The Dark Archer Issues 1-13 2016
Now this story was good because it takes place between I believe Seasons 2 and 3 and it doesn't include Oliver or his team. Instead the story focused on Malcolm Merlyn and a bit of his back story. Since it wasn't handcuffed with what goes on within the TV Arrow-verse the writers created such a cool universe and gave an explanation on where Malcolm was during this time.
Batman Issues 1-13 2016
Now this group of comics was different than the previous two because there were a couple of stories and they seem to overlap in other storylines that I have yet to check out so it seemed to jump around a bit especially towards issues 7, and 8. The first story I liked, the second story that involved monsters I really didn't care for and the end story that was somehow connected to both was entertaining. In fact the last story kind of reminded me of Arrow when they had episodes dedicated to Diggle. It involved a couple of familiar faces and a couple of new folks.
The thing that confused me was that the top of the books had a Rebirth banner, and I figured it was just another reboot. Within these books were a couple of headers that named the stories. The funny thing was that I guess I was supposed to read these after 48-52
Batman Issues 48-52 2016
I wasn't a fan of this group. I didn't like the story, and the direction Batman was on. What I did like was issue 52 because it was kind of like an explanation of how Bruce became Batman without taking the conventional routes we've seen in film. This easily made up for the previous issues.
I'm currently reading
Captain America – Steve Rogers Issues 1-13 2016
I read the first issue earlier this year because of the big story line reveal and I just started on Issue 2.
Chris Listens To...
I added a new podcast to my playlist. I started listening to Lance Armstrong's Stages. Lance and another host discuss each stage of the Tour de France and it is funny, insightful, and he explains what goes on during the race, what to expect, who to watch out for, and its just fun listening to a guy who enjoys the sport.
As for my quest to listen to every song in my iTunes library I am two weeks ahead of schedule and I am sitting pretty at 2,816 tracks left. Hopefully I can keep this pace and be done with it by the end of next month. I have a ton of stuff I'd like to add to my library once I hit zero.
From a random trip to Walmart to buy some ice cream I picked this up because it was the last copy and on Clearance
I can't get myself to buy the Ghostbusters set because I refuse to support that terrible movie that released last summer. Maybe if it was $10 I'd buy it because I need the figures for some puzzles. As for this set, I'm not big on the Harry Potter Universe but it will be interesting to play.
I didn't know there was a physical copy until I saw it was available on iTunes. I already own the mp3 and FLAC versions when Sprint and Tidal offered them up for a couple of hours the day after it's release, but the CD has three additional tracks (not a fan of the tracks)
I forgot to take a picture of it by itself so I'm using an Instagram pic.
From the same ice cream trip to Walmart I bought this
It was $5 but I really wanted it for the digital copy. I'll probably give my brother the Blu-ray if he wants it. If not it will live with the other Blu-rays under the TV.
Ok so this was two trips, the first trip was to Target and I'm not sure if I shared this already so I'll share it again just in case
Yeah I got another Bat but this one is a bluish color, which I don't have. It's also hard to find the Guardians of the Galaxy ship around here because of resell guy.
At Walmart during the same ice cream trip I spot these cars
Two Arkham Knight Batmobiles. One in a bluish silver and the other in a military olive drab. I also found two James Bond Aston Martin's from the movie Spectre. Love the movie, and I'll probably open one and display it with my opened Batmobiles.
The final two cars I found in the same dump bin as the Batmobiles
Two ZAMAC '67 Pontiac GTO's. ZAMAC cars are basically unpainted cars. I found one a couple of weeks ago, and now I found two. I probably won't find the Treasure Hunt cars in the wild because resell guy hits the stores hard.
Anyways I am off. Have a good weekend Pixlpeeps, Its my weekend and I'm going to go either sort through some crap I've been saving on my external drives, watch some YouTube, or eat cold pizza while watching the Gangland marathon on Spike. Have a good weekend!
That's all for now, more later!
For this week's song of the week, I'm sharing the one I shared on Facebook. I think it took place during the Bastille Day events. How do you not like a marching band playing a Daft Punk medley? Have a good week