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Chris Plays, The Hey It's Not Monday Edition

On 08/03/2017 at 12:38 PM by goaztecs

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So here we are, Thursday and I thought it wouldn't be right for me to write up all my randomness in a Quick Hits blog tomorrow without at least making an attempt to review what I played (kinda played/simmed/etc) the past couple of weeks. So because of all this, here we are and let's look back what I played. Sound fun?


Chris Played...

NBA 2K16 – Steam


My current season is down to 10 games left before the start of the playoffs and my San Diego Gulls are doing well. I'm starting to look at which players I want to get rid of and who I want to sign especially since this upcoming offseason will be full of really good players. I'm looking at a couple that I want for the bench that will also fit with the two players I drafted last season. I need to have a presence in free agency because I traded my picks away for this year's draft.


Gunnheim – Steam


This is the reason why I bought a random $1 bundle last week. When looking through the games listed in a particular bundle (more on this tomorrow) I saw this game and by itself it looked like it was worth the buck. When loading it up it seemed like there is no structure for the game, you just log into a lobby and then start playing. I don't know if the entire game is like 8 levels but I played through most of them before wanting to try something else. Don't get me wrong it's a fun top down twin stick shooter with crazy little upgrades, but it feels like this game might be more interesting with a group of friends than one guy trying to play through the entire thing while listening to the local news.


Grid Autosport – Steam


I am still in the Supercar division or what I like to call the really fast bumper cars. I am almost halfway through the season and after every race my car looks like I rolled it off a bridge and hit another car on the ground. I am still dreading the endurance races that I will eventually have to tackle.


Firewatch – Steam


I'm still playing guy who watches for smoke and other things. I am still tackling this game one mission at a time to not only stretch the game out, but because I get dizzy at FPS games (this is coming from the same guy who buys FPS shooters when they are cheap just play single player).


Disney Emoji Blitz – iOS

There are two days left for an event where Disney released three new characters: Prince Philip, Princess Aurora, and Sorcerer Mickey. Mickey is a special character while the other two are regular gold characters. The weekly community challenge is villains and if you use Sorcerer Mickey you get double the collected items needed. At certain points in the event you can unlock this character


The first time Maleficent was available I couldn't unlock her, but now I am on the last level of the community event and the reward is to unlock her again. If you finish the event you have three Maleficents which combined turn into a level 2 character.*

*Ok so I took a break from writing this entry to finish off that last stage and well


that was fun.


Injustice 2 Mobile – iOS


I haven't been playing at all, with the exception of logging in, doing the required work to unlock shards for Aquaman, and saving enough gems to unlock more shards for various characters. I have one four star character that I am building up (currently at level 40) but other than that, there is really nothing exciting that I am doing with this game. I'm not playing the arena right now and story mode because burnout.


Marvel Puzzle Quest – iOS/Android


I jumped back into this game because I'm in a match three mode and I'm really enjoying it. I unlocked a couple of folks from Agents of SHIELD and since I started reading comics I know who some of the characters are.


Alright Pixlpeeps, it is time for me to find some breakfast. Have a good one!


That's all for now, more later!





Matt Snee Staff Writer

08/03/2017 at 12:40 PM

maybe it's the field of view on Firewatch? I've been playing games on a TV on my desk, and it's a bit big, and I get a bit dizzy sometimes when I turn the camera around. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

08/03/2017 at 12:42 PM

it's strange how some games just don't mix with our minds. I couldn't play RE7 on VR cause it made me sick for hours afterward, and Joaquim was telling me once he got sick playing that game "The Witness" because the colors were too much.  


08/07/2017 at 12:07 PM

Yeah its weird how some games can affect you. For me its the FP games in general probably because I tend to move the camera around too fast. I was getting better at it when I constantly played FPS but I haven't played one in a bit and I guess I just need to get back to trying to get use to it. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/03/2017 at 01:48 PM

I've never had an issue with FPS and still eed to play FW. Wonder how VR would go.

Does 2k have same free agents as currently in real life or for the end of last season? Or are free agents 100% fictional?


08/07/2017 at 12:10 PM

I think I would be the same way with VR games. 

In 2K it goes by the player's real life contract. Once that ends then the team usually tries to re-sign big name players before they hit the free agent market. In the current season I am in there are a lot of soon to be free agents and hopefully some of them hit the free agent market. 


08/05/2017 at 01:10 AM

I want to play Firewatch. I listen to an Idle Thumbs podcast with, I think, people who worked on the game. 


08/07/2017 at 12:10 PM

So far its a good game. It's different and I'd like to play more of it. 

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