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Quick Hits: Friday Funday!

On 08/04/2017 at 02:01 PM by goaztecs

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Well hello Friday, and hello Pixlpeeps! I am ready for the weekend but first I want to add my ramblings to the world wide web, throw in some pictures, and maybe read your blogs today. Things are a bit slow around here and I may be partly to blame because I haven't been sticking with my usual Monday-Friday posts. New Month means I get my behind back on track and get this going. So with that let's get started with Quick Hits.


Chris Watches...

Big Brother – CBS

So before Tuesday I was enjoying this show. Sure there were a couple of houseguests that I didn't like (one man baby is easily on top of that list) but after following the events of Tuesday via Twitter, and then catching some of the feeds I no longer respect the people of the house, including the person I was rooting for, Christmas.


She has a book!

Anyways there is a divide between Cody and Jessica, and the rest of the house. Cody's social game isn't that great, and since he is in a showmance with Jessica she sticks with him. Well she teased that she had some power where both of them were safe during eviction night and the ring leader of the other side, Paul decided to put them up anyways. Well after in good faith the other side decided to not honor an agreement, Cody/Jessica did the same and all hell broke loose. The majority of the house decided that it was going to annoying Cody/Jessica that day by yelling at them and starting arguments. This is where is started to get ugly: Christmas wanted to get their man-baby to start questioning Cody's military service in hopes that he snaps and hits the man-baby, and the house was good with this. This goes on for a good while, and Cody/Jessica do their best to ignore it, and went to the backyard. The rest of the house followed and continued their vile all the time while CBS kept their cameras rolling. Finally the BB Voice told them to stop after the couple threatened to just walk out of the show.

It is amazing how in a time where everything is so PC and people throw the word Bully around we have a show that let this happen, houseguests who cry about being the victim yet go full mob mentality on a couple that one guy doesn't like because they don't listen to his BS and pulling all the strings in the house. On Wednesday CBS teased it and last night they showed a heavily edited version that did show how horrible Paul and Christmas are. Up until that fight I liked the show, I didn't care for Cody/Jessica but after that event I have respect for them and I legit hate the rest of the house minus Kevin. They are horrible people. Who thinks questioning a former solider about their service is a good idea? I don't care how much of an A-hole he is, you don't know what he has done during his service. He went overseas to do a job and probably saw some horrible things. If he acts like an A-hole in the house, attack him on his game play, don't talk to him, but try and instigate a fight is freaking childish. These are people who say that they won't let emotion get in the way of their game yet are playing on pure emotion. It's buzzword time: CBS could have used this as a teachable moment, airing the fight unedited, and then instead of having an eviction night, have a discussion with the entire house, and then punish them by putting the entire house on slop for a week. Even MTV draws the line on bad behavior and kicks people off the show, CBS not so much. I've stopped watching the live feeds and the After Dark show on Pop. I'll tune into the regular showing but just to see who's gets put on the block. Other than that I hope when each member of that mob leaves the house they get booed especially their ringleader.


Last Chance U – Netflix

Oh this show is back and they are still following East Mississippi Junior College, and their quest to win a National Title. What I like about this show is that they follow a handful of players, some who played on D1 college teams that left because of behavioral problems and are looking for a chance to get their lives in order to get back into D1 football. Show also gives the viewers a glimpse of what the coaching staff thinks, how the academic adviser tries to keep the team eligible, and the day to day lives of the kids. It is an interesting show and other than House of Cards this is my go to on Netflix.


Chris Reads...

Ok so a couple of weeks ago I wrote that I read the 2016 Invincible Iron Man line of comics and I was puzzled why it felt so out of order, well it turns out I was supposed to read a number of different books in a particular order so I can get the full Civil War II storyline. So thanks to my favorite person, Google (yes he's a person to me), I found a site (COMICBOOKHERALD) where the creator laid out the order in which to read the books and get the story. I added all the required books to my tablet and I was ready to go. The crazy part was that while roaming around Barnes & Noble I found the who storyline in one book (I have no idea what those collections are called, help me out Comic Book folks) but it was $50 which was a little steep for me. 

Anyways I decided that I was going to start over, and re-read the section of Invincible Iron Man and then continue on into the storyline. To be honest I haven't touched my Android tablet in a week to do some reading but that will change this weekend.


Chris Listens To...A Special Edition, Ooooooh fancy!

Ok so instead of telling you good people how many tracks I have left on iTunes (2,440ish) that have zero plays, I thought I would tell you about my latest crazy idea. 

A year or two ago I bought a little 11 inch laptop for $100 that I was going to use as my travel laptop. Well instead I've used it as a Kodi box, and WWE streamer to the living room TV. Well after my trip a couple of weeks ago I thought about using the little laptop as my travel laptop. See I like my everyday laptop but it does get heavy and I do worry about it when I put it in my camera bag and stick it under the seat or in the overhead bin on an airplane. The little laptop is supposed to be the one that takes the abuse, be home to my media, copy files from my camera to a hard drive, and weigh as much as an iPad. Since I was doing all of this I also figured it would be nice to have a dedicated portable music player I can use with this laptop without having to use my phone. I figure especially on cruises that if I brought this music player with me, I could have all the features of my phone without the worry if someone stealing it or I lose it, I'm not SOL. After spending a couple of days (a week) looking for something that fits my needs I finally went with this, the Coolpad Canvas which is a steal at $50


I thought a prepaid phone would be the perfect media player because it gives me a connection to the Google Play Store, it talks to my laptop, connects to WiFi, and if I needed to I could buy a Sim Card and an international plan before heading off, and I have a phone I can bring around without worrying about it being damaged/lost/or stolen. Here is the Best Buy Site so you can see all the specs and reviews.


Here is my travel laptop and phone/mp3 combo. For my laptop I am using Musicbee as my music manager and on my phone I am now using the full version of the GoneMAD Music Player from the Android Store ($4 for the unlocker) The only problem I originally had was getting the Musicbee to find it but after checking a box it was good to go. I just need to figure out how to move my playlists over from Musicbee to the GoneMAD player.

I'll probably do a mini review of it next week. After I finish writing this I am going to continue adding my CDs to the travel laptop in MP3s.




From BundleStars I bought some stuff


I bought the first game through a Humble Bundle and this sequel went on sale a couple of days later so for $8 I now have a copy.

I bought a Dollar bundle


This is the bundle I bought for Gunnheim. Everything else will be a bonus.

I think this bundle was $2.99



CDs from the mom & pop


More Zydeco for my library!

09 08 10  

Everything else is for one or two songs per CD. Debbie Deb's When I Hear Music was played at every dance I went to in high school.



The local Walmart got a ton of the new Lamborghini 8 car set, and the only car I wanted was the one from my childhood


I'm opening one to put next to the Batmobiles and the other two are going with the rest of my cars. These aren't collector's editions or anything special, but it was one of my favorite cars growing up.

The second set of Hot Wheels I found at Target


I finally found Dom's Ice Charger from the recent Fast and Furious.


Alright Pixlpeeps I am off to spend the start of my weekend ripping CDs. Sound like fun? Anyways have a good weekend!


That's all for now, more later!



For this week's song you too can listen to the song that was played at every dance I went to in high school. Have a good weekend!



Super Step Contributing Writer

08/04/2017 at 03:28 PM

I still haven't checked if there is a way to get my music back from iTunes. Last time I checked my account, all the stuff i had ripped was gone! 


When a celebrity I like has a book: awesome; just goes to show you there's more to them than people give them credit for

Celebrity I don't like: pfft; guess they'll let anyone write a book these days; or their ghost writer more likely! What is this heathen doing in the land of the enlightened?! Be thy gone, Oh Snookish one of Jersey! 


08/07/2017 at 12:17 PM

If you purchased it through iTunes go to Account > View Your Account > Sign In > Purchase History and everything you bought should be there. If its music you ripped you have to go to the folder that you designated as your music folder and anything you ripped should be there. 

I think the only person who's book I was excited and waited for was Adam Carolla because I knew it was going to be more of his rants and stories. The bonus is that is audiobooks are a little different than the print versions because he throws in new stuff.

Who knew Snooki had a book. Also why does Snooki have a book? 

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/07/2017 at 01:01 PM

Ill try the folder thung, thanks! I know it has my bought music, but I have 1000 times more I ripped and some CDs got scratched.

Corey Taylor has a few books I'd like to read l. I actually read the comic book he did to accompany House of Gold and Bones recently.

Snooki's book came out a while back and I remember discussing with a colleague that her book was a bestseller, yet Kindle lets you have lots of classics for free. More for me, I guess.


08/09/2017 at 12:32 PM

It's amazing what is offered for free on Kindle. If you use Reddit check out r/freebooks, they always post what's free on Kindle. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

08/05/2017 at 12:05 AM

that comic book site sounds cool. I get confused about Grant Morrisson's batman comics, they're all over the place and Amazon doesn't really say the order.  THanks for the link!

I would totally drive that lamborghini.  :)


08/07/2017 at 12:18 PM

No worries. I still on the first part so hopefully the list they have is accurate and the story makes sense.

Love the Countach. It was such an odd shaped car that was cool. 


08/05/2017 at 12:56 AM

Hot hot hot wheels!


08/07/2017 at 12:20 PM

They are a fun hobby just as long as I don't take it seriously like the resell guy who camps out at Walmart/Target/Toys R Us/Dollar Tree. 


08/07/2017 at 08:48 PM

Resellers. Ugh. Not a fan of that. 

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