Well made it to the Switch really.
I'm really loving it so far. I'm also really enjoying Zelda now that I don't blow myself up (as frequently).
I picked up a 64 GB Micro SD card for it. That should hold me unti l can find a 200 GB + at a reasonable price. I plan on going mostly physical.
I love the fact that is has a USB C charging port. My Nexus 6P uses the same port so I can charge the Switch with my phone charger and I don't have to place it in the dock all the time.
After much deliberation I wound up with Zelda as my first physical game and it is brilliant. I love climbin up high on the plateau and finding previously unexplored areas. I've completed two shrines already and I'm on my way to the third. Having a little trouble with the cold while trying to get over the mountain but I'll manage eventually.
I went through two full charges yesterday. I stopped when I realized I'd forgotten how to use the bows. Of course I remembered as soon as I shut down the Switch.
For my first digital game I bought I am Setsuna. It's on sale right now. I have it on my PS4 but it was fun to play it out on the front porch yesterday.
I've been switching (see what I did there) back and forth between TV and portable mode and I love the simplicity of it. I find that I'm prone to use the joy cons on their own rather than put them in the holster. I may invest in a pro controller but they are so expensive right now.
Of course having a Switch now has put FF 12 and Crash on hold for a bit. I have also drifted away from Persona 5. I got to the final leg of the third dungeon then stopped.
I'll probably get MK 8 next or Splatoon 2 and I'm looking forward to Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade 2.