"When I was a gamer we didn't care about pseudo intellectual bullshit and political correctness!"
I watched the Dark-Shadows movie recently and it was great! It wasn’t 100% accurate to the show but it was close enough. Barnabas’s struggle to adapt to the 70’s was hilarious and it got me thinking about how the landscape for gaming has changed since the 80’s and 90’s. Akin to Barnabas I often feel misplaced and confused by some of the trends I see in my favorite past time.
The most difficult change is how games have become a sort of jumping board for pseudo intellectuals, elitists, and gamers trying to prove their moral superiority over other gamers. Yes, there’s more pea-coking now then there was in my time. Back then we played games just to have fun, bub! Can you dig it? (Warriors reference!)
Things in gaming that perplex old Benabis! (See what I did there?)

The scorn against anything Japanese
When I started gaming Japan was top dog. With games such as FF 4, FF6, Chrono Trigger, Parasite Eve, Xeno gears, King Of Fighters, Wild Arms, Phantasy Star, Lunar, Star Ocean 2, Street Fighter, and Dark-stalkers it’s easy to surmise why Japan had such a strong influence on my life.
This isn’t to say I couldn’t appreciate games from America & Europe too. I was “in like flint” when it came to Diablo 2, Ultima, Knights Of The Old Republic, Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines, Warcraft 3, Neverwinter Knights, Witcher, Fallout 1 & 2, Jade empire, and even Dungeon-lords! (I realize many people had problems with the last game I listed but for some reason I took a real shine to it.)
Yet over the last decade I have noticed a propaganda campaign to “diss Japan”. Almost every big wig game journalist from the west was guilty of this and they tried doing it from every angle!
Japanese games & anime as “immoral”

This generation we’ve seen an increasing need to be politically correct. There have been whole articles slandering certain Japanese games as “rape culture” and “pedophilia”. The problem is the examples given are usually ridiculously harmless akin to Arcana Hearts 3, Lollipop Chainsaw, or Hyper Dimension Neptunia. Aka, games that have a little moe and a little fan service but nothing that usually is about full blown sex or full blown rape.
We all know anime and manga has a darker under-belly but because said genres are varied it would be a disservice to only focus on the bad without acknowledging the good as well.
Yes, you can find things akin to Bible Black and Return Of The Over-fiend then again you can also find stuff like Secret World of Arietty and Grave of the fireflies.
It seems many game journalists today were forced to watch the hentai equivalent of “two girls 1 cup” and told to form their lasting impression of Japanese culture and entertainment from that one bad experience alone.
I would also argue not all hentai is in fact “terrible” but with the western mindset of “cartoons & games are for kids” and “sex is worse than violence” I don’t know how far I could get before feeling as if I’m shouting to a wall!
The point is, why should I have to feel ashamed for liking Japanese stuff? Blare that noise in someone else’s face, please!
Japanese games as inferior

There’s no doubt western gaming has made leaps of improvement. I was someone blown away by Dragon age origins and I was rather impressed the first time I played Gears Of War 2. Heck, lately I’ve even sunk a few hours into The Old Republic. (And yes, I love it. Never thought I’d say that about an mmorpg!)
What I hate though is when some elitist asshole tries to come along to tell me Western games are superior to Eastern games. This would perhaps work on me if both sides of the equator hadn’t in fact suffered from a bit of stagnation this generation. For every cutesy cliché J-rpg we must endure there’s another shooter being pumped out by EA to appeal to today’s “Boo-yah,Hurr!” demographic! (One by the name of Fuse that was actually changed to be more brown, grey, and serious on account that’s what EVERYONE wants, right? Sorry, at least for me Over-strike‘s original trailer looked more fun!)
Frankly, The West hasn’t done anything to set themselves above Japan or South Korea in my eyes. We have our stupid stereotypes, lackluster repetitive franchises, and problems with corporate bullshit just like everyone else. Perhaps that high horse we think we are on is actually a donkey!
(Oh, and for the record I’m not always fond of hardcore Japanese elitists either! If a game is good people should acknowledge that and not care where it comes from! However,everyone is a little bias so what can we really do to correct basic human nature?)
Check your privelage!

I swear when the next privileged white male or privileged white female who went to college and took a class in sociology asks me politely to “check my privelage” I’m going hit them in the face with an iron gauntlet!
Have you noticed the people talking about “male white privelage” are usually upper middle class hipster suburbanites who have no idea how poor people actually live?
I know this is a shocker guys, but there’s a large percentage of poor white people. I know it’s mind blowing but try to stay with me here, okay?
Look, I walk everywhere. I don’t have a car. I make around $700.00 a month. I’ve been judged negatively for being low income and looking low income. I live in an apartment with substandard features. I’ve actually been homeless. I've been frisked by cops when wearing my trenchcoat. Before you ask me to “check my privelage” how about you get to know me first?
“Check your privelage" is an ad hominem. It makes a blanket statement about a whole group of people without acknowledging people are in fact unique individuals. By the way, why the heck is this even coming up on “gaming sites”?! I really cannot be bothered to give a fuck!
Going to college doesn’t necessarily make someone “worldly”. A degree is just a piece of paper that hangs on the wall!
Objectification everywhere

Yes, gaming is a big conspiracy to subjugate women. Every time Aya Brea loses more clothes or Jade does a pole dance with her weapon of choice another little girl is being whipped in a sex slave work shop! I would actually care if that were the case but “sexy fantasies” have more or less been in our entertainment since cave drawings! Keep into perspective I put fantasies in parenthesis on account no “real people” are hurt within a book, movie, or videogame. If you’re going to crusade for human rights please try to help living human beings. I know it’s more difficult to entrench yourselves into areas where “real rape” and “real female oppression” happen on a daily basis but those are the places that desperately need your attention, activists!
All that out of the way, I shouldn’t have to apologize for being a biological male. When I meet females in real life I’m polite and respectful. I don’t grope them in public or make lewd advances. When I’m online I treat females with the same courtesy and the only time I’d ever act frisky is in a chatroom where singles are looking for other singles. (Yes, I have a shameful history of online role-playing that got erotic & naughty now and again! I promise all key strokes were consensual!)
However, I have ogled over the ladies in Mortal Kombat. I have ogled over the anime school girls in High School Of The Dead on account they looked more like busty college co-eds. I have ogled at Cammy in Street Fighter and have ogled at many of the female characters in Dynasty Warriors and Warriors Of Orochi 3! That doesn’t mean I’m going to rape somebody or keep kidnapped women in my basement. (Um, I don’t have a basement anyway)
I realize why females sometimes feel the pressure of unrealistic expectations. For the record, I don’t expect “real women” to look exactly like celebrities, anime babes,comic book heroines, or videogame vixens. Yup, sigh in relief ladies! By the time most guys are in their 30’s akin to myself they have no more ridiculous delusional check lists of “the perfect woman” ala Weird Science. Being frank, looks fade. Most guys end up wanting a woman who brings something more to the table. Yes, we’re still governed by laws of attraction but in many cases a gorgeous woman with a bitchy personality is more undesirable than a nice woman with a cute face and minor love handles!
Lastly, guys feel it too. I don’t have the wealth,chiseled cheek bones,or rock hard body of Bruce Wayne. I don’t have the lightning reflexes or perfect good ol boy smile of Nathan Drake. I don’t have a presence that demands fear, respect, and sexual magnetism akin to Kratos nor am I in a position to save the world like Commander Shepherd. Don’t even get me started on Chris Redfield’s arm muscles!
All I’m saying is the sword cuts both ways. Besides, should we compare ourselves to “fantastical fictional depictions” anyway? Talk about being constantly disappointed! Deep down I think we all enjoy attractive and powerful characters when we need an escape from reality. As such, why is there whining over it?
Boothbabe and cosplay hate

To this day I remember Jessica Chobot’s blog about cosplay girls “looking like sluts”. The irony shouldn’t be lost on you once you realize Jessica got a lot of attention for licking her psp and dressing in sexy cosplay herself. There was also the incident where Jessica Nigri was initially turned away from a certain event on account her Juliet Starling costume was “too revealing”. Lastly Nixie Pixel was rudely insulted by certain Linux nerds for showing cleavage and not being “PC” enough.
Honestly, this kind of treatment is unfair to women as a whole. Females shouldn’t be ashamed of their bodies. There’s also no rule stating “sexy women” cannot also be nerds, gamers, and geeks.
Likewise if guys cannot control themselves and be cordial around beautiful women flaunting a bit of chest & buttocks I fear we are not as “civilized” as we originally thought!