I'll bet your Super Mario Maker levels are superb!
I loved to play with cars when I was little too. Now that I'm an adult, I don't really get it. But my parents tell me stories about how I would line up my cars for hours....
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![]() On 08/10/2017 at 10:38 PM by Cary Woodham ![]() See More From This User » |
Actually half of these reviews are of toys, not video games. But this is the slow time for game releases, so that’s why. Anyway, here is a recent batch of reviews I’ve written over at Please click on the links and read as many as you can, and maybe even post a comment or like or two. I’d really appreciate it.
LEGO Dimensions Wonder Woman Fun Pack
I’m really not sure why WB Games sent me this Wonder Woman pack. The press release said it was because of the success of the movie, but the Wonder Woman pack is not new. In fact, it came out at the same time as the regular game in 2015! And I don’t think they’re reissuing it or re-releasing it or anything. I almost think they just had a bunch of leftover review copies of it, and just decided to send it out to help promote the movie. Or maybe they do this stuff all the time, and I only recently see it since my relationship with their PR agency is pretty strong now. But who knows? Doesn’t matter really because if they send me something, I’ll review it anyway. The pack comes with Wonder Woman and her invisible jet, which you’ll just have to click on the link to see!
As for the Wonder Woman movie, I thought it was pretty good. Probably the best movie I saw this summer, maybe. I liked the time period it was set in, there were a lot of strong female characters, especially in the beginning, and I thought it was cool when Wonder Woman picked up a tank. I guess I’m just easily amused. I really don’t know much about Wonder Woman though. Only other thing I know are vague memories of the Wonder Woman TV show from the 1970’s. And the only main thing I remember about that was she would spin around and around to turn into Wonder Woman. I bet there were a lot of dizzy little girls in the 1970’s!
So Nintendo finally released the last three amiibo that were DLC characters in Smash Bros. They did these a little different and did two of each one, with the second having alternate outfits (or genders). Corrin is from Fire Emblem so I really can’t tell you much about that. The second amiibo is a female version. I really wish they would’ve picked another Final Fantasy character other than Cloud (like my favorite Terra), but as much as I hate to admit it, Cloud is the most representative of the series. His alternate outfit is from one of the other games, like Crisis Core, but I’m not sure. Bayonetta was a good action game, but I stopped playing it because it got a little too violent for my tastes. Plus I didn’t like the fact that you fought angels. Just didn’t sit right with me. As much as I don’t like how Nintendo is re-releasing Wii U games on the Switch, I do kind of wish they’d do that with Smash Bros. because I never did get all the DLC characters for that one.
Another amiibo article I wrote, this time of three different Link figures. One from Majora’s Mask, one from Twilight Princess, and one from Skyward Sword. The thing I didn’t like about these is that each were exclusive figures from certain stores. The Player Two Smash amiibo figures were like that, too. Just makes them harder to get. Luckily a dear relative was able to get me the Best Buy ones, but the others I had to import, and I didn’t like having to pay a little more money for them. But I have a complete set of all amiibo figures, so I can’t stop now! Ha ha!
Pac-Man Funko Pop Vinyl Figures
I don’t collect Funko Pop figures (amiibo is enough for me), but when I learned they had Pac-Man ones, I had to get them. Once I got them all, I posted pics of them because I had an interesting story on how I got most of them. I won a good majority of them with tickets I got by playing arcade games! I do have some other Funko Pop figures I didn’t post in this article, though. I have Cammy and She-Hulk because they were half off. I’d like to get the Mega Man ones, too, but we’ll see. Do you have any Funko Pop figures? Let me know which ones in the comments section!
This game takes place after the events of the third movie and everyone is now friendly rivals and just wants to race each other and have fun. So yeah, just a straight up racing game. Fans of the movies will love it as you can race as some pretty crazy characters, including Mack the truck and Guido the forklift! There are lots of different modes, too. Just a good racing game the whole family can enjoy.
I have a lot of friends who are into professional wrestling, but I’ve never been able to get into it myself. The physical prowess of these athletes is admirable, but it’s just not my cup of tea. But every once in a while I’ll look into the sport again just to see what it is my friends like about it. Unfortunately, this time I made the mistake of doing that with an endless clicker, and you know how I feel about those! Maybe some of you wrestling fans can help me out. In the comments section, pick out one male and one female professional wrestler that you think I’d like.
Micro Machines: World Series (PS4)
When I was a little kid, I loved to play with cars. Hot Wheels and Matchbox were the main lines back then. Later on, though, a new contender gained popularity: Micro Machines. But by then I was a little too old to ‘play cars.’ But I do remember renting the NES game. Well now the series is back. It would’ve been a better game if it wasn’t so multiplayer focused. I wish it had more single player modes. I do like some of the classic nods to the original game, and apparently since Hasbro has the license to the Micro Machines line, they shoehorned some of their other products into the game, too, like NERF and Hungry, Hungry Hippos!
Pauli’s Adventure Island (iPad)
And finally, this game has nothing to do with Hudson’s Adventure Island. Even though I think this game was made in another country, you’d think with the Internet they would’ve realized there was another popular 2-D platformer series with the same name. Well I guess not. Anyway, in this one you play as two little bunnies hopping and bopping in an uninspired 2-D platformer romp. And since it has touch screen controls, it’s not as responsive. Plus I think I could make better levels in Super Mario Maker (and I have).
And that’s all for now! Thanks for reading and commenting on my reviews. I really appreciate it! Later! --Cary
Thanks for reading and commenting!
My Mario Maker levels were all right. I liked my amiibo museum stage, my arcade memories stage, and my replicas of Fire Man and Bubble Man's stages from Mega Man.
Playing with cars is still fun, you just can't relaly do that as an adult anymore. But if you have kids around who like to play with cars, then it's OK. :)
A lot of games are compatible with any amiibo, but you'll just a generic goodie. Like you could scan the Bayonetta amiibo into Breath of the Wild and get some random items, or you could scan it into Hey PIkmin and get about 10 Sparklium. But yeah, it's really designed just for Smash Bros.
Although I read that if you scan the Bayonetta in the new Kirby game, you'll be able to play as her. Just joking! I just made up that last part to see if you were paying attention! :)
Olimar, Pikmin, Shovel Knight, Chibi-Robo, Ganondorf, Bowser, and two from Skylanders Superchargers that are listed on Nintendo's website as amiibos but won't be read by my UPC reader - Turbo Charge Donkey Kong and Hammer Slam Bowser. Wait. . . I just read you can twist the base to make it readable. Weird. I'll have to try that. So far only Olimar and Pikmin have unlocked more than 10 sparklium in Hey! Pikmin.
Well, the first two, Olimar and the Pikmin amiibo will work and give you a statue. Now, is your Bowser statue from the Smash Bros. series or the Mario series? If it's from the Mario series then it'll give you a statue in the game, too. The rest are not compatible. The amiibo figures that will give you statues in the Hey! Pikmin game are any of the ones from the Mario series, most of the Splatoon series, and ALL of the Animal Crossing series. And the Pikmin and Olimar ones, too. I'm actually about to start writing an article about the amiibo compatibility in Hey! Pikmin that'll post at GamerDad at the end of the month
For a fleeting moment I thoght about acquiring more amiibo just to get Sparklium. Then I stopped myself.
I noticed that by reusing the pikmin amiibo I unlocked some areas that gave me the statues for the other amiibo. I got Luigi the other day. I like getting those.