Momodora is amazing! Try Hollow Knight, you'll love it!
I also like refunct. It's a relaxing game.
Titanfall 2 was surprisingly enjoyable.
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![]() On 08/12/2017 at 07:14 AM by Halochief90 ![]() See More From This User » |
Hello everyone, I'm back again. I've played a lot of games since I last blogged, so I'll try and keep my impressions as short as possible. I also decided to split it into two blogs.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
The single-player of this one was pretty similar to that of Human Revolution, with a much worse story. Ironically though, it was the much derided Breach mode that I loved the most about this game. It was a really arcadey, fun take on the Deus Ex formula. Managed to beat almost all the levels without ever touching the micro-transaction portion of it.
Titanfall 2
The single-player of this game was surprisingly memorable. It felt like a mix between Half-Life and Mirror's Edge, instead of the typical Call of Duty campaign I was expecting. The multiplayer of this was mostly pretty similar to Titanfall 1, so I didn't play that much.
Phantom Dust
Love this game. Put over 70 hours into the single-player and multiplayer. I also got all the achievements. Really addicting arena combat. Amazing for a free game. It's too bad the multiplayer community has died as of recently.
Momodora: Revierie Under the Moonlight
Finished this one in a day, but it was a very memorable day. I love Metroidvania's, and this game scratched that itch very well.
Halo Wars 2
I'm loving the consistent monthly DLC coming out for this game (which included two new missions and a Leader last month). Definitely makes the season pass worth the price.
I think I bought this game for $1.50. It was worth that price at least. A fun, 3D puzzle platformer... it just only gave me a few hours of enjoyment.
Final Fantasy XV: Episode Prompto
Though much better than the last piece of DLC, thanks to having some open-world elements, it still amplifies the biggest problems of the main game. Namely, the combat, linearity, and janky setpieces. Kind of wish I didn't buy the Season Pass, as these DLCs are lowering my opinion of the main game.
Mighty No. 9
I was desperate for something like Mega Man, so I caved and bought this much maligned game. Though it's not quite as bad as the mediocre review aggregate would have me believe, it's still not very good. It takes a lot of risks with the Mega Man formula and pretty much fails at all of them. Though it can be quite fun in certain sections of the game.
See you in Part 2.
Titanfall 2 is the only FPS game I've beaten without cheating (I put Wolfenstein New Order on very easy to get it over with, cause I lost interest in everything but the story about midway through it). That one was really fun to me. I still feel the mech fights were based partly on luck, though. Some of it was learning patterns, but I definitely think there were times I won or lost based more on the luck of the draw.
I played a weird Japanese demo of Phantom Dust way back when. Instantly fell in love with the game. I didn't have the cash (nor Xbox Live) back then to buy the game, but I'm glad I got to fully experience the single-player and multiplayer today. It holds up very well, I think.
I keep saying that I need to get into Titanfall 2 but I just haven't got around to picking up a copy. Eventually I'll get to it.
I've been playing a little bit of Mighty No. 9, it's not bad but a lot of it feels like its the same old stuff of get to section, beat bad guy, do it all over again until you hit the boss.
Titanfall 2 is worth waiting for. Its price is dropping like a rock.
My problem with Mighty No. 9 isn't that its more of the same (afterall, that's what I was looking for), but the things it tries to do differently fail completely. The bosses for instance are completely different from Mega Man; they rely more on trying to beat the boss as fast as possible than memorizing patterns. And they just weren't fun that way.