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Exit Musings: Prey

On 08/27/2017 at 03:52 PM by transmet2033

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A couple peices of housekeeping.  Firstly, it has been too long and I apologize for that.  I wish I could guarantee that I will be back, but I cannot.  Life keeps getting the way.  So, what brings me back?  Prey, and the fact taht I want to talk about it with more than just my brother.

I started up Prey at the beginning of July.  My first trophy ping was 2 July 2017.  Since then, I have played through it 3 times to completion and am currently working through a fourth playthrough.  I have logged nearly 60 hours with the game over those 4 playthroughs.  This obsession that I have with Prey is beyond compare...  I can think of only a couple of examples where a game has taken hold of me and has not let go.  Metroid Fusion and Wolfenstein:  The New Order are the only two that immediately come to mind.  I played through Metroid Fusion a dozen times back to back to back years ago, trying to shave off minutes from my time.  I was obsessed...  I was obsessed with Wolfenstein in a different way.  I wanted to be a completionist and get 100% completion, along with the Platinum trophy.   Combine both obsessions and you will understand where I am at with Prey.  I want to speedrun it, but I also want to obtain the Platinum trophy.

There are two videogame series that I talk about non-stop, Bioshock and Metroid.  If one were to look back on my old blogs, they would probably find that half of my content has been devoted to these two series.(I am aware that I am exagerating for effect)  I don't necessarily want to go back and rehash all of the things that i love about both of those series, so I won't.  Why am I bring them up when talking about Prey?  Well, Prey is the beautiful child of both of those series.  

The setting, atmosphere, main character, story, missions, gameplay...  everything about Prey could be in both Metroid and Bioshock, and vice-versa.  If somebody sat me down in front of Prey and told me I was playing a new Metroid game, I would beleive them, and the same is true if they would say Bioshock.

A couple months ago, the NWP crew asked what our favorite game developers of all-time were.  Without hestating, I said Arkane.  At that point, the only game that I had played from them was Dishonored.  I had not played Dishonored 2, and Prey had yet to come out.  In the interim, I have played through Dishonored 2, and it was phenomenal.  Now I cannot stop playing Prey.   Whatever their next game is, I cannot wait.




08/27/2017 at 04:34 PM

I definitely hope to play Prey at some point. I really like Metroid and BioShock as well. At the moment I'm getting readyt to start Yakuza Kiwami (never tried this series before) and then Destiny 2 and then Samus Returns, so I'll be busy for a while.


08/27/2017 at 05:02 PM

I cannot wait for Samus Returns.  This week I have been starting to come to the realization that I may end up playing Destiny 2.  By the end of the First full year, I had bounced on Destiny, but loved the 150+ hours that i had spent with it.


08/27/2017 at 05:48 PM

Destiny got markedly better with the Taken King at year two (and I enjoyed year one), so it's too bad you stopped playing when you did. Destiny 2 looks really good!

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/27/2017 at 08:27 PM

I just got through the Medical Pavillion and entered the Bathysphere again in Bioshock 1 ... for the first time. #10yearslate


08/28/2017 at 07:06 AM

never too late


08/27/2017 at 10:01 PM

I played a few hours of Prey and liked it but I didn't get enough time to really know it. I'll pick it up again not on a rental. 


08/31/2017 at 05:39 PM

I still wanna play Prey and Dishonored 2, I havent yet but hopefully Ill be able to get them at some point. 

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