I cannot believe how crazy this year has been.
July and August Round Up and the months to come
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![]() On 08/31/2017 at 10:47 AM by FAF101 ![]() See More From This User » |
Man life does get busy sometimes! Sorry for not replying to comments from my June blog - it's been awhile since I have had time to just sit down and breathe.
July was a little bit of a crazy month with running around and just dealing with life and getting the streaming schedule set and just navigating my way through that. I did finally complete Suikoden 2 for the first time! I was very excited about that and then I started up Suikoden 3 in August. July wrapped up with August coming around the corner and being just as crazy and stressful.
During July not only did I play Suikoden 2 I also played Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild on my boyfriend's Switch. I am hooked on the game and I need to get back into it. I only need one more Guardian under my control but right now I have been on a shrine completion quest followed by a side question completion quest haha. Right now though I had to wait because of the release of the Rabbids and Mario Kingdom game that he is currently playing so we'll see! Until then I am occupying myself with other games.
August started off great, I got some time to myself and do what I wanted to do and just chill. Last week I went on vacation to Washington D.C with my boyfriend and his family. It was the most dysfunctional group vacation ever. I was mainly stressed out most of the time and came home more tired not just from all the walking but also just that I live with his family and I have to continue to see them after the vacation. They are great people do not get me wrong, I do love them. I just need a tiny break away from them just to mentally recharge. With today being the last day of August I am happy to get September under way but at the same time, I am just ready for it to be 2018 already.
In August I have been playing a few games besides Suikoden 3 (which I am getting rather far in only 3 more chapters to complete for the characters before I get to Chapter 4!). I have started up Metro 2033 Redux, You Must Build a Boat, Beholder, and Distrust (all on Steam). Just to help keep me occupied since as I stated above the boyfriend is hogging the Switch haha. Cannot wait to get my own this holiday season!
As I previously stated as well September I cannot wait to begin but I can wait at the same time. I have a bridal shower coming up that I am in the wedding party for and then October is the bachelorette party and the wedding. This wedding I am in is just....ugh. The groom is a groomzilla and the bride for once is actually not! It's a very big mess of a wedding and I just cannot wait for it to be over with. Thankfully I am not the maid of honor but I live with her (boyfriend's sister) so it's just been stressful from that aspect. November and December are going to be much calmer but in order to help get myself through the next couple of months, I decided to join a gym! I figured if I can get out of this house as much as possible the better. Now I know I am complaining a lot about living here with my boyfriends family - I reiterate that I love them as people but I cannot live with them much longer. Thankfully 2018 I am moving out and I just need to find a way to keep my stress and sanity and that is getting out of the house as much as possible. I am very thankful though for I would have never gotten the courage to sign up for a gym if I never lived with them. So it has pros and cons to the situation; just like any situation. I think this gym though will be extremely good for me - just looking at the website and testimonials, along with speaking to the staff it feels like they do actually care and want to help you achieve your fitness goals. They also help you customize a workout routine styled for you and your needs in case you have injuries. I am looking forward to going in for my assessment in September.
I am also looking forward to getting my hair recolored! I am going even brighter than before and I can't wait! That happens in October.
I am also excited for December as I may get to go out to Kansas City for work. So that will be a fun adventure to go on if they allow me to work on the project.
So that's about it, nothing else much going on gaming or life wise. Still streaming on my channel and the other channel RetroRPGRevival, trying to keep my sanity in check and keep stress-free until 2018 (fingers crossed).