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A rant about RaiderZ and Capcom

On 04/20/2013 at 11:06 PM by Blake Turner

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 I've been jumping into a lot of free to play MMORPGs at the moment to review them for plus10damage. The first one I'm going to review is Tera, which is actually kind of cool and you should check it out, but before I tried that, I downloaded a game called RaiderZ. Do not, under any circumstances waste your time on this pile of shit.

 When I first jumped into the game, it told me to pick a region. I had two choices, U.S West or U.S. East. Wtf is that? Contrary to popular opinion, America is not the only country in the world. Ok though, that has nothing to do with gameplay, so I shregged it off and continued. When I got to the main menu I was greeted to the worst title music I have ever fucking heard. It sounds like the most generic fantasy music ever, but played loudly, in really bad quality, with like 5 notes on loop. It seriously made me want to go back in time and kick the composers pregnant mother in the stomach. That's assuming this person is actually a sentient being, and not a fucking robot designed by the CIA to torture people.

 Then I got to the character customisation screen. Saying it lacks options is an understatement. This creation screen gives you less options than the nazi's gave holocaust victims. You can choose to be male or female, pick between 10 generic teenage faces, with one old guy who wears make up and has a goatee, You get to choose between retarded emo haricuts or a justin beiber cut if you want to look sensible, and... THATS FUCKING IT! I jumped into the game and was immediately greeted by 6 exact clones of me, AND THEY WERE FUCKING NPCS!!!!!!!

 So... the combat is actually quite fun, as is the gameplay. It plays like Monster Hunter, but a bit less difficult and nuanced. I was actually enjoying it until I lost connection to the server. After 20 minutes of play. I tried again. Got 20 minutes in, lost connection to the server. Left it for a day. Came back. My character had been deleted. I made another one, but this time I couldn't even get into the fucking game. I quit the game and tried again. This character had also been deleted. I jumped onto the forums to seek help. I immediately see about 10 threads about this. In each one, the devs of the game essentially say: this must be your fault. Your pc has a problem. If you can't fix it, play something else. Well fuck you guys. Not only do you put out a broken piece of shit but you also have the nerve to tell me it's my fault? And not only me, but everyone else who is experiencing issues? Who the fuck are you Perfect World, Capcom?

  Ok, so while I'm ranting, fuck capcom. Did you guys read about them blaming outsourcing on the decline in quality in their games? Uh guys, lets look at your outsourced games. DMC: Devil May Cry. Great game. Resident Evil Revelations? Fucking phenomenal game. Dead Rising 2. Really good game. I could go on. Asura's Wrath. A bit short, but still a good experience. Street Fighter IV (Outsourced to dimps, just so you know). Absolutely amazing. You want to know what they made themselves? Resident Evil 6. Fucking atrocious. So will you please tell me capcom why the fuck you are blaming outsourcing, when the only decent game you've made in house recently has been fucking monster hunter? Seems like a huge slap in the face to all the people you hire who actually have talent. And what is their grand scheme to fix this? DLC. Uh, Capcom, isn't that what got you into trouble in the first place?




04/20/2013 at 11:37 PM

To my knowledge the only terrible outsourced capcom game was Operation Raccoon city. (And some people enjoyed it anyway.) Even Dark Void was "decent". I also recall Square/Enix tried to blame Eidos for bad sales because y'know, selling 3 million copies of TombRaider in the first month is so awful,right? (sarcasm)

As much as I love japanese gaming I have just as must piss and vinegar for their collective bullshit as I do for EA's and Activision's collective bullshit.

By the way, I hear God Eater Burst is great for people who love Monster-Hunter. Assuming you have a psp you might want to pick it up, Blake! (And God Eater's sequel will probably come to the Vita at some point.)

MMO wise I'm liking Old Republic. It may not be for everyone but it's working it's magic on me! Thanks for warning me about the pile that is RaiderZ. I'll avoid it like the plague it is!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/20/2013 at 11:43 PM

Selling 3 million copies in the first month and not seeing a return? The next generation is really going to hurt the games industry.

 Japanese publishers need to take some fucking blame. Seriously, even EA can admit then they make a mistake, albeit poorly. It's just a dick move to blame people who are busting their asses to make good games for you.


04/20/2013 at 11:47 PM

A company that makes quality games akin to Sleeping dogs, Hitman Absolution, Deux Ex Human Revolution, and TombRaider likely isn't the problem. If 3 million copies sold in the first month isn't enough to make a decent profit someone at the CEO meetings is blowing a lot of revenue on crack rock parties!

Casey Curran Staff Writer

04/20/2013 at 11:38 PM

Capcom's like a Japanese EA. Especially in regard to DLC. I also won't waste my time on RaiderZ because I didn't even know it existed until now.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/20/2013 at 11:45 PM

Oh yeah. How the mighty have fallen. I remember when Activision and EA were actually good companies, and made great games. I mean Activision made two of my all time favourite games: THPS 3 and Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines. And the first Call of Duty was amazing!


04/21/2013 at 12:13 AM

Capcom are probably axing outsourced development because those games are not seeing the returns they expect. DMC sold 1.2 million but I believe they wanted it to sell 3 million. Resident Evil 6 on the other hand sold 5 million which is very close to expectations. Sadly, money speaks louder than quality.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/21/2013 at 01:22 AM

The poor returns on DMC is a result of gamers being dicks. "Uh, this character has black hair instead of white, lets boycott the game." If you know anyone who had that attitude, rip out their throats because they're fucking dicks.

 The high returns on Resident Evil 6? It's a resident evil game. You could sell the shit out of anything in that franchise no matter what the quality. Unfortunately, you're right though. It's disappointing, because DMC was such a great game.


04/21/2013 at 09:14 PM

 Don't blame the gamers, blame Ninja Theory and Capcom's bad PR.  Some "journalist" tried to reduce people's grievances down to Dante's hair, and he just ended up looking like a shill for the industry.  People didn't buy the game because they don't want an easy, 30ps Devil May Cry game where you can get SSS combos in less than a minute.  NT's arrogance and ignorance in public relations and game design is what doomed the game.

That said, Capcom's track record for in house developed games has been even worse. They're just trying to deflect blame. Dragon's Dogma has been one of their few good games in years.  Dead Rising 2 was a more polished, richer game than the first. Revelations is easily a better RE than 5(which I liked) and 6.  Capcom Japan is too busy trying to figure out ways to milk consumers to concentrate on just making good software.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/22/2013 at 01:44 AM

@ Machocruz Well if they don't want 30fps games they should throw their consoles in the trash because they can't fucking handle it. PC is the only platform that can do modern day graphics at 60 fps, and until the next gen of consoles come in, it's not going to change. I played it on pc, and it was a smooth 60 most of the way through. As for the game being to easy? Play on the harder difficulties. The are about 4 to unlock, and they aren't easy. They vary up enemies, their movesets and so on, so you can't complain that it just makes them damage sponges. And most of the bad pr was down to gamers not liking what the new dante looks like, or saying he was a bad character. As opposed to the walking anime cliche that was the original dante. The new DMC is a fucking great game, it's the shallow fuckwit gamers who can't accept change that are the problem there.

 My biggest problem with this is, as I said before, that capcom are just trying to blame everyone else. It's everybodies fault but theirs. Fuck em.

@ San Andreas: I can see how they thought DMC would sell so well, as it is a well established franchise. Idk wtf they were thinking with Dragon's Dogma though.




04/22/2013 at 03:56 PM

DMC4 on console ran at 60fps, as did Bayonetta, as does Metal Gear Rising.  All the good Japanese action games do. Please don't try to pull that wool down over my eyes. NT made a choice to use engine they did. It didn't pay off, and I'm surprised you of all people would try to pass that off as a valid defense when it is demonstrably false.

As for the greatness of DmC, that's personal opinion.  I find it hard to believe that every single person that didn't buy the game had the same reason for doing so. People can reduce the argument down to hair color and character design all they want, but there is enough evidence out there, in the form of user reviews,videos, and Ninja Theory's very own track record,  that suggests there is more to it than that

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/23/2013 at 09:29 AM

Firstly, sorry, Drunk Blake can be an asshole. Secondly, I should have known that. It annoys me that developers don't seem to think framerate is important. idk why I seemed to think that consoles couldn't do 60 fps... a lot of devs just don't care about it. They want to focus on other areas. I plyed the 60 fps version and loved it, but maybe if I played it on a console I wouldn't as much. I know I hated the shit out of Skyrim because I played it on pc first.


04/25/2013 at 06:19 PM

Crap, I keep ignoring the fact that you played on PC, my bad.  Yeah, console only players got boned. And yeah, it's common for  Japanese action games to run at 60fps on console.


04/21/2013 at 11:14 PM

Whatever they're drinking at those corporate meetings, I want some of it, because it's apparently good stuff. They expected Dragon's Dogma to sell 10 million copies. The only RPGs in history that have achieved that lofty level of sales are Final Fantasy VII, Skyrim, World of Warcraft, and several Pokemon games. I love Dragon Dogma, but no way in hell was it going to sell 10 million units. There was also no way in hell DmC was going to sell 3 million units.


04/21/2013 at 03:41 AM

I'm playing monster hunter on wiiU and it's actually just the wii version with padded on content, so it still counts as one game, that being Monster Hunter 3. They are making Monster Huner Online which was outsourced to China, I just read that and I think I saw Monster Hunter 4 as being a 3DS exclusive? Point being, they are milking the 1 game everyone seems to be playing the most from Capcom these days. They did make Dragon's Dogma though, I'm not sure if it was outsourced or not. 

Yeah, as for free MMOs, I like SWTOR, Lord of the Rings Online and GW2(sub. free anyway) at the moment. Tera? Too many MMOs already.


04/21/2013 at 11:18 PM

Dragon's Dogma was made in-house. It was produced by Capcom staff that had worked on the Japanese DMC games, Monster Hunter, and the Breath of Fire series.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/22/2013 at 01:46 AM

Tera is cool, but really grindy. I'm doing either perfect world or defiance after, and they're both really great.

 To me, Capcom seem like a cross between Nintendo and EA. They keep milking the same old shit over and over, and they have the terrible business practices of EA.


04/21/2013 at 10:01 AM

I've never been one for MMOs but my wife and I have been playing Guild Wars 2 (well, not much this month) and I really like it. And no subscription fee!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/22/2013 at 01:48 AM

Yeah, GW2 is amazing. I really quite liked it. If you like that and want another really good subscription free MMO, check out The Perfect World. The quests are really innovative, putting in adventure game elements and stuff. And the writing is actually really good. Like better than a lot of actual story based single player games...


04/22/2013 at 09:51 AM

The Perfect World is one of those games that came out suddenly and then was gone (from my perspective at least), so I don't know much about it. I'll have to look into it, well, if I ever get through GW2 at least lol


04/21/2013 at 12:17 PM

I'm not really into MMOs, even though thanks to you I want to try Guild Wars 2, but damm, RaiderZ sounds very bad.

Oh and Blake, it's me, Alex, I finally created an account here.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/22/2013 at 01:49 AM

The problem is that RaiderZ gameplay is freaking awesome. It's just everything else that sucks.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/21/2013 at 05:35 PM

Having not owned any of the new consoles, I've never experienced Capcom's DLC dickery, and they used to make a lot of my favorites, so I am pretending none of this ever happened.

All they did was make a bunch of versions of the same damn game over and over again in my mind, and I'm ... ok with that.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/22/2013 at 01:52 AM

The last in-house game Capcom made that I actually liked (apart from monster hunter tri) was on the PS2. Every other game that's been worth playing by them has been outsourced. Honestly, you aren't missing much in the way of capcom games. One of their best studios - Clover Studios, who made Okami and god hand etc - have seperated and become platinum games, and they now make games like bayonetta and vanquish.

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