I don't think it matters. If you love a game enough to want to play it over and over again, it shouldnt matter.
Poll: Branching Dialogue games
On 09/08/2017 at 01:19 PM by Super Step See More From This User » |
So I've played LiS: Before the Storm 4 times now.
The initial run was just that: my first reaction to the game.
The second run, I knew what different choices you could make, but decided to see what everything looked like as Bitch Chloe ... which, to me, is kinda just Chloe being Chloe.
Then I did a Doe run ... making Chloe into a much more morally righteous character in my view ... I knew I wasn't going to stick with this, cause then I'd just be Max.
Then I did a Raven run, where I sorta mixed myself and Chloe together, knowing all the possible threads.
What I would have liked to to is use each of the three save files as a different playthrough and go from there. But now I'm wondering if I should just replay the episode again and leave my decisions from the initial run intact, or leave everything as it is in the Raven run ...
What do you think? Is it better to play a game like this once and leave your decisions be, or should you go back and change things, affecting consequent episodes?