I like reading gaming updates from other bloggers. It makes my hobby seem normal and not a crazy unnatural obsession or whatever. I tend to play portables more than console or PC even then mainly MMOs. I tend to pick at a game over time until I chisel away at it like Michaelangelo.

Fire Emblem Awakening
If you read my blog about this, you know how I feel about it. I find the game to be fighting against me. I've managed to muscle my way through 9 chapters and some side quests and battles, so I must be playing right, but it's just a weird game style that I'm not used to. I suppose this means I'm enjoying it since I do obsess over it enough to keep playing and fighting through. It does feel good when you beat a chapter, not so good when you lose. It's a game. That's what the point is I guess. I think I'm starting to like it though. I like the story and characters and animation, the soundtrack is pretty awesome probably one of the top 10 soundtracks of 2013. It's good.

Etrian Odyssey IV
I put this aside for a bit while I started playing Fire Emblem. I think I'll restart it once I finish Fire Emblem. Good game, but sort of endless compared to Fire Emblem. I imagin I'll be playing for a year or something. That's how these types of games go.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
This is the main reason I haven't been playing anything else for a while. I haven't stopped playing since I put it into the Wii U. Even worse, Nintendo or Capcom patched the game so I can play off screen on the gamepad. Pretty sweet, but now I'm even more obsessed. Imagine Demon Souls or Dark Souls being portable, yeah, try to resist playing it now that it can go anywhere with you, well within short radius of the console unit. Anyway, I haven't obsessed over any game recently like this. It must have been designed by demonic psychologists or Cuthulu gaurds that suck your soul like in Demon's Souls.

Demon's Souls
I started another play through of this game before Monster Hunter arrived, and I'm just 10 hours in which isn't a lot. I just like the atmosphere of this game and the simple design. I will keep picking at it. And F U giant spider that spits flames!

Star Wars The Old Republic
I've been picking at this game since it went free to play and I quite enjoy just logging in and goofing around. I've got a Jedi, Sith, and Imperial Agent setup and I level them up here and there every now and then. I like the univers a lot. Especially since the new update with Hutts was introduced.
Looking Forward

I'm particularly looking forward to getting Animal Crossing New Leaf. This and Luigi's Mansion for 3DS. I've been eyeing The Last Story for Wii and also Assassin's Creed Liberation for VITA. Also the new system update for WiiU that improves interface, yeah I know an interface update? Get with it Nintendo Dammit.

What are you all looking forward too? E3? PS4? Memorial Day?