I never liked the pre-rendered Squeenix backgrounds, even when FFX and such were just released and hot new games.
On the other hand, I think their CG cutscenes still hold up pretty well today.
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![]() On 09/21/2017 at 02:06 PM by Matt Snee ![]() See More From This User » |
First of all, while Squeenix is heralding the HD cut scenes, they're just ok - still beautiful, but not near as detailed as the HD cut scenes of X and XII - which is understandable. Secondly, the backgrounds look a little old, and while FFIX had some of the best pre-rendered backgrounds of the era, they don't translate too well to being blown up in HD, so sometimes they look kinda bad. However, what's really impressive is how good the 3D models of the characters look - and not use the main characters either. I'm seeing new details on characters that were so blurry before, and they really have a cute life to them now. For the main characters especially, they have been given new life, as their faces blink and you can see them in crystal clear detail. It's just too bad they couldn't do much with the pre-rendered backgrounds.
The music sounds good, but I don't know if they touched that. Sounds good to my ears. The battles look and feel great. I guess the way I can best express it is that the game now looks like how it always looked like in my memory - but now it's real. Does that makes sense, kupo?
I love them. When FFX went to 3D is was a shock to my system. I just love the uniqueness of hand painted backgrounds. unfortunately, they haven't aged well. But some of the ones in Square's games and Resident Evil and such are so well done.
the CG cutscenes of FFIX probably hold up better than the other ones of the PSONE era.
I haven't even played it yet on ps4. Though if its similar to the PC version than I won't have any issues. The PC one played nice and I liked how it looked and sounded. I really like the theme they are giving out with the avatars. The art for it so cute and nicely done. I plan to officially start my play through on ps4 soon. I stopped playing the PC one when I didnt have a controller to use anymore. I can't play good or comfortable with mouse and keyboard.
I always really enjoyed IX back in the day. I played the crap out of it. I remember hating VIII and to this day I have never finished it . I got as far as the Lunatic Pandora. So when IX came out and it was advertised as going back to basics I was ecstatic. The characters were terrific. I enjoyed the story (despite the out of nowhere ending and boss), the battle system was just wonderful, and for me it was the last mainstream Final Fantasy I played. I'd like to give 10 or 12 a shot, but I already have too much of a backlog for my nintendo related systems. .