Well i was wondering where you have been, just figured there must be nothing happening in the Metal Gear word lol, and as it would here you are with metal gear lol.
Year Of The Snake update
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![]() On 04/21/2013 at 12:01 PM by GrayHaired ![]() See More From This User » |
*collage and photos courtsey of GH*
Hello my fellow Pixlebitters. It's been a few weeks since I last posted. I've been pretty busy at work and at play! Since my last post I've played and beaten MGS 3 two and one half times. Why one half? I started a game and got half way through it and then decided to start all over, hence the half time.
I first played MGS3 on Very Easy and I was going for the last three trophies I need to Platinum the game. I did not get but one. I watched all the secret cutscene Easter eggs. That's where during certain cutscenes you will see a little Easter Egg. I missed getting all the Kerotans and I missed getting all the plants and animals.
Since I was trying to get all the Kerotans and plants and animals I took my sweet time and it took me
9 hours 34 minutes and 37 seconds.
You can see Plants and animals captured 39 kinds. If Im not mistaken there are 44 plants and animals. So I missed it by 5.
Sadly this save does not carry over to a higher difficluty, so I really wanted to play and beat the game on Normal. I wanted to earn and unlock everything on normal so when I replay it I would have more fun because its a tad bit more challenging.
I started the next game on Normal but I was playing the Japanese version and at half way through the game I decided I wanted to play the American version. So I started all over with the US version.
This time I was not trying for any trophies. I just wanted to get through the game and unlock a few special items that would make my next play through a little easier to get the trophies.
So I played on Normal and beat it in
6 Hours 12 minutes and 58 seconds.
I unlocked the Face paint I wanted that gives you
Infinite Ammo
That will help in my quest for all the plants and animals. Because some of the birds you have to capture I use the Stun Grenade to capture them. Sometimes it takes a lot of grenades to do this because I just throw them in the bushes and grass and hope I stun one that I need.
And here is an animal I caught by mistake while using a stun grenade in a Boss Battle.
Liquid Snake
Now I plan on taking a break from YOTS so I do not finish too soon and I do not get burned out.
I made a few new purchases that I am playing.
SSX and Medal of Honor Warfighter
Both are good games despite having read bad reviews for them. I am enjoying them both.
Now, I'm back to the console to hit a few slopes and knock off a few bad guys.
I'll see you on the Far Side.