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Fall Reviews

On 10/03/2017 at 09:47 PM by Cary Woodham

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Hey folks, sorry that it’s been around two and a half weeks since I posted a blog, but I’m even more sorry that I’ve done two game review list blogs right in a row.  I know that these kinds of blogs can be seen as shameless plugs and that might annoy some of you.  But I really only do these kinds of blogs to share with you what games I’ve been reviewing lately, and post thoughts and background that you might not find in the actual review.  But I also kind of like to alternate so I don’t have too many of these blogs right in a row.  I do have a few blogs like this planned, like a review of the Famicom Classic Edition, characters in Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite (just got that game today), and more.  But the past two weeks I was just too busy to work on them.  I wasn’t really OVERWHELMINGLY busy or anything, but just busy enough that working on those blogs would’ve been more stressful than fun.  And since I don’t get paid to do these blogs, I only do them if they’re fun.  So hopefully I’ll have some more different stuff up soon.  Anyway, here’s another list of games I’ve been reviewing lately at  Please click on the links and read as many as you can, and maybe even post a like or comment or two.  I’d appreciate it!  Thanks!

Windjammers (PS4)

This was originally an arcade game for the NEO GEO and made by the now defunct game company Data East (BurgerTime, Joe & Mac, Karnov, etc.).  And now you can play it on PS4 and Vita as a cross-buy.  In the game, you throw frisbees at each other and try to score goals.  It’s like a cross between Pong and Super Dodge Ball, and it’s incredibly fun.  I highly recommend it.  The folks who did the PR for this game told me they’d have Windjammers cosplayers at PAX handing out wristbands but I didn’t see them there.  Too bad, since I would’ve loved to have seen that!

G.P. the GamerPuppet Unboxes the Sonic Mania Collector’s Edition

The Collector’s Edition of Sonic Mania was very reasonably priced.  I was impressed they were able to include such a huge statue of Sonic and the package was only between 40 and 50 bucks.  Kind of baffles me how SEGA can do that and yet First 4 Figures can charge 200 bucks for their Kirby and Pac-Man figures.  I’m also glad I was able to get this, and yet the NES Classic Edition is still so hard to find.  Sonic Mania is a fun game, as it plays mostly like Sonic 3, which was one of the few Sonic games I actually liked.  But what I don’t like is they only save your game at the first act of every world.  Yeah I know old Sonic games wouldn’t let you save your game at all, and while I like retro gameplay sensibilities, not being able to save your game when you want is something that needs to just go away.  I’m not a kid anymore with tons of time on my hands.  That’s what’s keeping me from playing the game more.

Metroid Amiibo

In honor of the release of Metroid: Samus Returns on 3DS, Nintendo made a couple of Metroid amiibo. One is of Samus and the other is a Metroid.  The cool thing about the Metroid amiibo is that it’s a little squishy and rubbery!  I’ve been playing Samus Returns lately and it’s pretty fun.  Although I prefer sprites over 3-D backgrounds.

Overcooked: Special Edition (Switch)

This is a cooking game where you run around different kitchens cooking food by preparing them at various stations where you chop, cook, and more.  It’s very fun, but nearly impossible to play unless you have multiple players, as it requires a lot of multitasking.  So only get this game if you have lots of friends and family to play games with you.  The gameplay reminds me of something you’d see in an arcade.  Not one arcade game in particular, it just made me think it could be an arcade game.  The folks who published this game is Team 17.  Their logo says they’ve been around for 25 years, but I only just now heard of them this year (they published Yooka-Laylee).  I met with Team 17 at PAX West, though, and that’s how I got to review this game!

Boost Beast (Switch)

So the Switch has a downloadable match-three puzzle game now.  It looks just like something you’d see on a mobile device.  In fact, while looking up screenshots for this game, I saw what looked like ones from a mobile screen.  So it may have been at one point.  It’s not on the App Store anymore, though, I checked.  But then, games get kicked off the App Store all the time.  Anyway, if you want to play a match-three puzzle game without the hassle of free-to-play ads and such, then this is a good way to go.  It kind of reminds me of another game in this genre called Zoo Keeper, as they both use animal heads that you match up.

Bleed (PS4)

This is a unique mix of 2-D platforming and twin stick gun shooting.  You can run and jump in 2-D space but can shoot your guns in any direction.  It’s fun, but the 2-D controls aren’t precise enough and it gets way too hard past the third stage.

Pankapu (PS4)

Another 2-D platformer, this time with hack and slash elements.  It has beautifully drawn characters and backgrounds, but for some reason, I just couldn’t get into this game, and normally these games I can really get into.  Maybe it was the floaty controls or the fact that the platforming wasn’t very interesting.

Super Comboman: Smash Edition (PS4)

And last is yet another 2-D platformer, but this one has beat ‘em up style gameplay.  You’ll want to keep your combos up in this game because that’s how your special powers activate.  My friend reviewed the original game for me about a year or so ago.  I do like the sticker album style graphics, but it gets way too hard after the third level or so.

And that’s all for now!  Thanks for reading and commenting on my reviews.  Hopefully in another week or two I’ll have a blog up about the games on the Famicom Classic Edition!  Later!  --Cary




10/03/2017 at 11:10 PM

I love that metroid amiibo. Really cool. 


Cary Woodham

10/04/2017 at 01:25 PM

Yeah!  It's squishy and it's cool how it looks like it's breaking out of its case!  Thanks for reading!


10/04/2017 at 10:44 PM

It's awesome. I want one. 

Cary Woodham

10/05/2017 at 12:30 AM

It comes in a two-pack with a new Samus amiibo, so you have to get them both right now.


10/05/2017 at 11:36 PM

Samus is cool too. I'll take 'em both. 

Cary Woodham

10/06/2017 at 12:51 AM

They should make a Ridley amiibo next!

Matt Snee Staff Writer

10/04/2017 at 09:14 AM

I like your Gamerdad reviews!

Cary Woodham

10/04/2017 at 01:25 PM

Thanks!  I'm glad you like them!

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