That creepy little girl popping in and out of the game. A creepy hospital. I never finished the game 'cause it was a bit too much a cover-based shooter and I like run-and-gun shooters. It had some nice creepy atmosphere for sure.
Seasonal F.E.A.R.
On 10/29/2017 at 05:45 PM by daftman See More From This User » |
Every year I try to play a scary game in October for Halloween. I don't always make it but I've been playing F.E.A.R. the last two nights. When the opening screens were splashing through before the title screen, I saw that the game has a 2006 copyright. I can't believe it's that old! The 360 had been out only a year and the PS3 was just launching and the game, well, looks like it came from that era. It looks like a really nice PS2 game that got up rezzed for the new consoles. Graphics have come a long way in 11 years! Plus it's mired in the typical grays, browns, and rust of the time. While the shooting is perfectly adequate, it's nothing special. But let me tell you, the sound design hasn't aged a bit. I'm playing with headphones and the use of ambient sounds and creepy music cues really do wonders for creating the atmosphere. So far it hasn't been a very scary game—though there have been a couple of really good jump scares—but it has been quite unsettling. I'm looking forward to see how the story plays out.