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Mario Odyssey Review*Spoilers*

On 11/03/2017 at 02:02 AM by Nicoleb1989

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So I finished the main story for Super Mario Odyssey and well I enjoyed it but its not all its hyped up to be personally. Its a beautiful game, its looks great in both portable and docked gameplay. The kingdoms all for the most part are unique and I loved Lake and Luncheon. They both spoke to me on two levels, I love mermaids and food. They got my favorites as kingdoms. I'd say my least favorite was the city one. Its just so out of place. It is fun to play, especially through the main story but passed that it literally becomes a chore. So there are 999 Power Moons to collect. If you plan to 100% this game you are in for a long grind and headache. I just think thats over the top and definitely not needed. Hell 9 times out of 10 you find some secret challenge room/area you can bet there are 2 moons to be found.  I just think they got way too moon happy and put in way more then needed. I beat the story with at least 200 moons and I ended with 500 because at that point I was done. Getting to 500 had made my patience run out and not to mention the post game unlocks aren't worth it. There not new kingdoms, there expansions to the final kingdom of the story. I mean they could have done something so much and different but no. I was really hoping for something new and when it popped up I was just....let down. I just grinded 500 for that??? FOR THAT??? The expansions do give more challenges, but I still just don't find getting so many worth that. So needless to say I'm kinda sitting over with a mixture of I enjoyed but it let me down. I know I'm probably alone in this. Everyone I see post about it just gives it glowing reviews and says how fantastic it is. Its great in some areas but in others its not so great. I have to say Projared pegged it with his review, he gave it 8/10 and I agree. Its a B, its fun, worth a playthrough but not worth grinding moons to the end of time. 

I know this comes off as a rant. It kinda is for me. I'm just pretty frustrated with this game and while thats probably not the best time to write a review I just would rather get it out of the way. I'm not terribly upset of course, just disappointed in certain areas. 

Also my favorite Mario character didnt even make an appearance until you beat the game, my dear Yoshi was shafted to being a creature you can posse with Cappy. how dare they!!! Yoshi shall rule all! 

Any who, 1 more game. One more and my year goal will be reached. What shall I beat next.....



Joaquim Mira Media Manager

11/03/2017 at 05:44 AM

Cappy over Yoshi any day of the week. Way more fun.


11/03/2017 at 08:40 AM

Get off my blog you ruffian! I'll have no such talk here! 

For real, I do like Cappy but Yoshi is and will always be favorite. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

11/03/2017 at 11:59 AM

Crappy the hat!

Joaquim Mira Media Manager

11/03/2017 at 05:21 PM

Hey! Watch your language young man.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

11/03/2017 at 11:58 AM

I love the game... I prefer exploratory mario to down the corridor mario.... But 999+ moons man... that's a little insane. 


11/03/2017 at 12:43 PM

I too love the game. It's all about exploration and discovery for me. My only problems are with the multi-button actions and the parts you can't back out of such as the one yesterday and the Bowser battles.  

The multi-button thing is due to my lack of coordination and messed up reflexes. Yes I know a long jump is run then press Zl then A but while I can do those fine in practice sessions but when the pressure is on I run then try to hit Zl and A at the same time resulting in me ground pounding myself of the side of a cliff or into some poison.

The forced "missions" wouldn't be a problem if I remembered to go into Data Management and copy my save to another slot. It's kind of dumbass method of getting to multiple saves but at least it's there. 

All in all I'm still enjoying myself but as has been mentioned 999 moons is ridiculous. I thought I was doing well at 75 moons but clearly I haven't even scratched the surface.


11/03/2017 at 07:03 PM

I did enjoy the exploration, the kingdoms were fun to explore and like I said I actually loved 2 of the kingdoms. I just feel like its a great game to playthrough the story but passed that it doesn't got much going for it unless you plan to 100% which I just don't have the patience. I figure I'm one of the few who feels this way which is fine. I know I've loved games people didnt like as much or at all so I can be a weird one.

Super Step Contributing Writer

11/03/2017 at 01:57 PM

Honestly, I almost never feel the need to 100% games just to say I did. If it's really fun and I like the reward, I'll do it, but I get bored out of my mind exploring a virtual world with no story after a while. 


11/03/2017 at 07:06 PM

I really don't either, if I can at least beat the main part of the game, I'm pretty much satisfied.  In this case that definitely stands. I'm not 100% it, I just don't have it in me.


11/03/2017 at 09:00 PM

How long did you play? It seems people are beating this game pretty quickly. 


11/03/2017 at 10:42 PM

You can fly through the story in two sittings to be honest. Its maybe 5 to 10 hours depending on how well you do with platformers. It can be extended though by unlocking the post game stuff which includes more challenges. Its a quick game if the story is all you do.


11/04/2017 at 07:41 PM

Wow. How is that with an open world? Is there a lot of territory to explore? I thought there would be. 


11/05/2017 at 01:41 AM

It changes from kingdom to kingdom. Some are large and some are small. I would say there are more smaller kingdoms than huge ones in my opinion. When you go through each one the first time your collecting enough moons to go the next world. You can collect more of course but you only need I'd say 200 to beat the game. Maybe less than that. I would collect quite a few on first run throughs. 


11/05/2017 at 09:22 PM

Multiple kingdoms eh? I had the impression it was one big one. I guess I was wrong. 

Cary Woodham

11/04/2017 at 02:16 AM

I enjoyed the game and I think it's neat how they encouraged exploration and curiosity.  I do agree that it's a bit overhyped, though.  And as far as simply beating the game goes, this is one of the easiest Mario games I've played since Super Mario 3-D Land.  But that's not always a bad thing as it means younger players can have a feeling of accomplishment, and I think that's a good thing.  The post game reward for immediately beating the game was great, but after that, nah, I'm not going to get all those moons!

My favorite parts were the 2-D 8-bit sections.  My favorite kingdoms were the Wooded Kingdom, New Donk City, and the Mushroom Kingdom.  Also, Bowser's new castle was a neat change.

Overall, it's a fun game but it's not going to win any of my Game of the Year awards.  I enjoyed Breath of the Wild and Samus Returns much more.  And right now, I'm actually looking forward to that Animal Crossing mobile game, too.  Yeah, I'm insane.  --Cary


11/05/2017 at 01:44 AM

Same here, it might get a mention but my game of the year of stuff is mostly almost decided and it didnt really change any of it. Waiting till Dec to make sure no late additions need to be added. I guess we are both insane.

Cary Woodham

11/05/2017 at 11:52 AM

I'm going to break the rules a little bit with my Game of the Year, so you'll just have to watch out for it! :)

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