Skyrim is probably one of the best games ever. Still, all these new versions are getting a little old. I really want a Morrowind Remaster. I'd say Oblivion too, but the XBox One X version is enhanced and I'd consider that one.
Beat Mario
On 11/13/2017 at 11:37 AM by Matt Snee See More From This User » |
Well, I beat Mario. It was very enjoyable. I loved exploring Mario Worlds again, and the game is very very clever. That said, I don't have a lot of memories of the game, it's like it was consumed and that was it, leaving nothing. I liken it to eating something very sugary that's very enjoyable but afterwards you're still hungry. It's a great game - but it doesn't quite have the magic of Mario 64, even though it DOES have magic. I loved playing mario levels that weren't corridors, and it felt really fun to peak around corners and explore and find stuff. Sometimes I think though they should take all the cute characters and tell heartfelt stories and make them feel like real beings the way they do in Zelda games. I think if there were more heart, it would be more memorable. But I did love it, and am glad I beat it cause the ending is good and there's some nice surprises when you're done.
I'm called myself a serial "unfinisher" of games, as I beat very few games. It's almost a disease. I like to say they haven't made a game I can't unfinish. But I'd like to start finishing games again, cause it really puts closure on it, and it give you the full experience of the game.
Now I'm excited for Skyrim to come out. I'm also gonna buy the Telltale Batman game for Switch, and Rocket LEague when it comes out. Doom and LA NOIRE can wait.
I've played Skyrim before, but not finished it, and I'm looking forward to exploring it on a handheld while I chill. Very happy about this.
I also played a couple hours of Stellaris on the weekend. I love that game.
Anyway, hope all of you are well!