What about The Flash? I used to watch the TV show all the time whenever I was younger (I believe it was a show in the 80's, I think I was only 3-5 years old but I still remember it). You could also throw around the idea of liking Aquaman as your fifth entry (Please don't).
Cary's Top Five Favorite DC Comics Characters!
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![]() On 04/24/2013 at 05:29 AM by Cary Woodham ![]() See More From This User » |
Well I don’t think I’ll be reviewing Injustice for GamerDad.com after all, but that’s OK. It wasn’t really an anticipated game of mine or anything. Just thought it might be fun to review. So instead of writing a blog about the characters in Injustice, I’m just going to write about my top five favorite DC Comics characters. That is, if I can think of that many. You see, I’m not really big into comic books. The only ones I ever got into were Sam & Max. So this certainly won’t be a very knowledgeable blog. But that’s OK; it’s never stopped me before! I know I can certainly count on some of you folks to fill in any gaps. So let’s get started!
1. Batman
It’s a little surprising that my favorite is one that is so dark. But out of all the DC characters, I know the most about Batman. That’s mainly because when I was in high school in the mid 90’s, I watched a lot of Batman: The Animated Series. Why? Well one, it was a really good cartoon. And two, it came on right after Animaniacs, which I also loved. Actually there’s a cable channel called The Hub that plays both Animaniacs AND the Batman cartoon, so I’m pretty happy about that. So when I watch the Batman movies or play LEGO Batman, I know who most of the characters are! That usually doesn’t happen with super hero games and movies with me. Speaking of which, I thought the last three Batman movies were REALLY good.
Plus Batman is just plain cool. In the newer Justice League cartoons, whenever Batman speaks, everyone listens to him, even though he doesn’t have any super powers. Even his butler, Alfred, is cool. Alfred should get his own comic book. I really like the actor who played Alfred in the last three Batman movies, Michael Caine. He was also Scrooge in The Muppet Christmas Carol. It’s a good thing I’ll never meet the guy, though, because he’d probably be mad that those are my favorite roles of his. Only thing I don’t like about Batman is Robin. I think Robin’s kind of dumb. The only cool thing Robin did was a very small cameo in an Animaniacs skit. All I can say is that I agree with Wakko when he says, “Helllloooo, Pixie!” Ha ha! Just joking!
2. Superman
Actually I’m not a big fan of the Superman storyline and characters. And I think that in the early to mid-90’s when they did the whole ‘Death of Superman’ thing, I think they only reason why they did that was to sell more comic books. No, the reason why I like Superman is because he’s been around so long that he has quite a lot of history and legacy behind him, and it’s sometimes fun to learn little tidbits of things like that. Here are a couple of examples:
Back in the 1940’s, Fleischer Studios’ animation department was most famous for their Popeye cartoons. But another series they did back then was a Superman cartoon, and I have a lot of respect for it. Sure it was pretty hokey and everything, but it was totally different from any other cartoon that was around back then. I think Batman: The Animated Series owes a lot to Fleischer’s Superman cartoons. Take a look at them sometime if you ever get a chance.
I also think some of the products and merchandise associated with Superman is pretty hilarious. Back when I was a little kid, I barely remember seeing some dopey commercials for Superman Peanut Butter. Thanks goodness for YouTube to help me confirm that I’m not crazy and I really didn’t imagine that stuff as a kid. Because that sure does seem like something I would imagine. Here’s a video of one of the old Superman Peanut Butter commercials, take a look at it. Maybe peanut butter is really what gives Superman his powers?
3. Power Girl
Yes I know what you’re thinking and no that’s not why I like this character. Most comic book and video game females are drawn to look attractive so I just kind of ignore that kind of stuff anymore (well, almost). No, the reason why I like Power Girl is because she looks like she’s really tough and strong, and that’s a good thing for a super hero to be. Actually I don’t really know anything about Power Girl at all. But the other reason why I like her is because her name is easy to remember. I think that’s another important trait for a super hero to have: an easy to remember name. Because when you’re in trouble, you want to be able to shout out the right name when yelling for help.
4. Lex Luther’s sidekick from Superman Returns
This is where some of you comic book experts can help me fill in the gaps. Years ago I went to go see Superman Returns. It wasn’t that great a movie, but I enjoyed it anyway because we went to go see it at a drive-in in Alabama when I was visiting relatives there one summer. Yeah you don’t see too many drive-ins anymore. I hadn’t been to one since I was a little kid. Ironically, I think the last time I went to see a drive-in movie before that, it was one of the Superman movies (Superman 2 or 3, can’t remember now). Anyway, it was fun to sit outside in the warm, still summer evening and watch a movie in a different way.
So anyway, in the Superman Returns movie, Lex Luthor had this ditzy lady sidekick who was hilarious. Everything that came out of her mouth was funny. Cute as a button, too. I don’t remember the name of the character, but I know the lady who played her was Parker Posey. You know I must’ve liked her enough to remember the actresses’ name, because I usually don’t do that. In the movie, anytime Superman was flying around saving stuff, I kept wondering what Lex Luthor and his funny sidekick were up to. I just love dumb bad guy sidekicks I guess. If I were a bad guy, I’d like to have a sidekick like her. Of course, I’d be a terrible bad guy and I’d end up doing nice things instead. So yeah, if you comic book fans could please tell me that sidekick’s name and if she really is in the comic books as well, that would be great.
5. ???
Uh oh! You know what? I really couldn’t think of five favorite DC characters after all! I know of other DC characters, but I don’t like them well enough to call them favorites. Wonder Woman? Nah, not really. Teen Titans? Blech! Heck no! Green Lantern? Eh, only thing I liked about him was that Duck Dodgers cartoon that was out a few years ago that spoofed Green Lantern. I watched the live action Green Lantern movie a few years ago, but it was so weird I had no idea what was going on. And is he really weak against the color yellow? That means Pac-Man could defeat him! Better keep him away from bananas, too.
So anyway, in the comments section, it’s up to you to think of a DC character to be my fifth favorite! And while you’re at it, you can tell me your favorites, too! Later! --Cary
PS: Who won the HarmoKnight contest? I haven't heard anything, so I'm assuming it wasn't me. Oh well.