So 1986 should be Metroid, since without that game all you Super Metroid lovers wouldn't exist
A "Brief" Look Back at Chrono Crossing
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![]() On 11/21/2017 at 04:35 PM by transmet2033 ![]() See More From This User » |
I have been wanting to talk videogames for the past week. I have not spent enough time with Breath of the Wild to talk about that game. I also have not had the proper inspiration to talk about anything else. All that has changed, and hopefully I will be able to use my newfound ideas before I lose them.
As, some of you may know, the NWP Crew have been traveling back across the years with their listeners, reminiscing about our favorite games of each year. The next episode concludes our journey back to 1985. Today, I want to look back and hopefully give Julian the one thing he's wanted, words.
I have a list that I filled out back in May of 2016 with my picks for all of Chrono Crossing. The only problem is that I have not updated it with any changes I made during the run of Chrono Crossing. This is the list that I will be referring back to today... I still can't believe that I screwed up the release of Descent.
2016 - Since we started in the middle of 2016, we never covered it. DIshonored 2 would have been my pick. Between this game, the original, and 2017s Prey, Arkane has quickly become one of my favorite studios. There is just something about the immersive-sim that speaks to me.
2015 - Bloodborne. I never got into the Dark Souls games, they were always a little slow for me. Bloodborne on the other hand took hold of me and did not let go. Some of my best memories was talking about the game with other players. In fact, I remember Julian not knowing where to go, and somehow I knew exactly where he was in the game and where he needed to go.
2014 - Wolfenstein: The New Order. I believe that this came to be my first Platinum Trophy. There are very few games these days that I restart immediately after the credits roll... let alone play a third time.
2011 - The Witcher 2. I actually put down Bulletstorm for my pick, but the reality is that The Witcher 2 was my favorite game. I played Witcher 2 after the Mass Effect games. The choices and consequences in The Witcher 2 made Mass Effect look likes child's play. They made your choices mean something, and more importantly, they did a better job in 1 game as opposed to 3.
2010 - Metro 2033(I had picked Bioshock 2, but have already talked about that game ad naseum) Metro 2033 is one of the most flawed games I have played, but it is a masterclass of atmosphere and storytelling(just like a lot of my favorite games)
2006 - Resistance: Fall of Man. This was the first game that I picked up when I got a PS3 because Insomniac developed it. It was a little too grey and brown, but I am a sucker for alternate time-lines and the inventiveness of Insomniac's weapons. I am sure that this game would be a challenge to revisit.
1997 - Symphony of the Night. With my love of Simon's Quest and Super Metroid, this game was a dream come true. Plus, there were 6 more Castlevania games in this style that I love.
1995 - Chrono Trigger. Before I learned the evils of emulation, somebody showed me Chrono Trigger. I immediately fell in love, but was unable to get very far due to a glitch in my emulator. I was so happy when I learned of a DS release years later.
1994 - Super Metroid. A perfect game, that requires revisiting on a yearly basis. If it weren't for this game, all those Prime lovers wouldn't exist.
1992 - A Link to the Past. I say that Metroid is my favorite series of all time, but this is my all-time favorite game of all time. I also try to revisit this game on a yearly basis.
1985 - Super Mario Bros. Like so many others, without this game, my love of games would not exist. It was the first game I ever remember playing.
That's all I have for now.