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Quick Hits: Black Friday Recap

On 11/24/2017 at 03:53 PM by goaztecs

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Pixlpeeps, Happy Friday! This is my favorite time of year because this is the one day I can justify eating a steak and a slice of pumpkin pie covered in whipped cream for breakfast and people think its normal. This is good times and after I finish writing an update here I will go back to eating something crazy. Anyways last night my cousin and I decided to venture out an hour after stores that opened because we wanted to avoid the crazy folks who go nuts over deals over TVs, computers, and other high ticket items. Instead of those items I wanted some small stuff and I knew there would be mountains of this stuff so we could take our time, avoid the rush, find some cool stuff, and calmly stroll out of the store without any issue. So this is my kinda recap of what I call Dark Gray Thursday Night!


Stop 1: Walmart

Walmart was still crazy an hour after they opened. Since we no longer have the local Target, Walmart is the only big box store by my neighborhood so there were a ton of people. Walmart lines up the section in the grocery store where the freezer cases are with boxes of DVDs/Blu-ray's/ and games. The games had a couple of Walmart Associates standing around watching and making sure people are not stealing. A couple of teens had a pile of blue cases which means Christmas is going to be awesome at their house. I went to look around that section and well my game wasn't there. I was bummed but it wasn't a deal breaker. While looking I found some stuff but more on that later.


Stop 2: Toys R Us

TRU wasn't as busy but there were quite a few folks roaming around the electronics section. I thought this was kind of odd considering their weekly ad didn't have prices. We found some stuff


Stop 3: Walmart Part II

He forgot to check on an item we saw in the ad. It wasn't there. Place was still going crazy. I checked out the toys section and WOW, this is where the action was. Tons of folks looking around picking up stuff, aisles full of displays that are usually in the main walkways, and the giant Hot Wheels dump bin was moved to the cars aisle. I found a car I wanted but I didn't want to wait in line. Congrats whoever found that car! 


Stop 4: GameStop

Since the stores are small it was packed but everyone was in line. They had two associates with tablets on the floor, while two folks worked the registers. You walk in, they ask you what you're there for, they check their inventory and if they have it you get in line to buy it and your item will be waiting for you up front. I didn't find anything there because I wasn't going to wait in the line and the game I wanted was an impulse buy.


That was my night. Nothing too crazy but it was interesting to see what was going on and here's the stuff I bought



So at Walmart's temporary game section they ran out of copies of Injustice 2 (apparently this was a big deal because GameStop also ran out) but they had a half dozen behind the glass in the electronic section. After waiting for maybe 5-10 minutes the poor guy working the floor got around to getting the game from the case. Checkout was a breeze because nobody in the electronic section knew their cashiers were open and I paid for my stuff in a couple of minutes.


I found Titanfall 2 at Toys R Us. It was in the display of value priced games next to their game case and it was behind a couple of PS3 games. It is a steal at $6 because I was ready to break down and buy it for $15 for the Deluxe Edition on Origin. I really don't like Origin but I was going to look past that and get the game.



I didn't buy any Blu-ray's but I did find the DVD set I wanted for $10


Supergirl Season 2. Surprisingly there were only a couple of copies left. I copy the discs to my media drive so I can watch them when I am traveling.


Hot Wheels

In the dump bin at Toys R Us they added more items and I found these vehicles


I finally found the Justice League Batmobile, and two of the 50 Years of Hot Wheels Milanos. I'm going to open one up now that I have three of them.

So I spent $26 on games, $10 on the DVD set, and $2 and change for the Hot Wheels. Under $40 bucks and I found stuff I wanted. Not a bad deal. Later on today I will install Titanfall 2 but I need to uninstall a game from my PS4 to free up some space.


Bonus: My aunt brought me a hoodie from her school


I'm digging it.


So did any of you folks venture out last night, earlier today? Any cool finds?


Alright Pixlpeeps I am off, have a good weekend!


That's all for now, more later!





11/24/2017 at 06:25 PM

Why would anyone think that having steak and pumpkin pie for breakfast is not normal?


12/04/2017 at 11:38 AM

It's because I had a mountain of whip cream covering the pie that got me the odd looks. 


11/24/2017 at 10:38 PM

I went to Target right about midnight but they were closing. I seem to remember they were open all night last year, but maybe I'm wrong and I just went earlier last time. Oh well, I wanted to wander around and see what the prices for things were. Just as well I didn't buy anything though.


12/04/2017 at 11:41 AM

I think they were open all night last year, and I think they were this year, at least around here. I didn't even hit Target this year because I didn't want to drive the 20 minutes just to buy a $10 movie when I could get the same thing down the street at Walmart. 


12/04/2017 at 10:51 PM

I watched that Redskins/Cowboys game to the end. So I got there too late. Oh well. 

Cary Woodham

11/25/2017 at 12:10 PM

I didn't do any Black Friday shopping this year.  Nothing really enticed me.  I got a really good deal last year, though.  A PS4 for 200 bucks.

I work retail on Black Friday.  Luckily this year I worked in the afternoon, though it was still crazy.  Last year I worked the morning, though.  But, I dunno.  Maybe there's something wrong with me, but I don't really mind working Black Friday that much.  Sure you're a bit busier but you're getting to help out customers pick out gifts, and there's happy Christmas music in the background, so it's not too bad.  I sitll don't like my job that much, but at least I try to make the best of the situation.


12/04/2017 at 11:43 AM

Man I feel bad for you retail folks because people go nuts during Black Friday. The Walmart was crazy, but at least there were no fights. Good thing you had the afternoon when (hopefully) all the crazy folks were at home sleeping. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

11/26/2017 at 07:36 AM

damn dude, you got more courage than me. I don't like crowds and big stores. Could price for Titanfall 2 though! 

How many goddamn Hot Wheels Batmobiles are there??????


12/04/2017 at 11:47 AM

Yeah it was full but if you don't have a cart, and are looking to buy something huge, it's a piece of cake navagating the store. The only thing that took time was waiting/looking for an employee who could open the game case. 

I think this week I'll install Titanfall 2. 

I think there are 5 and I have three. The other two are impossible to find around here (reseller guy) and they might be in a shorter run for all I know. I have them from previous years but they have a new color so of course I "need" the new version Tongue Out

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