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An Injustice 2 Weekend, And Nobody Knows Martha

On 11/27/2017 at 12:37 PM by goaztecs

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 You know Monday is usually tough but after a four day break, it’s really rough to get everything going. I think I’ll get the hang of it come Wednesday. During that holiday break I was going to make some last minute progress in some games right before my Chris Goes All Awards Show blog but instead I played a ton of one game and that game is Injustice 2.


Injustice 2 - PS4

Yep the days of button mashing, cursing, and slowly trying to learn some moves so my combos aren’t always punch, punch, kick, sweep leg, upper cut, repeat. My original motive to purchase this game was to unlock stuff in Injustice 2 Mobile


You get a bonus for playing both

and I wanted to continue the story of Superman vs. Batman from the original game (no talk of Martha in this time line). Surprising that the install and update was quick on this game, but I really didn’t take it for a spin until the next day. After getting acquainted with the dashboard and syncing to my mobile game it was time to tackle the story mode. I knew some of this story already from playing the mobile game and the stages look familiar but the mechanics are fun and I kind of remember some of the moves from the first game. The story seems a lot shorter with more action compared to the original and to make things much more interesting they throw in Supergirl and you get a little taste of Kara’s story. I finished this mode in a couple of days, and usually this is where I would quit playing this game, but the addition of the Multiverse, and being able to upgrade your super heroes is keeping me hooked on this game.

After every match you unlock some goodies. Usually its some in game currency, and every so often its gear in the form of different tier blind boxes. This is stuff from the mobile game so I’m used to this, but also there are shaders that I think are kind of useless because they are cosmetic but overall kind of fun. Certain gear can only be equipped if the character reaches a certain level, and the only way to level them up is to use them in matches. So far my favorite is Blue Beetle because he is a more mobile character and I can use a couple of moves from memory. I’m not a fan of the big slower characters like Gorilla Grood, and a couple of characters you would think I would like using because they are mobile like Poison Ivy and Supergirl. I have problems with them because I can’t get their moves to work. I need more practice with both.

So far I love this game because I constantly want to upgrade characters. I will wait on getting the everything version for PC because I will most likely play more of it on the laptop than I do on the console but so far this game is a lot of fun and I will probably jump back on later to continue playing through the other match combos I didn’t use in story mode, and play some Multiverse.


In other console games, I finished another season of NCAA Football and I created a different save and for this season I’ve decided to try Arizona State as an Independent. I like playing in the Pac 12 but it was getting stale playing the same conference games so why not mix it up? I can schedule some of the top teams in the nation, as well as a couple of teams I can boost my stats on (sorry Conference USA)


Injustice 2 Mobile - iOS

Still playing this game, and when I play this game, I unlock a gear box in the console game. In the mobile game I earn 25 gems and a couple of replay chips. If I keep this pace up, I can earn a character box every week just by logging into both games. As for the actual game I am close to upgrading The Flash and unlocking some fancy Batman, but Batman is going to take a bit more time.


Disney Emoji Blitz - iOS

The Coco event took place last week where each puzzle had a different requirement that involved using as much of the DEB stable as possible. After I unlocked the main characters I stopped playing this event and went back to trying to get to Level 100 so I can unlock a special Emoji Blitz character.


Here are the characters. The Gold Boxes were sketchy at first because the first five boxes I bought were all of the Dante character. Eventually I got all of them leveled up so it was all good but a little frustrating when the game serves you a steady diet of one character instead of getting one of each right away.

There was also another offer yesterday to play as much as you wanted for a number of gems


This is an easy way to kill off your phone’s battery. I thought about it, but that is just way too much DEB to play in one sitting.


Animal Crossing - iOS

It was released last week and I thought I would try it, and well it’s not for me. I don’t have the patience to play another game where I have to build up my little area because it takes a lot of time. As of right now I barely even play The Simpsons Tapped Out, which I have been playing for years. Anyways I tried it and I uninstalled it. It’s just not for me.


Puzzle Fighter - iOS

This is another game that was released last week and I do love the series but this game feels kind of slow.


I played a couple of online matches after unlocking Ryu, Chun-Li, and some random guy. I upgraded them and then proceeded to get my lunch handed to me online but its still fun and by the end of my gaming session I managed to start handing out the pain!



I forgot to share this during my Black Friday Recap. On a trip to Toys R Us before Thanksgiving while looking at the Hot Wheels I stopped by the Lego section to see if they had any new Polybags and I spot this on the shelf


Like I said in my Instagram Post, I have a new crew for my Lego Millennium Falcon. It’s a shame this was the last one on the shelf because I would have bought two, and kept one sealed.


This morning while looking through the App Store on my iPad I spot this


I kind of want to own this so I can play it during trips but the header has me worried that I won’t get the most of the game because I have an older iPad. I’ll have to look it up later on to see what exactly am I missing. The best thing is that the In-App Purchases are all freebies like HD Texture Pack, and car packs. 


Alright Pixlpeeps, I am off! Have a good week!


That’s all for now, more later!






Matt Snee Staff Writer

11/27/2017 at 12:55 PM

That NASA set is killer. So cool they did that. Girls like lego too, man!

I've heard INjustice 2 is pretty good. Chris Yarger told me he got it on his Black Friday haul. I'd love to check it out myself, seems like it has a robust single player offering for people who don't want to play online. 


11/29/2017 at 11:45 AM

Yeah its a cool set and the best part is, the Lego community voted on it. Lego has this feature where people can upload a picture of their proposed Lego set and people vote. If it gets enough votes Lego takes a look and determines if they can create this set. 

I really dig Injustice just for the upgrading. This morning I loaded up the game, played a couple of matches because I wanted some new stuff, and I unlocked some gems in the mobile game. The creators improved on the original and made both mobile and console games enjoyable and worth playing every day. 

Cary Woodham

11/28/2017 at 12:38 AM

I just got a new iPad so now I can play Anmal Crossing: Pocket Camp.  I need to download Puzzle Fighter now, too.  


11/29/2017 at 11:46 AM

I need to play more of Puzzle Fighter before I determine if it lives on the iPad or its time to uninstall it. 


11/28/2017 at 10:05 PM

I really want to play Injustice 2 even though I'm not a fighting game fan. I just want to mess around with the characters and upgrade stuff. 

Women in NASA set is cool. I'd get it for my neice but she's probably too old for it now. Teenagers. Maybe she's a big nerd though. I just don't know. 


11/29/2017 at 11:48 AM

Injustice 2 is really good. If you're still on the fence I'd say wait a bit until the set with all the DLC is released. 

Teens are at an age where they either try to be adults or are just big kids. It's a cool gift but you should ask if she's into that stuff.

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