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27 days...

On 04/24/2013 at 03:17 PM by transmet2033

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It is finally happening...  in 27 days.  Microsoft is going to be announcing the next generation on may 21st.  With all of the rumours swirling around, I am still somewhat optimistic about the next xbox.  It is quite possible that they have been sowing the seeds of doubt to lower our expectations.  That way when they announce the console, they will exceed our expectations.  

At this point, I just want the truth.  I want to know whether or not I should be excited for Halo 5.  On the bright side, the witcher 3 will be multiplatform. 




04/24/2013 at 03:41 PM

While I will be getting the PS4 I do hope everything pans out well for the next gen xbox. My lil sister and boyfriend will both prolly be buying that system and Id like for them to be happy with it as well as see a bunch of my pixlbit buddies happy too. I know May 21st cant get here any quicker for ppl to know.

*ill be excited once it gets here because that means Im only 18 days away from getting my Animal Crossing 3DS bundle ^_^*


04/24/2013 at 04:00 PM

Animal crossing has to be far more exciting than a console announcement.  Sadly I have never played any of those games.


04/24/2013 at 03:50 PM

May 21 will make a lot of people very happy or very angry. We'll just have to wait and see...


04/24/2013 at 04:02 PM

I wonder why they pushed it off so far?   Especially with E3 going to be a couple of weeks later.  Why not announce it now, and then let the excitement settle down, and blow everybody away again with games at e3...


04/24/2013 at 04:22 PM

I don't know what seeds they are sowing,but I'm sowing the "seeds of love" just like in the song. I have faith they will do something good for us all. Do right by your loyal customers and they will make you rich. So good to hear that a date has been announced. I was getting antsy about it. 


04/24/2013 at 04:32 PM

and sometimes doing wrong my your loyal customers can still make you filthy rich.


04/24/2013 at 04:27 PM

I do kinda think Orth was paid just to bum us out. Aka, after we've been flamed and told to "deal with it" when it comes to a console that needs online to function, "anything" will seem like a god-send by comparison. All microsoft has to say is "Seriously, our console doesn't need an online connection. Adam was on crack!" to get a resounding round of applause.

Still, I'm sure they will find more clever and subtle ways to rape our wallets. lol. I'm still excited though. Call me a glutton for punishment.


04/24/2013 at 04:34 PM

As I think about it, i am nearly always online with my current xbox.  I like the option of not having to be connected, but if I am already there does it matter?


04/24/2013 at 04:37 PM

I still like choices. And wouldn't it be a hassle when you suddenly lose your internet connection? That does happen. Pretty much during that time your new console would be nothing more than a cup holder!


04/24/2013 at 04:40 PM

true, at the same time...  I see it as a potential opportunity to dust off the older consoles.


04/24/2013 at 04:43 PM

That's a good point though not everyone has that luxury. Besides, what happens when the "Next Box" is no longer supported because MS has moved to the next big thing? Unlike a playstation 2 or a nes it would not be able to function anymore. Wouldn't you feel ripped off at that point? I know I would. There's nothing wrong with building things to last.


04/24/2013 at 04:46 PM

good point.  I had pushed that from my mind.  i just would like to know whether or not the always-online is true.  That makes being excited so much easier.


04/24/2013 at 04:49 PM

I'm actually rather confident microsoft wouldn't be foolish enough to move to online only functionality. Adam Orth was probably just blowing smoke! lol.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/24/2013 at 05:57 PM

Yeah, I'm anxious to see where especially this always-online business ends up, as well as pricing for the new consoles.


04/24/2013 at 07:22 PM

I'll be watching the press conference but Microsoft will need to do a lot of convincing for me to pay nearly double for a console with barely anything exclusive I'd want. My feeling is that they aren't changing anything. That's how they roll. 

They try that condescending attitude on me and I'll shut the browser off.


04/25/2013 at 02:10 PM

I need more exclusives than just halo.  gears of war does not do it for me and neither does forza.  


04/24/2013 at 08:02 PM

Microsoft is going to have to do something of Megaton proportions in order to impress me this time. That would probably include announcing a whole pile of JRPGs that are actually good and not available on any other system.

I'm sure that will happen at the same time a flock of pigs flies over my house.


04/25/2013 at 02:11 PM

since i am a grinder, i prefer my jrpgs on handhelds, but i wouldnt mind some on a console.


04/25/2013 at 08:23 PM

I think I agree with you to tell the truth. Since the DS and the PSP I've played more JRPGs on handheld than ever before. In fact with the 3DS I'm now playing my RPGs in handheld mode more than ever.


04/24/2013 at 08:25 PM

Well inside source tells me it will be blue ray compatible and no it wont be online only and thats about all i got now keep in mind this is from a beta tester and may or may not be factual. but with all said it would be ludacris to asume xbox would go xbox live only and im going to leave it at that, i did get the anouncement for may 21 @ 10 am they will make the anouncement then I guess we will find out and see whether or not im getting a 720 or a ps4 lol.


04/25/2013 at 02:04 PM

After hearing so many different things, from so many different sources I am unsure as to what to believe.  Microsoft would be a fool not to use blu-ray discs... and it would be foolish to go always-online. 


04/24/2013 at 10:23 PM

I probably wont buy it but Im am very much interested in seeing it and reading about it. Very curious indeed.


04/25/2013 at 02:01 PM

unless I recall, ground zeroes is the only reason you would have to go onto the next generation.  And that has to be the greatest game ever in order for you to even contemplate.


04/25/2013 at 08:24 PM

That's the thing about apes, they are very curious creatures. LOL


04/25/2013 at 12:53 AM

I'll be milking the back log on my PS3 for quite a while so I'm not really excited, but maybe curious of the next round of consoles. Have not played any of the Witcher games but read an article about #3 and it sounds like a true next gen game. That I am excited about. I prefer to wait and see who does what and what games and developers go where. Not overly loyal to any particular console, I just go with who has the games I want to play. That said, I'm not a fan of Xbox or Microsoft so they would really have to impress me.


04/25/2013 at 02:14 PM

I will agree, not really loyal to a specific console.  I just want the best games.

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