This is more then likely a more updates then a buys one because I havent bought a whole lot since Injustices release. I actually have only bought one game and preordered a few things so ya. PS4 wise Sony is still being quiet as a mouse and only one new game as been added to the list for it. Its an RPG called Lord of the Fallen. Thats all I know about it right now but with the name and the genre its gonna be in, Im gonna keep my out for info for it. I know pretty much now tyhough that E3 is most likely when a huge chunk of games will be announced and I cant help but feel thats when the consoles design will be revealed as well as when it can pre ordered. This as also prolly been passed around a lot by now but Microsoft plans to unveil the next gen Xbox on May 21st. Im happy the date is set so the rumors can finally be put to rest whether true or false. On another note Im also back to keeping up with Nintendo stuff because on June 9th I shall have a 3DS again. Im quite excited for that since I was missing a lot of the games I had had at one time. I also watched the Nintendo Direct and some of what they anounnced def as me interested like Animal Crossing, Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, and Yoshi's Island 3D. I have played games from all 3 series so Im quite excited for them. The one im most excited for though.....Animal Crossing!!!! I bet ya didnt see that one coming...okay maybe you did.
In a small personal update, I found me a nerdy/gamer guy finally! I thought he maybe got hit by a bus or something but clearly not. He shares a love for video games like I do so Im quite happy. I got positive feelings about this relationship which is a shock because since my last one I have felt nothing but negative and dread about them.So lets hope for the best for me!

I did buy Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen and so far Im happy with my purchase. It seems to run more smooth and not to mention while I havent nessacerly tryed it yet, there is suppose to be a fast travel system in it. Im now hopeing with this released they will finally work on the sequel to it. That what I had originally wanted but Ill settle for a improved first game for now. My first character is starting out as a Strider/Ranger type. Where it goes from there I will not know.
While Dragons Dogma is the only thing I have purchased other then Injustice Gods Among Us I have made several pre orders since my last pre order blog and Ill jsut throw them in this one.

Yes, If you read my Soo Much Win blog then you know I was severally excited for this bundle and that I was gonna go pre order it. I did and I figured out if I pay around 53.45 out of each pay check before the date for it gets here Ill have it paid off 2 days before it releases. I might jsut request off for that day too so that I know Ill be able to go get it. Im super excited to have a 3DS again and if there is any games you think I should grab for it, please share!

I pre ordered this the night I went to get Injustice. I also preordered a second game but Ill talk about that in a second. Dynasty Warriors 8 if you havent heard has been announced to be released in the US on July 16th. It will have English voices and will have both a retail and download verison. Im quite excited for this, I was worried we might not get it over here but its coming! Ill prolly write a hype blog for this in just a few more weeks.

Ive been keeping an eye on this game, Atlus is involved in it and I trust them pretty well. They gave me Code Of Princess and Odin Sphere. I decided to throw 5 on it, I dont see them doing any special editions to it. The characters do look kind of funny but I dont doubt it will be a good game. Im personally gonna play as the Sorceress the most but Ill give the other characters a try as well in time.
Im glad Im getting a bit of a break in May because come June things are really gonna start picking up from there in the game release world. Not to mention I got to build my 3DS collection some once I get it.