I'm excited to try any Ninja Theory game, flaws or no. I had a similar issue with a puzzle in Fable II. It required waiting a certain amount of time for an answer from a demon door. You had no idea that was required though. It drove me nuts.
Hellblade is Helheim
On 12/30/2017 at 12:56 AM by Super Step See More From This User » |
I just finished Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice and holy Hela, it was an ordeal. I honestly feel drained, as if I really was with Senua down in Helheim. I paused the documentary feature that comes with the game to come here and type some comments, and it's interesting having some of my story suspicions confirmed or fleshed out a bit more clearly by that.
This game was DARK, but also beautiful at times, both visually and narratively. However, the light puzzles got really annoying. The combat felt simple, yet cheap, at times. Once I got used to combat, it was fun and immersive, but the puzzles ... ocassionaly felt rewarding, at one point could only be solved by standing just so far away from a door (it's a small bug I expect many people may not have run into, but still annoying), and always involved my least favorite thing to do when it comes to 3D video game puzzles: looking around trying to find shit.
I'll give Ninja Theory credit though, in that this game felt a lot more substantial than what its inital $30 price tage (I bought it on sale for less) and relatively short run time would have you believe. To boot, I'm fairly certain there's another trophy I didn't get by beating it involving finding runes that allude to Norse mythology. Maybe that's not it, but I seem to have gotten every other trophy just by beating the story, so I'd imagine so.
I'd recommend it if you're interested for the presentation alone, but be aware that the puzzles can be a bit fetch questy and the combat isn't going to satiate anyone's deep combat itch. It's still an experience I found grueling, but in a good way; like watching a challenging movie you probably wouldn't want to watch again.
I think this Gameranx review is pretty close to representing my thoughts: