Super Beat Sports might be interesting. I was wondering what Harmonix was doing lately.
New Years Reviews
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![]() On 01/01/2018 at 02:12 AM by Cary Woodham ![]() See More From This User » |
Happy New Year! Let’s start it right with more games I’ve been reviewing at! Please click on the links and read as many as you can and maybe even post a like or comment or two. I’d appreciate it. Thanks!
River City: Rival Showdown (Switch)
There’s a popular video game character in Japan named Kunio who has been fighting the good fight for about 30 years now! Kunio is a high school student who is hot-blooded and gets in a lot of fights, but he has a good heart. He mostly stars in a lot of beat-em up games, but also is very athletic and competes in sports titles as well. Many of Kunio’s games have made it to the US, with some graphical and name changes, of course. Some of these include the very first Kunio game, called Renegade in the West. Some of his sports titles that have been brought over here are Super Dodge Ball, World Cup Soccer, and Crash N the Boyz Street Challenge. Even the Double Dragon games have ties to Kunio. But perhaps his most famous game in the US is the NES classic River City Ransom. Over the past year or so, Natsume has brought over some of the more recent Kunio games to the 3DS in the US, and the newest is River City: Rival Showdown. I don’t like it as much as last year’s River City: Tokyo Rumble because of some gameplay changes, but you’ll just have to read the review to find out what they are!
Steven Universe: Dreamland Arcade (iPad)
Steven Universe is a popular show on Cartoon Network and many of my brothers are fans of it. In this game, Steven falls asleep at his favorite arcade and dreams of playing arcade games based on his friends from the show. Most free-to-play mobile titles are happy just having one game, but this one has nine! That’s pretty good. Unfortunately, none of the games on here are very remarkable. But you can read about all the games in my review.
Steven Universe: Save the Light (PS4)
Another Steven Universe game. What’s weird is that this game is actually a sequel to a pretty fun mobile game I reviewed a couple of years ago called Attack the Light. You usually don’t see a sequel to a mobile game on a console! The sequel plays a bit like Paper Mario. When I reviewed the first game, I watched a few episodes of the cartoon so I knew who was who. I tried to do that with this game, too, but Cartoon Network sure makes it hard to see that show anymore since it seems all they air now is Teen Titans GO! Blech! So I had no idea who all the new characters were.
This is a music game with a sports theme featuring cute alien characters. It looks like something that could’ve been on the GameCube or Wii, but that’s not a bad thing, as it has a ‘neo-retro’ vibe to it. The game was also made by Harmonix, by the way.
What do you know? Another music game with the words Super Beat in the title. This one’s more traditional and has nothing but overseas techno junk. Plus the placement of the Switch buttons and joystick made it hard for me to play this one.
I got some more amiibo figures to show off, this time it’s two more characters from Fire Emblem. I think they released these to coincide with Fire Emblem Warriors. Since I don’t really play or know much about Fire Emblem, the only thing I can say is that the figures are nice and detailed like most amiibo figures are, and the girl figure has cool green hair. And that’s all I know!
Poi: Explorer Edition (Switch)
Aside from the sharper visuals, this game is kind of a throwback to 3-D platformers that you could find on N64 and PSOne. Looks exactly like one otherwise. If you miss those gaming days, you might want to check this one out, but it didn’t hold my interest for long thanks to the slightly wonky controls and hit detection, and the fact that you get knocked back so far after being hit.
The Next Penelope: Race to Odysseus (Switch)
This is a top down racer and kind of a mix of Super Sprint, Micro Machines, and F-Zero, with controls similar to Kirby’s Air Ride. The story mixes Greek mythology themes with futuristic space themes, so it’s kind of weird, but that’s not important to the game. The game is way too hard, though. I did play this game at PAX a year or so ago and talked to the guy who made the game, who is from France. I asked him if he knew who Penelope Pitstop was, and he said no. But he also said a lot of other people asked him the same thing I did!
It’s just a collection of multiplayer party games. Kind of like the multitude you’d see on the Wii. But there’s not a lot of those kinds of games yet on the Switch. Notice I said ‘yet.’ Many of the games here imitate classic arcade games like Asteroids, Balloon Fight, etc. The game doesn’t do anything wrong, so I guess it’s not bad, but it is rather generic.
Reader Review: Bad Apple Wars (Vita)
The last visual novel style game I reviewed didn’t turn out too well, so I decided to let one of my anime-loving brothers take a crack at this one, so make sure to read his review of it.
And that’s all for now! Thanks for reading and posting likes and comments! I appreciate it! Have a great year! --Cary