The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition

I knew there was a reason I was waiting dammit! Well my dream for a GOTY edition for Skyrim will be released on June 4th. I might not get it right off unless I have a lot of spare money to be able to spend. I have to finish paying off my Animal Crossing 3DS Bundle, The Last Of Us, and of course keep my bills paid and gas money. Its gonna be at the new game price of 59.99 but I can live with that. If I bought it used with all the DLC I would be paying around 80 to even 90 bucks for all of it so saving 20 to 30 is good. Im glad though especially that the PS3 edition is releasing at the same time a the others, I had a fear there that it would get released a few months later because of the previous problems with the DLC. Whether I get it on release day or sometime after Im excited and happy for this edition, I had been waiting for it for quite sometime. Now if only Borderlands 2 GOTY edition would be announced, it would be perfect! I know that wont happen till prolly the end of July to beginning of August but I can dream!