Happy New year and good luck with the weight loss. I gained about 10 pounds myself and was horrified when I stepped on the scale last.
I'm partial to the Raimi Spidermans myself.
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![]() On 01/10/2018 at 01:22 PM by Matt Snee ![]() See More From This User » |
Sorry I haven't been blogging. I have a lot of stuff on my mind and a lot going on, so... I actually haven't done any writing since thanksgiving, a combination of the busyness of December and my own burn out. But my brother is headed back tomorrow and I'm feeling recharged, so I'm gonna go back to work in a few days. We've been chilling here, watching movies and playing games, but the only sad thing is my dog Taco Belle is on her last leg, and we will probably put her to sleep very soon. I love her very much and am very sad about it.
Anyway, one of the things I wanted to talk about was Star Wars Battlefront. While we didn't touch the multiplayer, my brother spent a couple days playing the single player campaign, and while not a work of genius, it is something my brother enjoyed playing through and I enjoyed watching. Gameplay was pretty standard for a FPS of course, and the story isn't groundbreaking, but as Star Wars fans we enjoyed the connections between the original trilogy and Force Awakens, which the game goes up to. I could live without the FPS stuff these days, but I will comment that the starfighter segments seemed really nice. Not perfect by any means, but pretty cool nonetheless.
In other news, I watched the new SPiderman in parts over the holidays, as i watched it with my parents before my brother arrived and then with him when he was here. I have to say that although I didn't love it at first, it is now my favorite spidey film. It definitely gets spidey better than all the others, and is not overwraught or in a rush to be dramatic and get peter into his adulthood. It's also very clever, with a well realized bad guy and cast, and I really enjoyed the sense of humor. All in all, I'm excited about the future of the franchise.
I got a new turntable for xmas, and for my birthday on the 21st I bought an early present of a new subwoofer for myself, so I've basically been listening to music non stop.
When my family went out for an early birthday lunch the other day we got the waitress to take a photo of us, and when I saw it, I was appalled. I am so fat. It's time to change soon, I think, and I'm trying to figure out a plan for the spring to get in real shape. In the meantime, I'm gonna start walking again if the weather allows, but eventually I got to get more serious. It's time.
Anyway, I hope all of you are well. Happy new year!
I'll probably rent Star Wars Battlefront 2 sometime. I'm glad there is at least some single player campaign.
How great is Michael Keaton as a bad guy. So great.
I'm losing some weight but not enough. I have a fitbit now and it keeps reminding me to get up and walk. I ignore it, of course, but it does get me thinking about it. I'm more concerned about my sleep record. It tells you how restless you were sleeping and how many hours. I've been sleeping about 5 1/2 hours on average which is not very good. I usually do about 7 1/2. Got to fix that.
Snee I know what ya mean all too well. Ive gotten quite big myself and Im working on losing weight. Right now Im using Myfitnesspal to log everything I eat and drink and what I do as exercise. Its helping so far to keep me on track. I also stopped drinking sodas again. Its been rough going in that department because I want one so bad but I havent had one since Dec 31st so far so good. If you want a diet buddy let me know!
Im sorry to hear about your baby pup. When I had to put Sweetpea to sleep it was rough to get through. She was my baby and I rasied her from a 3 week old kitten. Enjoy all the time you have left with her, you gave her a happy and loved life.