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PAX South Reviews

On 01/19/2018 at 12:51 AM by Cary Woodham

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Hey everybody!  I’ve got more links to reviews I’ve written recently at!  I hope you get a chance to look at some of these especially, because I just got back from PAX South last week and wrote my article on that. Also managed to snag a box of Super Mario Cereal and wrote about it, and I got a few fairly high-profile game reviews, too.  So please click on as many links as you can and maybe even post a like or comment or two.  I’d really appreciate it.  OK let’s begin!

PAX South 2018

So yeah, I just got back from PAX South in San Antonio recently.  It’s a little show, and a bit smaller than last year’s, but it was still very productive for me.  I took lots of pictures and wrote about a lot of games, so I hope you can read this one.  I have to brag a little bit here, though.  Stack-Up is a charity organization that donates video games to the military, and at their booth at PAX they had a push-up contest.  Well I managed to get second place the first day.  I’m not super buff or anything like that, but I guess I’m stronger than I thought.

Super Mario Cereal

This stuff is a big deal for two reasons.  One, it’s a cereal based on Mario.  And two, the box also acts as an amiibo you can scan into games!  I hear it’s hard to find, too!  I haven’t seen it in the wild myself, but my family managed to snag one of the last few boxes at Wal-Mart!  If you’re curious, you’ll definitely want to read this article.  I also included a “Brief History of Video Game Cereals” afterwards.  In the comments section, let me know what video game cereals were your favorite, and which video game cereals you’d like to see.

Romancing SaGa 2 Remastered (PS4)

Back when the Super Nintendo was hot, I was a teenager and was big into RPGs, mostly the ones from Squaresoft.  I couldn’t get enough of them.  So it killed me when I’d see images of Super Famicom RPGs in Nintendo Power magazine that would never see the light of day over in the US.  One of those was the Romancing SaGa series.  But now there is a remastered version of Romancing SaGa 2 that you can download on most US home consoles and handhelds.  So was it worth the wait, or should it have stayed in Japan?  Click on the link to the review and find out!

A Hat in Time (PS4)

There have been a lot of 3-D platformers lately that are trying to recreate the magic of the N64 and GameCube eras.  A Hat in Time leans towards the GameCube side, and reminds me most of Psychonauts (thought not near as good).  I’m sorry, but I guess I just didn’t like this game as much as everyone else did.  I felt that the controls were kind of bad, it had awful stealth missions (I hate stealth missions), and while I like weird games, this one was just too absurd to make any sense.  I even liked Yooka-Laylee better than this, and that game had serious problems, too.

Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King (Switch)

Now this one I liked!  It tries to imitate classic 2-D Zelda adventures like Link to the Past, although it’s a bit more straightforward and linear and the controls aren’t quite as good.  Plus it’s a bit shorter.  But I still enjoyed it for what it was.  So if you are craving a bite-sized classic Zelda adventure, you should check this one out.

Pac-Man Clock

When I went to Round 1 Arcade last year, one of the prizes you could win with tickets was a LED Pac-Man clock.  It was really cool, but too expensive for me, either with tickets or ordering it online.  But luckily I got one for my birthday a while later, so I finally got a chance to write about it. 

Phantom Breaker Battle Grounds Overdrive (Switch)

This is a simple 2-D side scrolling beat ‘em up featuring chibi anime girl characters and retro styled graphics and chiptune music.  It’s mindless and repetitive, but I still enjoyed it for what it was.  I’ve been trying to review this game ever since it came out on the 360, and I finally got a review code on the Switch!

School Girl Zombie Hunter (PS4)

I know what you’re thinking, “Cary, you don’t review these kinds of games.”  And no, I usually don’t.  But Aksys just sends me codes without me even asking, so I just reviewed it anyway.  It’s a third person shooter where you play as Japanese schoolgirls defending their school from zombies.  The levels are short and bite-sized, and meant to be played in small bursts.  It kind of reminds me of another low budget Japanese zombie game series called Onechanbara.  I wonder if the two series are related somehow?  You can do awful things in the game like make the girls strip down to their undies to distract the zombies, but it’s presented in that campy Japanese anime way that makes it look not as bad as what it really is.  And personally, I didn’t think the game was THAT bad, especially if you just want a simple little zombie killing game.

Creeping Terror (3DS)

Another one from Aksys.  It’s more of a survival horror game and reminds me of a low budget horror film.  A group of teenagers are exploring a haunted house and your character, a Japanese foreign exchange student, falls into a cave and she must find the others and escape.  All the while a lumbering monster is chasing them.  It’s presented in a 2-D fashion and has point and click adventure elements, but it’s less scary and more tedious than anything.

And that’s all for now!  Thanks for reading and posting likes and comments.  I do appreciate it.  Hopefully next time I’ll be able to post my Game of the Year blog finally.  Later!  --Cary



Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/19/2018 at 11:09 AM

Interesting u didnt like hat in time.  A lot of good word of mouth for that.  Ill look at romancing saga later.  I hope u had a grand time at pax

Cary Woodham

01/20/2018 at 12:46 AM

Be sure to read my SaGa 2 review so you know what you're getting into if you get the actual game.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/22/2018 at 05:46 AM

I'll probably skip it.  Too many games.  I am however curious about Lost Sphear, howabout you?

Cary Woodham

01/23/2018 at 12:52 AM

Am I curious about Lost Sphear?  Well....let's see.  I played the first 30-45 minutes of it at PAX West, downloaded the demo on the Switch, and have the PS4 physical copy pre-ordered at the Square-Enix store (only place you can get it).  It should be in my mailbox any day now.  So yeah, I guess you could say I'm "mildly' curious about it. :)

When I post my Game of the Year blog, you'll see that I am Setsuna got high marks in my RPG category, so Lost Sphear was definitely on my radar.

And yeah, you're right.  There are too many games!

Casey Curran Staff Writer

01/19/2018 at 11:45 AM

I'm pretty neutral on regular marshmallows, but I can't stand the freeze dried ones in cereal. Not really a cereal fan in general, but marshmallows always make it worse. I like A Hat in Time okay, but might agree with you in enjoying Yooka-Laylee more. Though I'd play Super Lucky's Tale or Mario Odyssey (despite my issues with the latter) over both of them personally. 

Cary Woodham

01/20/2018 at 12:46 AM

Yeah Mario Odyssey is the best of the recent crop of 3-D platformers.  I'd like to play Super Lucky's Tale, but I don't have an Xbox One.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/19/2018 at 02:20 PM

I just hated Yooka Laylee so much, I don't see how A Hat in Time could be anything but better. But I'll have to reserve judgment until actually playing it. 

Cary Woodham

01/20/2018 at 12:50 AM

My main problem with A Hat in Time, aside from the stealth missions, was the controls.  For example, you can do a dive move in the game, but when you land on the ground, you'll still be in the dive move pose and you can't move at all.  You have to press the jump button to get back up on your feet.  Why you couldn't just move by pressing the joystick is beyond me. That little quirk really caused some gameplay quibbles with me.  

I enjoyed Yooka-Laylee at the beginning more than at the end.  By the end of the game, I was getting a little impatient with it.  I don't know if that's the game's fault or mine, as I may be getting more impatient with games as I get older.  I dunno.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/20/2018 at 08:57 AM

I couldn't stand Yooka Laylee's slippery controls early on. The button presses in Hat in Time don't sound like they'd bother me.

Cary Woodham

01/21/2018 at 12:35 AM

When you do a dive move and then hit the ground and can't move, it gets annoying.

I do agree with you on the slippery controls in Yooka-Laylee, though.  That and having to wrestle with the camera angles is why I stopped right before the last boss.


01/20/2018 at 08:31 PM

I'll have to make it down there for Pax South one of these days. 

Cary Woodham

01/21/2018 at 12:37 AM

Well there's PAX South in San Antonio, PAX West in Seattle, and PAX East in Boston.  Where are you closest to?  I will say that unless you live in Texas, PAX South may not be worth the trip.  The Seattle one is worth it, because it's like a mini-E3 more than anything.  But I've never been to the Boston one.  Little bit too far for me.

Oh, and I guess the star shaped oat bits in the Mario cereal are supposed to be the stars you collect in the games, I guess.  Thanks for reading!


01/21/2018 at 09:43 PM

It would be Boston. One day I'll go there and then scoot over to Funspot mega arcade in New Hampshire after that. That's my goal one day. 

Cary Woodham

01/22/2018 at 12:24 AM

Funspot Mega Arcade sounds, well, fun.


01/22/2018 at 10:11 PM

I can't wait to visit that. I almost went over the holiday break. I'd feel guilty spending money right now though. Soon. 

Cary Woodham

01/23/2018 at 12:53 AM

I guess you could go there and save money by not playing anything, but that wouldn't be much fun.


01/23/2018 at 10:03 PM

Ha! The playing is not so much the issue, it's hotel stays. I think I'll do a four day weekend up there sometime. It won't be that much, but I'd like to be back working full time first, hopefully by this summer. 

Cary Woodham

01/24/2018 at 12:53 AM

Oh yeah, hotels can be costly.  That's my biggest expense when I go to one of these shows.


01/24/2018 at 12:01 AM

I want to go to PAX someday. Man, A Hat in Time has been in development for so long! Too bad it's not coming together better.

Cary Woodham

01/24/2018 at 12:54 AM

Well it seems like everyone likes Hat in Time but me, so you still may want to try it anyway.

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