All these brawlers look awesome but often play kinda bad. I usually go back to them for a brief play, try and get the special moves to work, and then give up as enemies hit me in the back. I JUST PICKED UP THAT CROWBAR DAMMIT!!!
BaD #7: Final Fight
On 02/09/2018 at 08:41 PM by daftman See More From This User » |
Final Fight, one of the pillars of the brawler genre! So influential! Loved by millions! Yada yada yada! The problem with playing Final Fight right after Captain Commando, a sequel of sorts developed two years later, is that you see just how archaic Final Fight is now. While the three playable characters are distinct and do handle differently when playing, you can't double tap to dash, which takes out a huge amount of moment-to-moment variety (not that the ability was "taken out" so much as it hadn't been conceived yet, I assume). The enemy variety is also very low and the game leans much more heavily on cheap hits than Captain Commando did. Locales change up a little but the whole game feels very samey. If Captain Commando was a little slow and stiff, Final Fight is downright plodding. While I can appreciate its historical importance, the original Final Fight is not a game I would suggest going back to as anything more than a historical curiosity.