The Japanese sure do love their baseball. Or was this an American game? Because both countries sure do love their baseball.
BaD #13: Quiz & Dragons
On 02/19/2018 at 12:27 PM by daftman See More From This User » |
I've got to give it to Quiz & Dragons, a 1992 arcade game. I've never played an RPG quiz board game! Well, okay, the RPG aspects are really light. It has a generic fantasy setting and each of the characters (barbarian, wizard, amazon warrior, and ninja) have a special ability that will randomly come into play. There is no leveling or stats or anything like that. The board game is pretty superficial as well. A big digital die determines how many spaces you move and while there are a few branching paths, it's mostly just a series of trivia fights. That's the game, basically. Each enemy requires a certain number of correct answers to defeat and your character loses a life with each wrong answer. While the stages do change aesthetically, the fights are all the same, even for the bosses. The questions really date the game too. While I did very well on the history and science questions (and merely okay on the plethora of United States trivia lol), the '70s and '80s minutiae killed me. Who starred in this TV show, who won that Oscar, what team drafted so and so. My gosh, SO MANY baseball questions!
Ultimately, Quiz & Dragons is a trapped in the time it was made. While playing it is still fun, despite the dated questions, it wears thin pretty quickly if you try to play the whole thing at once (I wish it had video game questions instead). These days you're better off just sticking with Trivia Crack.