Since it is difficult like an NES game, does it do anything to up the frustration factor in a glitchy way?
BaD #14: Section Z
On 02/20/2018 at 09:27 PM by daftman See More From This User » |
Section Z is another Capcom game whose NES adaptation is probably more well known than the 1985 arcade original, similar to what happened with Bionic Commando. Unlike that game, however, Section Z's arcade version is still quite playable and fun. You play an astronaut with a jet pack and gun that's infiltrating an alien bio horror space station...or something. The important part is that you fly around shooting stuff. Section Z seems like a typical side scrolling shooter at first but then you realize you can change the direction your character is facing (left or right) with the push of a button. It's simpler than Forgotten Worlds but still makes the fire fights more interesting. Then you hit a lateral dead end and start ascending a shaft vertically. These vertical sections are tough because you can still only shoot left or right. Then you reach the top and go left (instead of genre-standard RIGHT) before descending again. These changes help keep things interesting and provide a satisfying sense of progress. Speaking of which, the game starts at Section A and proceeds all the way through the alphabet to Section Z, but these all bleed from one into the next. There are no levels breaks, which is a nice little immersion booster. The only exception is when you fight a boss every five or six sections (all the bosses I fought were sadly underwhelming). The game congratulates you and tells you what section you're heading into with on screen text. Otherwise it's just you and the hostile aliens.
The PSP version doesn't have the weird borders but that's a good shot of the gameplay
Of all the Capcom arcade games I've played so far for BaD, Section Z has felt the most like an NES game (ironic since it does have an NES version). Part of that feeling is because of how tough the game can be (especially those vertical sections!) and also that it does not start you where you died when you use a continue. You get a check point every couple of sections and so I'd replay the same little parts again and again sometimes, trying to make it to that next check point. I actually did not finish the game, not because I'd become frustrated (like with Black Tiger) but because it was just taking too long. I made it to Section T before calling it quits. I've still got to play the games for BaD #15-20 and write those up! But I'd love to come back to Section Z someday and get all the way through. It's some of the most fun I've had with this collection.
These pictures are both awesome for different reasons