At the same time though, people are shitting thier collective pants (for no real reason IMO) over the million Mario and Zelda games that are coming out that were announced via Nintendo Direct, so... yeah. Thay actually don't seem to need E3 anyway.
Nintendo @ E3: WAT
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![]() On 04/25/2013 at 10:34 PM by gigantor21 ![]() See More From This User » |
Okay, so let me get this straight.
Last quarter, the WiiU only sold 400,000 units globally. Software sales were only at 1.7 million, including bundles and digital sales. Moreover, Nintendo said in a recent investment meeting that they've given up on the WiiU gaining momentum before July, when Pikmin 3 is set to come out in Japan.
E3 is the biggest gaming show in the entire year. Every year, the conferences serve as the highlight of the media's coverage, which extends beyond the usual gaming sites into mainstream news. Sony and Microsoft are both set to steamroll through with more info on their latest consoles. If Nintendo doesn't expect much out of the Wii U until late summer, they're set to go all out to prove that the WiiU is a viable option for this holiday season right?
Iwata himself said that they aren't doing a big conference. Instead, they're going to be doing separate closed door meetings with distributors and a small press contingent, alongside the usual floor demos and the like. Rather than face the other two hardware makers head-on, and proving that they can make a big splash and prove the Wii U deserves a seat at the table, they've instead decided to shrink away.
I don't get it.
Nintendo expects to sell 9 million more WiiUs and 40 million more Wii U games this year. They've given up on the next 2 and a half months. Yet they don't want to do a full court press at E3? Why? Why would they give even more room to Sony and MS to make their own noise when they were likely to struggle to stay in the conversation to begin with? E3 is NOT the place you should be lowering your expectations and presence, especially when both of your competitors are launching new hardware this year.
And no, the Nintendo Directs do not justify this. Those are primarily enthusiat affairs. And it's not like they're working from a position of strength; the Wii U just barely managed to hit the PS3's sales in the same timeframe, despite it being $600 and not being out in Europe until mid-March. The PS3 NEVER had a quarter with numbers that shitty, either in hardware or software. Nor have Nintendo's recent E3 showings been much to write home about, despite being out with their own new console first. Thus you'd think they'd take any opportunity they could to fire on all cylinders on a much bigger stage.
I just can't understand why they can't do a conference AND the closed door meetings and floor demos all at once. They need to be pulling out all the stops right now if they really want to turn the WiiIU around. This doesn't convince me that they get that.
And before anyone asks; no, I'm not saying this because I think the PS4 or the 720 will wreck the Wii U at Christmastime. If anything, I'll be surprised if either sells more than the Wii U in the same timeframe. I did an earlier blog on why I think Sony and MS may well struggle just as much; you should check it out. ;)