Sorry about your healthcare bills. I went to an urgent care type thing last year for an eye infection. That shit gets expensive.
27-28 are good ages man.
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is fairly depressing, but I really loved all the different graphics styles and gameplay mechanics the game used. It only lasts about 3 hours, so like Firewatch, I'm glad I got it on sale.
Unlike Firewatch, they don't have an "audio tour" or director's commentary that I'm seeing, so I'm not sure what I'd replay it for unless there are some trophies I missed that sound interesting.
I do like that it's basically a novel you play through. It's completely linear, but you're in control the whole time. I think that type of gameplay eliminates some of the frustration one might feel playing a Telltale game, but doesn't present any real challenge either. It's just a story you play through instead of read or watch.
I still want to try Into the Woods as far as slice-of-life narrative-driven games go, and I should have the funds in my wants budget from this month, so we'll see.
I may end up owing the doctor $300+ for a couple visits last year, because the Urgent Care I went to not wanting to wait for an appointment with my primary care physician became an in-netowrk place AFTER my visits, so I'm going to take my bills over there and see what they say. I'm very lucky to have a decent enough salary and budgeting regimen that it won't hurt me that much, but it's still infuriating. And $300 is still $300 for two visits I thought were only going to cost $50 each. But the person I talked with on the phone yesterday said they might accept the $90 somehting or whatever my insurance paid, so I don't know. Just ... uuuuuggggghhhh
Anywhoozle, I have a pre-loaded BaD blog for tomorrow. Since I'll be 28 in March this year and February is 28 days, I'm just doing recounts of games that came out every year since 1990 when I was born.
Here's a music video I was reminded of while playing What Remains of Edith Finch:
Good news: I only MAY owe 125. I don't know what was miscommunicated between insurer and provider, but provider says they'll send Bill soon and see what else insurance will pay. I knew it was a "might owe" and not a bill but the phone call to insurance ... Well, whatever. I'm happy to have heard a lower estimate today.
And yeah, but professoring in a small town shrinks the dating pool a bit.
Maybe. I haven't played those Japanese games. Lots of western games in the style now in any case.
The medical thing may have been my fault (?) I knew they were "may owe" notifications and not bills, but insurer sure made it sound like I might have to pay it over the phone. I was on my parents' insurance until 26, so some of the co-pay and deduction calculations are still not always clear to me.
Don't worry, I think I did too. Not so much the fish heads story though. I saw it coming from miles away, but it still didn't sit well with me. I read that story somehow connects to Unfinished Swan, which I didn't realize was this developer. Now I want to play that.