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LTTP: My top games of the year 2017

On 01/31/2018 at 08:00 PM by SanAndreas

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I guess this is a little late, seeing as how we are headed into February as of tomorrow, but here are my top games of 2017.

2017 was an awesome year for gaming. We got the Switch, which has turned out to be incredibly fun for me and is everything I wanted in a portable and console system. There were great games on every platform. I love this little device. I like portable gaming, but during the GBA, DS, and 3DS eras, there were so many games that I longed to play on a TV set. I kind of had this going already with the PS Vita/PSTV combo, but the Switch makes things so much easier and will have the might of Nintendo's internal studios plus its stable of third party handheld developers on board. A lot of games I would have gotten on PS4, I might get on Switch instead.

Regardless, I didn't do as much gaming as I would have liked. There's been a lot of other stuff going on in my life right now, so gaming has been on the back burner to a degree. Regardless, I did play some great games. Here are my top ones of 2017.

#1 and Game of the Year: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch)

It has been a long time since I've been so wrapped up in a game, but I find that I'm getting the same primal enjoyment out of BotW that I got out of the original Zelda the first time I played it 30 years ago (yikes!) I think a lot of it is because BotW sports the best Zelda overworld I've seen since the series went to 3-D. As great as games like Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess were, the series kind of skimped on the overworld, and that's a shame. For me, it was always the unified overworld, not the dungeons, that truly made a Zelda game. When the original Zelda came out, the Overworld was what made it special for me. There were plenty of dungeon-based games back then, but few of them had a world to explore on the surface. Plus the physics engine is so much fun. As far as open world games go, BotW blows GTA and Bethesda out of the water, because not only am I enjoying the world, which admittedly plays a bit like Fallout: Hyrule, but it isn't saddled with the godawful controls of those games. This could give Twilight Princess a challenge as my favorite Zelda game. And dare I say it? It could end up challenging Final Fantasy VII as my number one game of all time. The jury is still out on that one, but this is easily the best game I've played the entire decade at the very least.

And this game is brutally punishing. It's as hard as the NES games, which were the toughest games in the series.

2. Super Mario Odyssey (Switch)

Glad to see Mario return to the open platforming style of Super Mario 64, which was my favorite Mario game. The varied environments in this game are fantastic.

3. Persona 5 (PS4)

Atlus and Sega finally brought a full-blown RPG to this generation of consoles, and it is great. Graphics are good, and I like the new dungeon mechanics.

4. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Switch)

The best RPG so far on Switch, and it's a great one. One thing I'm glad for is that the Switch is going to have a strong supply of RPGs, which is one thing Nintendo struggled with since their infamous breakup with Square and Enix 20 years ago. I'm enjoying the battle system more than I did the original game's battle system

5. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (PS4)

So this is kind of cheating a bit, but who cares? I already loved FFXII on PS2, and this version makes an already great game even better. This time around, I have all the Espers and have basically done everything except for Yiazmat. I didn't get that far on PS2 because other games got in the way at the time.

6. NieR: Automata (PS4)

An RPG by Platinum Games? More, please.

7. Yakuza 0 (PS4)

Glad that Sega is finally giving this series a lot of love in the USA. Yakuza continues to get better and better with each incarnation.

8. Tales of Berseria (PS4)

Berseria is a huge improvement over its predecessor in terms of story, characters, and battle system.

9. Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (PS4)

Unfortunately, it came out with a wonky translation which NISA is working to patch. It's still a good continuation of the adventures of Adol Christin, and this time on a full console no less.I might get this one on Switch when it comes out, too.

10. Doom (Switch)

I skipped this one on PS4, but it plays really well on the Switch.

Honorable mention: Arcade Archives: Mario Bros (Switch). Finally, for the first time, I have the arcade version of one of my all time favorite arcade games instead of the NES version. I'm glad that Nintendo and Hamster are finally working to bring Nintendo's arcade catalog to consoles. Even back then, when Namco and Pac-Man reigned supreme my favorite arcade games came from Nintendo. Although it's a long shot, hopefully Nintendo and Ikegami will finally bury the hatchet over the arcade versions of Donkey Kong (which is still my favorite arcade game of all time and the very first video game I can remember playing) and Donkey Kong Junior.

What I'm looking forward to this year:

1. Valkyria Chronicles 4 (PS4? Switch?). So glad to see Sega doing another console VC in the SRPG style of the original classic. I'm torn on whether to get it for the PS4 or the Switch. I'd kind of like to get trophies on PS4, but I like the versatility of the Switch. Maybe both, LOL.

2. Ni no Kuni 2 (PS4). A sequel to another of my favorite 7th-gen games. Loving the Studio Ghibli aesthetic.

3. Bayonetta 3 (Switch) I don't know if this is actually coming out this year. It was announced in December, and I'm not sure how far along it is in development. But more Bayonetta is never a bad thing. Still the best  hack-and-slash series ever made.

4. Yakuza 6 (PS4): Not only does this series get better and better, but this time, it has one hell of an arcade game available to play at the in-game arcades: Virtua Fighter 5. Sign me up.

5. Project Octopath Traveler (Switch) An old-school SNES-style RPG from Square Enix in the vein of SaGa Frontier, which was a little-heralded favorite of mine on PS1. But playing through Primrose's story... Nintendo is publishing a game with hookers and pimps in it? Wow. Looking forward to seeing more.

6. Secret of Mana (PS4) I'm looking forward to this one, though I kind of hope that Square Enix ports it to the Switch

7. Monster Hunter World (PS4). This one is already out, but it looks like Capcom has hit a sweet spot for accessibility and an international audience.

8. Rumored Gamecube games on Switch Virtual Console. I hope this one is true. Although both Wind Waker and Twilight Princess were remastered for Wii U (I still wouldn't mind seeing them on Switch, although I'd prefer the remastered versions), my biggest hope for a Switch Virtual Console drawing from the GC library is Tales of Symphonia.

And that sums up 2017 for me, and a small part of what's coming in 2018. Too many great games. Not enough time. I am loving this renaissance of RPGs and Japanese games. Maybe I can still pull all nighters like I did when I was younger.




01/31/2018 at 10:53 PM

I played some Tales of Berseria last year. I expected better graphics, so I was kind of turned off by it, but maybe I would've liked the gameplay if I had stayed with it. 


02/01/2018 at 12:24 AM

Tales, unfortunately, has never been about the graphics. I liked the character designs myself, but I can't blame people for wanting more out of the PS4. Its graphics engine doesn't look much different from that of Xillia.


02/01/2018 at 11:35 PM

I have Tales of Vesperia on Xbox, and another one for PS2 I think. I'll try one sometime and take a good long time with it this time. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/31/2018 at 11:00 PM

The only thing I played here is Yakuza 0. And now that I know VF5 is payable in 6, I'm super excited.


02/01/2018 at 12:25 AM

That was awesome that they stuffed a game like VF5 into a Yakuza game. I kind of hope that since Yakuza has been getting more attention that Yakuza 6 might rekindle interest in Virtua Fighter. I'd love to see VF6 made for the current generation of consoles.

Cary Woodham

02/01/2018 at 12:33 AM

I'm playing though Ys 8 right now.  I just picked a blue haired lady out of a tree.  Just another day in the life of Adol.

Speaking of SaGa games, did you know about this?


02/01/2018 at 12:40 AM

I downloaded it right after I downloaded Mario Bros, LOL.


02/01/2018 at 07:47 PM

Fundamentally, most RPGs, east or west, are still just Ultima and Wizardry. Old hat. I didn't think Divinity: OS2 lived up to the praise unless you ignored the past 20 years of WRPGs. There are so many ideas and possibilities that developers could draw from pen and paper RPGs since they are so complex and limitless, but I don't think anyone is looking beyond what has already been done. We only get a handful of electronic interpretations The upcoming Pathfinder game will probably just be Baldur's Gate redux. Persona 5 and Nier are still basically as limited as JRPGs from 30 years ago.

On the other hand, I have to give Nintendo credit. With BotW, they've finally stepped out from under the shadow of Ocarina of Time. And also from the shadow of current open world design. Taking the right things from the original LoZ and other early open worlds. Exploration is not really exploration if everything to find is sign-posted, it's tourism. And it felt more RPG than any of the "proper" ones that came out since you could structure your own adventure. BotW is rightfully the GotY ( in the AAA sphere. I enjoyed Nex Machina and Hollow Knight more). Nothing else even came close from what I can tell.


02/03/2018 at 01:58 PM

The entire industry is at a point of diminishing returns, not just graphically but in terms of gameplay. Even VR at this point is nothing more than a monitor strapped to your face. For me, VR won't be real until I can look down at myself and see Link standing there instead of me, LOL.

As awesome as it is, I'm certain that Breath of the Wild was inspired by Nintendo looking at the huge success of Skyrim. I will say that BotW, however, is executed far better in terms of gameplay mechanics than Bethesda's offerings, and when you put everything together it is truly an amazing package that is greater than the sum of its parts. Crafting isn't as tedious as it is in other games, and I actually want to explore every corner of this version of Hyrule.

Just looked up Nex Machina. Looks pretty cool, like a contemporary Robotron/Smash TV. They even had Eugene Jarvis on board as a consultant. Might have to check it out.

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