The Switch is really fun and while I play my PS4 a little more, I sitll recommend it if you have the dough.
BaD 2018: Week 1, Day 02 (Quick Hits)
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![]() On 02/03/2018 at 12:40 AM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
So here we are, day 2 of BaD and after thinking about what I am going to do, I think I am ready for the rest of this fun time we’re going to have. I might be late on some days but other than that I think it’ll be fun and I can’t wait to read what everyone else is doing. Since today is Friday I am going to celebrate Quick Hits, oh apparently Phil saw his shadow so more winter. Of course here in my little piece of Southern California, the weather has been more Spring than Winter, and the local “zoo” (it’s more of a wild animal park) has a tortoise who says Spring will be here early. Which random animal to believe? I do find it funny that the folks that do the weather on TV love this stuff when it seems like we’re making fun their profession because we’re having animals predict the weather. Anyways let’s get started!
Chris And Netflix
Yesterday I decided it was time and I canceled my subscription. Netflix isn’t a bad service, in fact it is freaking amazing, the problem was that I wasn’t using it as much as I should to justify spending the money for it. I know it’s $11 a month but I could be putting that additional $11 to my 52 Week Challenge pot, or to something else. I already have WWE Network and I watch the Pay Per Views, and NXT so I can justify the $10 a month on that. Amazon Prime offers a smaller selection of video but I also get their Prime Music Service and that’s $100 a year plus I get free 2-day shipping and whatever freebies Twitch offers so I get the most bang for my buck there, which leaves really no room for Netflix. Who knows I may go back or I might just watch more programming from the other two. Anyways we had a heck of a run Netflix, and thanks for the entertainment options!
Chris Kinda Wants A Switch
Last week out of the blue I started looking at game for the Switch. I really don’t know why but I was debating if I should get one, or just wait a bit longer. I figured if I did get one I would have to spend around $500 for the hardware, external battery, memory card, a case, and a couple of games. Then of course the debate started with physical vs. digital games and do I really want to spend this much just so I can play Mariokart and the new Mario game. We shall see.
While on the rental car shuttle heading away from the Oakland Airport I spot this ad
That building is huge and that ad is freaking huge.
Speaking of the Oakland Airport, on the way back I saw the San Antonio Spurs walking through the airport. Yeah being really tall is an obvious indicator you play pro ball, especially when you walk in a group of tall guys wearing gear.
I went to a soft opening of a new Korean BBQ spot, and overall it was good. They were open for maybe a couple of hours before I walked in
This was some of the stuff we were eating: a little bit of steak and pork belly. Now usually the staff lights up the grill, and bring over the meats (or sometimes you go up and pick what you want), but I think our waitress was really new at this because she threw the meat on the grill, flipped them, and then cut them up. It was odd but the food was good and she was really nice.
Zip, Zilch, Nada
I bought this Hot Wheel
I know what you’re saying and yes I own last year’s version but this is a new version on a new card back…and it has bullet holes on the hood. So it’s a new car to me.
Ok so I splurged a bit during the Wedding Weekend. So the day of, we kind of made a quick trip to the outlets that were a couple of miles away from the hotel and I bought a pair of sneakers. The day after I got home I went to another outlet and a couple of pairs later I now have some new kicks for this summer
The black pair is a pair of Jordan II’s that are a deconstructed version. They are going to replace my pair from I think 2003ish (?)
All the basketball padding has been removed from the new version so it’s more of a “lifestyle” shoe, which I like because I’m not into the bulky look now, and all of the flashy chrome parts have been replaced.
My brother bought this cap for me I think a year ago when he went on a short trip to Seattle and just forgot to give it to me.
I have a new hat for the collection!
Alright Pixlpeeps I must be off because I picked up writing this blog at 9:20ish PM and I really need to finish setting up some stuff for the travel laptop. Have a good weekend!
That’s all for now, more on Monday!