When I was in little league baseball, I used to sleep with my cap on. Today though, I can't stand hats on my head. Even in cold weather I can't wear a cap or hat. I did, however, get a kind of cowboy hat one year to wear when I'm out shooting photos but I always forget to wear it.
BaD 2018: Week 2 - Other Stuff Chris Collects: Caps
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![]() On 02/07/2018 at 10:16 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
It’s still early here in Southern California (almost 7pm) so technically I still have time for Day 5 of BaD! For today’s Other Stuff Chris Collects I thought I would talk about one of the first things I got into: buying baseball caps. Now I have pictures of me in Dodgers gear but I like to blame my parents and other family who probably got this stuff for me when I was a baby but around middle school I started looking at baseball caps and I wanted to buy one, but I couldn’t make up my mind on which cap I wanted to get. So during my 8th grade year right before I went on the class graduation trip to Disneyland my mom took me and my little brother to the Foot Locker and I got my first cap, an adjustable Olive Green Air Jordan Cap with the logo and wordmark in black
It was this logo. My brother got the same cap except his was blue with with orange logo and wordmark. I loved this cap and wore the hell out of it to the point where it faded and eventually made its way to the trash. My first fitted cap was the then new California Angels CA logo
They changed the logo, and I loved this logo and from that point on I was hooked on buying caps. I would wear them almost everyday and when they got worn I would toss them. I went through a bunch through the years and as I had a little more cash in my pocket I would buy caps, although I’ve become someone who searches for deals and hitting sales/clearance spots.
Currently I think I have around maybe 60-70 in the rotation and I generally switch them out based on seasons (football season I would have all football caps, winter means hockey and basketball, and summer is always baseball teams) The only caps I would have throughout the year are SDSU caps, and any other college caps. I keep most in a plastic tub, while other caps I don’t wear as much in a couple of drawers in a closet.
When I first started I only wanted teams I root for but now I go for the logo regardless of teams with one exception: no Redskins, Giants, or Eagles. I’m not wearing that trash.
This is the current rotation
This is usually a clean setup with six groups of caps but after a week this is what it looks like. I’ve been on a Chicago kick the past three weeks and I’ve been wearing either a Bulls cap or a White Sox cap (the White Sox have such a cool logo) I want to say 99% of my current collection are fitted but I do have a couple of adjustable caps. I also have caps I don’t wear but keep because of memories like the locker room cap when the Angels won the World Series and this one
I bought this online and it’s a little small. I have the graphics file so at some point if I find someone who does embroidery and I can get a bigger cap I will get one made. I’d also like to put this one in a shadow box with my original band cap I had when I was in the Marching Band, kind of a cool before and after.
Well Pixlpeeps that is it for today’s What Chris Collect’s.
That’s all for now, more tomorrow!