Dang you got quiet a collection of them! That so neat, my dad and brothers collect them but mostly only for the long horns,lol
BaD 2018: Week 2 - Other Stuff Chris Collects: Jerseys
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![]() On 02/09/2018 at 09:52 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
So here I am on Friday night and well I really don’t have anything to write. I reserve Monday and Friday as my regular blog day items and do the BaD stuff during the week but for today’s Quick Hits I have no idea what to write but I should write something because it is Friday and well the Opening Ceremonies are on and I’d like to see the the 100s of athletes that make up Team USA. Instead of doing my usual of Quick Hits I will talk about something else I really don’t collect anymore but I still love and occasionally buy….Jerseys.
Here’s some of my jerseys
I didn’t start buying jerseys until college because well they really didn’t sell them in my little hometown. I think my first jersey was a New England Patriots Drew Bledsoe jersey with the Flying Elvis shoulders. I thought this was the perfect look for the Pats, and I had a matching hat and pullover. I rooted for Drew when he was at Washington State and then when he got drafted the Patriots changed their logo and I liked the new slick logo. After this I started buying more jerseys because they were easy to find in San Diego. At one point I was wearing a different jersey everyday for almost a month which was a little much so every so often I would purge my collection of jerseys I didn’t want. I would either donate them to charity, give them to family or friends. I think my last big purge was a couple of years ago when I got rid of a ton of football jerseys and I think some of them ended up overseas with some family. Today I don’t wear them as much but every so often I will wear one especially when it’s cold I’ll wear a hockey jersey.
Here are a couple of favorite jerseys of mine. These are my favorites because they trigger memories.
This is the jersey I won in a raffle while I was part of the Disney College Program. At the end of the season they had a banquet for everyone. They had Thank You gift baskets full of random Disney items like pins, DVDs (this was big because this was in the late 90s), some Angels stuff and they had a couple of raffles for an Angels team signed bat, and this hockey jersey. I wanted the bat, but I love this jersey! I’ve worn it once and that was for the picture for the Disneyland Newspaper.
This is my Shigetoshi Hasegawa game used jersey. I used to have a running joke with my friend that everytime the Angels were in the lead, they would bring him in and then in a blink of an eye it was a tie game. I always said he’s my favorite because he makes the games interesting. Well when that same friend worked for the team, he got this jersey for me. It also triggers a sadder memory because this jersey is from the season after the events of Sept. 11, 2001. MLB covered the MLB patch on the back of the jerseys with an American Flag.
Back when the Ducks became a team I chose them as my favorite team. I didn’t like the Kings Chevy looking logo and at the time purple was a huge color (along with teal, love the old Florida Marlins teal cap) When Paul Kariya was drafted I became a fan of his and they got close to winning the cup against the Devils. Paul left the Ducks and I stopped wearing this jersey. A couple of years later I started wearing it again and this past year, Paul and Teemu Selanne were elected into the Hall of Fame.
When I first started watching hockey we just got cable and I used to watch a lot of WGN and became a fan of the Chicago teams. I thought the Blackhawks had one cool looking sweater, and of course I started rooting for Jeremy Roenick. I didn’t buy this jersey until years later but it reminds me of watching those games.
This is my most recent jersey but easily my favorite of them all. Ryne Sandberg was my favorite baseball player growing up, and I tried to play second base (the key word is “tried”). I never got around to buying his jersey when I got older because well it was kind of hard to find but I finally got one. My brother gave this to me when he asked me if I would be his best man. You can see why it’s my favorite out of the bunch.
Alright Pixlpeeps I am off. Have a good weekend!
That’s all for now, more next week!