Yesterday alot of you might of heard of some really shocking news: Nintendo wont be at E3. Alot of people might of said "Oh noes, Nin10doh iz calling it quitz" Or "Nintendo has thrown in the towel". And this one "Nintendo fucked up with the Wii U's hardware and wont be able to compete with the PS4 and the XBox Truck (Durango is also the name of a Dodge truck, and a place in Mexico)". Well maybe that last one may be true to the haters and all, but Nintendo being or not being at E3 doesn't matter. And is E3 still relevant anymore?
I mean yes I guess it's still relevant, but you still get those game announcements in an age where you can get all your E3 coverage via the internet at any time. Heck, sure they'll tease a new game here and there, but there's always game related news everyday, be it a new game or just news that a company fucked up big time (looking at you EA).
That and Nintendo never said they weren't going to be at E3, here is something they've said about that:

Nintendo has been doing perfectly well with their Nintendo Direct presentations lately. Just this year they've annouced games that would of been great E3 announcements, but yet they said screw that and give news that our fans want. I mean it makes sense. Nintendo doesn't have to wait for E3 to announce the goods, they can do that anytime they want with their live stream announcements. Plus with the state the Wii U is right now, it makes more sense to do what they are doing. I mean, it's not for us to decide what Nintendo should do, Nintendo is a buisness, and like any good buisness they are going to do what they think is right for their buisness. You have to look at it from their standpoint, not ours.

I don't mind as long as we get more of this
Last year, Nintendo held a live stream about the Wii U and showed info about games and features for the thing. A day before E3. After that, there was pretty much nothing left to announce appart from Nintendo Land. And a day after their conference, they held another one just for the 3DS. So in a way, Nintendo was experimenting with the new way they are gonna approach this years E3 ever since last year. You just didn't notice it at the time.

Sure I'm gonna miss this alot
Like I said, personally I don't mind. Sure as a huge Nintendo fanboy I was shocked just like everyone because Nintendo at E3 was the whole reason I even watched E3 to begin with. But as I began to ponder about it, it really didn't bother me anymore. We'll still get our game announcements just like every other day, whether it's E3 or Nintendo Direct (plus I don't have to wake up in the morning anymore).
Plus at the end of the day, we care about the games, not some big and fancy presentation. But you may say that presentation is everything, but it's how you present it, not how big it is.

I'm going to miss this the most though ;)
So what are your thoughts on this matter? Thanks for reading and later.