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BaD 2004: Green Day, The World Series, & Belief

On 02/15/2018 at 05:29 PM by Super Step

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2004 was a rough year for me. This was my freshman year of high school and the promise of change was quickly and repeatedly met with disappointment. I still count it as one of the worse years for me, personally, along with 2013 and 2016. 

So hey, games!

Metroid: Zero Mission honestly felt just as linear as Metroid Fusion to me, but with less story, so I've never understood why folks love it so much more than Fusion. Actually, it has less story and dialogue, so I just answered my own question.

Anyway, this was a MUCH easier game than the original 1987 enemies-follow-you-through-doors Metroid on NES, with an extra stealth mission added on the end for good measure. I consider it a pretty standard 2D Metroid, but I still played it plenty and being a standard 2D Metroid isn't a bad thing. I just don't love it as much as other people, but then that goes for most of this franchise.

I think these games are less mindblowing than they are addictive, as repeatedly getting the items in multiple playthroughs is kind of hypnotic and takes my mind off things for a while. 

I never cared about Steel Batallion, but I do remember images of that giant controller in Electronic Gaming Monthly

Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes  was awesome, because I didn't have to sneak around anyone to play it. I guess I prefer stealth in gaming to doing it in real life. I'm also much better at it in games, since the AI isn't quite so dumb in reality. 

I remember no one liking that they allowed you to go into first-person during the Ocelot fight, but thinking it was a nice change in every other scenario. I know there were other changes besides updated cutscenes (and I think they removed a woman's armpit hair?), but that's the one I remember cause I remember my brother coming in the room to say that defeated the purpose of that boss fight. 

Supposedly, Kojima was a huge Nintendo fan and that's how this got made. I noticed the Silicon Knights logo on the box cover as well, meaning I must have missed Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem somehow. Dammit. 

Sonic Heroes is one I rented with low expectations given the mediocre EGM reviews. But I figured Sonic Adventure 2: Battle wasn't all that well-received either and I still like that game, so why not give this a shot. 

All I can remember about it is the team gimmick getting in its own way by making controls confusing. At least this one focused on Sonic-style levels instead of forcing you to hunt for crystals with certain characters, but Sonic games' rosters should still be limited to Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, maybe Shadow and Amy in my opinion. 

I remember Hitman being controversial and Chronicles of Riddick on XBOX being praised for its graphics and stealth gameplay, but I won't post pictures since I never actually played those. I also remember Driver 3 being called "Drive Threer" by EGM due to its logo (DRIV3R). 

Wikipedia is only mentioning Spider-Man 2 releasing on Windows this year, but I'm pretty sure it released to all consoles as well this year, so I'm putting it here. 

It's probably too repetitive now, but at the time the swinging mechanics were incredibly fun and really added weight to the game. Also, the Spidey Sense mechanic during fights preceded what Batman does in the Rocksteady games by a few years, so I don't know why people say the new Spider-Man game looks like it's ripping Arkham's combat. Sure, Arkham games perfected it, but it's not like the concept wasn't around before then. 

Anyway, the new SPider-Man trailer looks like it took the swinging mechanics from 2, so that's honestly what I'm most excited about it for. 

I also want to point out that the movies were a HUGE deal at the time and no one said a bad word about them until recently. It's fine if you like Homecoming better than the Raimi Spider-Mans, but don't act like you were the one person who saw through these and was just sooo far ahead of the crowd in what you were wanting from a Spider-Man movie. You liked these at the time. Shut up and accept it. 

Sly 2: Band of Thieves allowed you to play as the turtle and hippo more often than in the original and featured larger stages. Pretty much everyone considers it an improvement on the original. I didn't like it as much at the time, but have come around on it. 

I have yet to play the other Sly games.

I wasn't entirely sure if I'd rented Tony Hawk Underground 2 or not around this time, but I looked it up and

Oh yeah. I remember it. I think it must have been Underground 3 where I completely lost interest in the series, then. Even though I probably rented that too.

Killzone was meant as a challenge to the Halo series ... so that didn't pan out.

But lo and behold, I actually enjoyed an XBOX game when Halo 2 released and I started hanging out with some of the "bad" kids, doing better than I thought in multiplayer matches after going to downtown Dallas to watch local bands and drink alcohol underaged. 

Funny how well this summarizes 14-year-old me. Man, did I suck.

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes was a game whose presentation I thought was great. For me, the story seemed more compelling than the original and I've always liked dark mirror enemies like the evil Samus in this game. 

It's just too bad they limited your ammo and made you hide in bubbles whenever you were in the dark world. I don't know if it was ever as "hard" as people make it out to be, but it was certainly more tedious than necessary. 

There was also the penis monster, Amorbis. 

Spider-Man 2 also saw a DS release that was vastly different from the console game. I own it and actually like it fine, despite terrible reviews. I did get annoyed by the stupid Doc Ock level with all the equipment though.

There was nothing particularly unique or great about it, but it rarely made me upset and I didn't think it was nearly as bad as some of the scores for it would have you believe. Then again, I get why those bad reviews existed, since it is pretty damn generic. Still, it never bothered me that much and I've beaten it a handful of times. 

The DS also came with a demo of Metroid Prime: Hunters called Metroid Prime: First Hunt. It was a demo. That's all I can say.

Then we have Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

in which the guy on the left calls the woman on the right a bitch within the first ten minutes of gameplay and everything looks like a muddy Mortal Kombat stage and I just ... immediately lose interest. Not my Prince of Persia

It should be noted that this sequel outsold the original reboot by quite a few copies, so my interest in what other humans thought also began to wane around this year.

But hey, the Red Sox won the World Series this year ... which I was rooting for cause I figured if pigs could fly, I could get my personal life in better shape. That second thing did not happen. 

I know it's a shock to all of you I was a depressed teenager. I mean how on Earth could you have guessed. It's draining to talk about now. 

Here's a panda:




02/15/2018 at 06:45 PM

Zero Mission. Nice to look at but you know at least the first game, with all its faults, had open ended exploration after you got a few powers, and it was a challenge. ZM is just watered down. Might as well just play Super again. I didn't care for Fusion either, but at least it had a different concept.

Echoes was cool. More visually interesting in many areas than the original. I never did finish it though. Still better than Zero Mission.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/16/2018 at 12:03 AM

You really don't like zero mission. Lol


02/15/2018 at 10:43 PM

Don't have to sneak in Twin Snakes? This might be the MGS game for me. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/16/2018 at 12:00 AM

Errr... No. I meant I was old enough and had my own console to play m rated games on. It is the same game with a different paint coat mostly.


02/16/2018 at 12:50 PM

Oh damn. Well, I want to play the open world one with the balloons. I forget the name of it offhand. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/16/2018 at 01:09 PM

Metal Gear Solid V? They also have Metal Gear Online coming out, which uses those. 


02/16/2018 at 01:16 PM

Yea, MGSV. Online huh? I guess I should've expected that. 

Cary Woodham

02/16/2018 at 12:49 AM

For me, 2004 to 2006 were great years.  My rough years were 2001 and 2015.

I liked Zero Mission except for that stealth part at the end.

Sonic Heroes had a lot of good ideas, but it was buggy as heck!

I didn't really like any of the Spider Man movies that much.  I haven't seen Homecoming yet.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/16/2018 at 12:41 PM

For me, 2001 was a bit rough because I had to learn about certain financial situations, but I bought my Gamecube so it wasn't all bad. 2015 was when I graduated with my Master's, so that year was pretty solid for me. Maybe whenever one of us is having a bad year, we should trade somehow. lol

I can understand not liking the stealth bit at the end, since it's what I usually have the most trouble with. I still think it was a neat concept executed pretty well though. 

I know I heard about the bugs in Heroes, but I don't think I encountered any. I just thought the gameplay was a bit slow. 

I'll believe you that you did not like the Spider-Man movies in general, but I get tired of some of the revisionist history I've seen people engage in with this stuff. To look at Internet forums, you'd think everyone hated those movies, which was the opposite of what was true at the time. I can buy there are some people like you that were never on board, but the widespread claim from so many people that they were already so above those movies gets tiresome. 

So there's a rant that had nothing at all to do with you. Have a good weekend! lol


02/16/2018 at 01:35 PM

2004 sucked for me, too. It was probably the low point of my adult life up until then. My only consolation was video games, specifically Tales of Symphonia, which is a game I still dig out every once in awhile. I also played MGS: The Twin Snakes, but I'm not a huge MGS fan the way a lot of other people here are. I did enjoy the Psycho Mantis sequence, since I had saves from Wind Waker on that memory card.

Metroid: Zero Mission was an interesting beast. On the one hand, it was too linear and hand-holdy. One of the points of Metroid for me was always exploration, and when the game tells you where to go it takes a lot of that out for me. On the other hand, the controls and graphics were really nice. The original Metroid is one of my big classics from childhood, but it is a really rough play these days just because of the controls. Super Metroid remains my gold standard for Metroid games. Metroid Prime 2 I didn't get into as much as the first game.

Activision really ran Tony Hawk into the ground, didn't they? They did the same thing with Guitar Hero a few years later.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/16/2018 at 02:42 PM

My life sucked so bad I actually liked "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day. Yup. In my defense, I was also 14. Yeah, it was funny to hear Psycho Mantis trying to sound intimidating by saying "you're a fan of Maaaarioooo Kart, aren't you?" I'm nowhere near the MGS fan others are, but I definitely remember how big a deal it was because of my older brother. 

My issue with Metroid Prime was never that it didn't tell you exactly where to go necessarily, but that at the time the concept of backtracking in order to progress was completely foreign to me. I believe I may have shouted, "well I know it's not in that room cause I've already been there." I've never minded the linear nature of 3D Zeldas personally. I get much more bored wandering around open worlds than I do when there's a story or character-based reason for whatever it is I'm doing. 

You can turn off the hints in Metroid Prime though. I believe even on Normal mode you can say you don't want it to tell you where to go. I have always been a fan of Metroid in the sense of "these are neat time-wasters." Like with MGS, I just don't have the same level of affinity for the series others do. I noticed on NWP's recent comments, younger people like Casey and I have less fond memories of the original Metroid because it came packaged with modern games in the series, which really makes its older design apparent. 

Yeah. Like I said, I remember enjoying the first three games and Underground 1 and 2, but the series now is just a joke. It's sad what happened with the most recent game. Even Lil Wayne had lost a lot of star power by the time he was out promoting it. 


02/17/2018 at 02:28 AM

It was actually Zero Mission where I was referring to the hand-holding, and the statues that told you where to go next weren't skippable. Still, loved the movement mechanics of the game and the fact that you didn't have to spend hours re-finding the Ice and Wave Beams every time you wanted to change them.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/17/2018 at 06:56 PM

Misread, sorry.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/17/2018 at 04:25 PM

That Steel Battalion shit is nuts. 

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