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The Wii U And The Power Argument

On 04/27/2013 at 09:18 AM by gigantor21

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So during the same investor Q&A in which they talked about their smaller E3 presence this year, Nintendo was also asked about the stigma around the WiiU in regards to it's lack of power. Iwata replied by saying that he wanted to tackle that perception head on, and convince developers that it's not the case. I really don't think that's an argument they can win--and his broader response actually explained why they shouldn't have to, and where their main focus should be.

For one thing, the WiiU simply isn't winning that argument. The PS4 and 720 will have more RAM, more powerful CPUs and MUCH more powerful graphics solutions--all of which will show up not only in terms of graphics (which will probably be the narrowest difference if anything), but performance and scope of gameplay as well. On top of that, both consoles are going to be much easier to develop for, and it's likely that both Sony and MS are using the same parts from AMD for their hardware. Thus it will be far easier to make games across both platforms that work smoothly.

Winning the power argument head-on is something that the system needed to be designed for from the ground up, not retrofitted on to a console that was clearly centered around low power draw, low cost, and the Gamepad. They aren't going to win it--for both objective and fanboy related reasons. 

There are better areas to focus on to prove the WiiU's worth, and Nintendo is already primed to do it. In the same response, they promise making a big push to expand the number of developers working on the console via moves like support for the Unity engine--a game engine used by developers all over the world, big and small, that can be used for free. That's what their focus should be on, alongside making games that really utilize the Gamepad in an interesting way.

After all, people have been buying Just Dance and Skylanders on the Wii, depsite it being far more underpowered compared to the competition than the WiiU will be. And both franchises come out for damn near every console. The Wii blew up because of unique games like Wii Sports and Wii Fit; if people were mad that the games weren't in HD, they wouldn't have had half the sales they saw before. While they aren't going to have the kind of crazy fad sales they saw this gen, Nintendo still has avenues for turning the WiiU around.

I just hope they focus on those things instead of bringing a knife to a specs gunfight.



Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/27/2013 at 10:00 AM

yeah they can't win with the specs, but they can win with the software!  Nintendo always seems to do alright.  I don't the the Wii U will be the fad that the Wii was, but I think it will do fine once the games start rolling out. 


04/27/2013 at 11:39 AM

I'd certainly hope so. I don't always like what Nintendo does with their products, but it's nice to see them try things that Sony and Microsoft wouldn't.


04/27/2013 at 10:37 AM

I like to call Nintendo the get by system its never as good as Microsoft and Sony but always does good it gets by but never excells its just the way they roll, I wonder if Nintendo will roll out with a system that puts Xbox and ps3 to shame we all know there fully capable.


04/27/2013 at 11:39 AM

They already did, though, didn't they? Few core gamers thought the Wii would amount to much, and several developers hated it as well. Then it went on to sell the most this entire generation. Considering how badly the Gamecube did before that, it's pretty damn impressive. :)


04/27/2013 at 06:38 PM

Nintendo went for power with the SNES, the N64, and the Gamecube, but there were deficits in all three products. The SNES had a far better graphics and sound chip than the Genesis, but a slower CPU, The N64 had a faster CPU than the PS1 but was crippled by the catridge format and the lack of dedicated sound. The Gamecube had the mini-DVDs and didn't play movies (like I cared anyway) but was a far more powerful machine than the PS2. Going for power didn't help Nintendo.


04/27/2013 at 06:55 PM

Lol yea but im sure somewhere down the line there going to pull a hard move and put all other systems to shame and they have the power to do it, but with that said if they do remains to be seen.


04/27/2013 at 02:19 PM

well by the numbers yes but there a family system and family systems sell i mean honestly if i bought my 5 year old a system it would be Nintendo not a 360 or ps3 lol and i own a wii to play with the kids but my system of choice well is and will be a ps2 then the 360 but i do love ps3s rpg and srpg library.

Captain N

04/27/2013 at 05:25 PM

I don't think Nintendo will ever have a console on par with the competition, I mean they could but history has proven this otherwise, twice. I mean the N64 was clearly more powerful than the Playstation but look how that turned out, and the fact that Ninty opted for cartridges instead of discs. And the Gamecube, it was on par with the competition, and some say even more powerful than the PS2, but that didn't save it either, infact it sold much worser than the N64.

But you don't buy a Nintendo console for specs and graphics, you buy it for those Nintendo exclusives and whatever new way to play games Nintendo has cooked up. I mean I have a Wii U and I really like it, and I know it will have some great games coming out for it. But Nintendo did promise us alot of third-party games and stuff for it, the problem is that isn't really going to happen because we'll be getting watered-down ports again like in the Wii.

I think this is the case because Sony and Microsoft make their system with third-parties in mind because sure, first-party games are awesome, but third-party games fill in the gaps and support those systems till the new first-party game arrives. Nintendo seems to make their hardware with themselves in mind, not what third-parties want. I could be wrong on this last part. And I just hope Nintendo can bring this around with the way the Wii U is selling.


04/27/2013 at 06:43 PM

You don't really buy ANY console for "power". If you want to brag about the horses under the hood you build a rig. Any console is bought for the games it plays. Nice graphics are just a bonus to that.


04/27/2013 at 05:32 PM

I agree: Nintendo still has a number of options to explore to build interest in the Wii U.  They might be on their own again, however, so they'll need to find ways to speed up software development, while also discounting the hardware (perhaps bringing the Deluxe system down to the original Wii's launch price).  Also, more games and cheaper systems will make it easier to promote it.  As for the issue over weaker hardware, it hasn't been an issue for years now (the tremendous popularity of the handhelds attest to that).  There's a big market out there with different needs and budgets, and I'm certain Nintendo will find a way to leverage that.


04/27/2013 at 07:15 PM

If you're gonna show up to a gun battle with your bare mits (wii U gamepad) you better have some allies ready for support (3rd Party Publishers), else have some really amazing combat moves (a new Zelda) or some unexpected surprise at least ( a new 3D mario or Star Fox). Otherwise stay home and shut the doors while King Kong battles Godzilla. Need I explain what these two monster foes represent?


04/27/2013 at 07:56 PM

One of the things that made me cautious about the Wii U at the moment it was announced was the fact that it was coming out a little too early.  It's come out too early to really be next-gen, but its design has only (arguably) put it on par with its current generation competitors; it's stuck in this odd "current-gen-and-a-half" limbo.  Getting a little third-party investment hasn't been too bad--in addition to the few ports at launch and future cross-platform releases, they've locked in some impressive exclusives like ZombiU and Bayonetta 2 (the latter of which Nintendo's actually publishing themselves!).

I think Ninendo's biggest obstacle - and which they're apparently trying to make their focus at E3 - is trying to keep that third-party "hustle" going.  I was a little skeptical of both the Wii and the DS because of their greatly unorthodox hardware designs, but both had very respectable investments (the Wii had a pretty decent launch selection).  And mind you, the Wii wasn't exactly up to the hardware standards of its competitors either.  The 3DS surely had a rough start, but it's picked up tremendously; there's been quite a bit of attention paid to it from outside developers, and future offerings are looking pretty good too.

I don't see Nintendo abandoning its own hardware--after all, they stuck by the Gamecube.  But I'm curious if they really can break out of that vicious cycle of the "software ghetto"; no one's buying the system because there aren't games for it, and games aren't being made for it because no one's buying the system.  I plan on getting a Wii U hopefully before the end of summer (at latest before the holiday season), but my fondness for Nintendo doesn't necessarily reflect consumer or developer confidence.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/28/2013 at 02:53 PM

The Power Struggle is real. Nintendo didn't help itself there. But I'm kind of surprised how little I've been hearing about this new, exclusive, 3D Zelda game, and its 3D Metroid antecessor. Hmmm... yup, needs more software. And a built-in-with-system fishing mini-game. Now THAT's where they really went wrong, was not having that.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

04/28/2013 at 03:18 PM

Really, if any gen was the time to release an underpowered console, it's this gen. Costs of developing games are higher than ever, so Wii U could be a haven for mid tier developers. It's already happening with Platinum Games- they could potentially get Sega's full support and any other guys like Double Fine. There's room for it, even more than the Wii for the hardcore, they just need to take advantage of it.


05/05/2013 at 02:52 PM

Mentally I always hold Nintendo products up to themselves. I don't make comparisons to Sony or Microsoft consoles. They are simply in a league of their own. As long as they stay true to their core consumers it will all work out fine with the Wii U. I will buy one!

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