As a fan of games like Super Dodge Ball, Penguin Wars has always looked interesting to me.
Retro Game of the Week: Penguin Wars
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![]() On 04/27/2013 at 12:23 PM by The Last Ninja ![]() See More From This User » |
A simple and straight-forward game full of nothing but charm.
Penguine Wars was released for Game Boy in 1990; apparently, it was also released for Arcade and NES prior to that, but I'm going to focus on the GB game. It's a very simple game. There are five characters: Penguin, Cow, Rabbit, Rat, and Bat. You choose your character then face-off against one of the other animals. Each player has five balls on his side of the table. The goal is to get all of your balls to the opponent's side, or to have less balls on your side by the time the timer hits zero. Boring, right? Not even close!
Strategy is important: where will you throw your next ball? Should you wait for your opponent to throw his? Should you unleash them all at once? These are things to consider in the heat of battle. Also, if his ball hits one of your balls, it will cause them to go off into other directions, or even roll back to you. Sometimes objects will appear in the middle of the table and hider balls from making it all the way across. And here's the best part: if you or you opponent gets hit by a ball it will stun the character, giving the other player a chance to get all the balls across and win.
Yes, the game is simple, but it's so fun! It's the perfect game for a road trip. I remember back in the day, when my brothers and I had an original GB (in the 90s), and we would go on road trips. We would take turns playing the GB. I wish we had this game because you can play short rounds, then hand it to another person to play a couple rounds, then off to the next person. It's really quite fun; if you don't believe me, you have to give it a try.
I also have to mention that this game was two player! Apparently, if two people both had the game cartridge, they could hook up via a GB cable and play each other! Man, that had to be awesome! This probably won't happen, but it would be awesome if Nintendo released this game for the Virtual Console on 3DS. Keep dreaming, right? I would certainly buy it.
Final Verdict: 4 Stars--Recommended
Simple, addicting, and fun: the perfect combination for a GB game. The characters are lovable too. I think it's funny that the you can only see the rat's tail when he's on the far side (shorty). The game is full of charm (animal charm). It was a game that was perfect back when gaming was still simple. Y'know, we need some simple games like this today.
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