I loved Black Panther as well.
I'm glad you're working again. Floating between jobs can be pretty hellish. Sounds like this one is tough but pays pretty good. Who knows what it will lead to? Good luck man!
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![]() On 02/25/2018 at 03:30 PM by avidacridjam ![]() See More From This User » |
So this month is almost at a close but at I will have made at least one BaD entry before its over for 2018. So, where have I been, in case anyone/no one has been wondering?
I was let go from my custodial job in late Janurary, a position that I had held for one month shy of 13 years. I was burned out and it led to some mistakes in the last six months that could've been easily avoided if I had enough energy to commit to the job. Nothing criminal but it was clear that I didn't care enough anymore. I agree that it was the right thing to do. I didn't want my performance to reflect badly on my employer or fellow employees. The best thing to do was leave and never come back. I really don't miss it at all.
Then came the hard part: the nearly 4 weeks that I went without a job. I searched for and applied for about five different jobs a week. The northwest Arkansas area is a pretty good job market so I was starting to sweat in that last week. I knew that I didn't want to clean a school building anymore. I wasn't sure that I wanted to clean anything anymore but that's what I spent the last 13 years doing so I figured that would help land a job. What I landed in the end was unexpected.
I applied for a custodial/maintenance job for a factory that makes copper fittings and other plumbing related parts for stores like Lowe's or Home Depot. The online ad must've been a mistake because I was told that no such position was up for application but was recommended to apply anyway in case a position became open. Three days after I applied, I got a call to interview and the job position was that of "rotary operator". I was clear in the interview that I don't have any experience with operating machinery or working in a factory setting. It seems they were confident in giving me a chance because two days later I was told that I had the job if I wanted it (I did) and to report to work the next Monday. I would be paid quite well for the job (more money that I've made at any job I've had yet) but I'm sure it would be physically demanding. But I needed the job, so I took it.
Last night, I finished my sixth day on the job. Management decided I should work one more day of overtime so that I could get some more training in and overtime pay (of course). It is physically demanding at times: I'm on my feet for 8-10 hours a day, sorting through copper elbow joints for good and part parts and maintaining two machines that make them. It's kind of hectic at times. But its not impossible. And I've had plenty of help during the training week. And there are plenty of staff on hand to help out or explain something. So I'm holding on to it. I'm really glad I've got a job again. That I'm a part of something. That I can make new friends. And not hang around gross kids.
Also, I'm really interested in what amount that paycheck will reveal after working 54 hours. :D
P.S. I saw Black Panther and loved it. Gaming? Mostly Animal Crossing: New Leaf because that's all I've had time for. Assassin's Creed Origins is pretty good as well.
I thought Black Panther was one of the better Marvel movies, but I would say I really enjoyed it but didn't love it. It's still pretty much the formula in all the other ones, but I enjoyed the humor, action and characterization more than in a decent number of other Marvel films.
That's awesome you've found a job you seem to be enjoying. Here's hoping that overtime check exceeds your expectations.
yeah the solo movies do have a formula, but if it works... I imagine the second one will be better. What I liked about Panther was the villain and some of the themes were a little more serious than most comic book movies, and I enjoyed that. I'm looking forward to Infinity War this summer, but I worry there will be too many characters. We'll see.
On a surface level, sure. But it has intelligent, pointed things to say about how an Afrofuturisitc society would function in modern times and what responsibilities it has to itself and the outside world. And it has one of the best villains ever written, a character whose rage and viewpoint are understandable even when his actions are horrible.