Blog a Day #27
Hello everyone, how are you? The Q/A begins today and as usual, I'll do my best to answer all your questions in the order you asked them. So let's get this started!

Fallout 4, Uncharted 4, The Last of Us, Nier Automata, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, Need for Speed (2015), Horizon Zero Dawn, Stardew Valley, and a Hat in Time. Not all of those are really old but they are games I've wanted to try.

I think it's still the Gamecube. Didn't sell well but had some really amazing games.
I have plenty but if I had to pick a Nintendo game, it's either Super Mario Galaxy or Super Mario Galaxy 2. I love them both equally.
I think it's great to be honest. It isn't a huge leap going from the PS2 to PS3 as it was going from the PS3 to the PS4. But this generation has a lot of great games.
Maybe if I had a good PC to run games on it. I'm not opposed to the idea since I'm willing to try anything once.
I cannot tell you; it's confidential. That's another reference to the same movie lol But in other words, no unfortunately.
Well I did answer all of these questions didn't I?

I would probably change many things. Like giving us a way to back up our data without having to go through this. Getting Virtual Console on the Switch like Gamecube games. A better voice chat solution that is intergrated into the actual Switch. Basically fixing things that Nintendo hasn't done yet that fans want.

I'm happy being a Captain but I wouldn't turn down a promotion.

This is a tough question to be honest since there are quite a lot that I like. But if I had the option to choose from I would choose either J.R.R. Tolkien, H.P. Lovecraft or Edgar Allan Poe. I would choose H.G. Wells but he was a pacifist so maybe he wouldn't fight.
I don't drink unfortunately but I've heard this one called After Shock is supposed to get your fired up quick. If I did drink, I think I would drink it before the match, only if my opponent author drank it as well. That way we'd be at equal footing. Sorry, don't know much about alcoholic beverages.

I have no idea who that is and have never paid anyone for their silence.
And those are all the questions I got from you guys. I did my best to reply to all of them. So thanks for reading and...
