ah, those joycon covers are pretty cool, actually!
My brother just got back from Ready Player One. Said it was good, a movie about gaming, girls, and friends. But he said it's more Netflix than theater. Hmmm.
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![]() On 03/30/2018 at 02:52 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
I was ready to type up this latest entry a couple of hours ago but I got caught up in cruising the World Wide Web, reading random articles, message board posts, and other time wasters and before I knew it, here we are. I had a couple of things to write about this week and I wanted to share my thoughts but when I was trying to organize them that’s when I got caught up in the time waster. So before I get caught up in a random YouTube video let’s get started!
Adventures In The Gym
A couple of days ago I woke up really early like 2 hours before my alarm went off. Instead of watching Days of Our Lives on demand (I just found out this was a thing) I decided I was going to be more productive and hit the gym early. When I walked in there were already three people in the neighborhood gym (think of a gym size in a decent hotel). I figured there would be more but after five minutes on the treadmill listening to my book I was the only one. I finished my workout and then headed out into the hallway to read the announcement board when weird guy walked in and then walked straight into the gym.
I don’t know weird guy, in fact he could be the nicest guy on the planet. I call him weird guy because he always looks down when on the treadmill, smells like he filled his bathtub full of Axe body spray and sat in it for a couple of days, and will not acknowledge you. I kind of like the last one because I wear over the ear headphones because I don’t want to talk. Anyways we kind of compete for the far right treadmill because it always works, and to the right of it is open space. Well yesterday I went early again and who do I see in the parking lot? Weird guy. I won the treadmill of choice and for being the only two people in the neighborhood gym, we stood next to each other pretending the other wasn’t there. My job was a bit more difficult because Axe body spray.
Chris Reads…
I finished two books in a week. One I finished after a day because I got sucked into it, while the other I finished over a couple of days.
Dan Brown - Origin: This is the 5th book involving Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks in DaVinci Code). This book is set in Spain when Dr. Langdon is invited by a former student to a presentation at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. This was a fun read because in typical fashion there is a lot of drama in the story and at times I was on Google looking up various places, and people brought up during the book. Overall I liked the book and I would like to see a movie version. Of course it wouldn’t be as good as what I imagined but still it would be a good summer thriller.
William Heinlein - Starship Troopers: When I saw this I figured it would be like the movie with a little more thrown in. Instead I got a completely different story, with three characters who are similar in name only. There are also some minor similarities but the spirit of the book is different than the movie. The presentation is more similar to the one taken in the movie Jarhead (the book is also really good) where its told by the main character. Johnny decides to join the military along with his friend Carl during the time when man and bugs are fighting each other. You watch as Johnny matures, figuring out life while being in the military, and see how the military is viewed by outsiders, and people within. There are times when there is a lot of philosophy is introduced like morality, responsibility, as well as voting, and other fun stuff sprinkled into the story.
I believe the audiobook said it was a 200 page story, which is a quick read, and it is interesting especially if you have seen the movie to do a compare and contrast the storylines.
Chris Watches…
Billions - Showtime: Billions is back for Season 3 and it is going to be really good. I read on Reddit about a reader theory about a character that was introduced early on in Season 2, disappeared, reappeared at the end of season, and had some decent camera time at the start of this season. This could be the string that Axe pulls on to get the upper hand. Anyways love this show because all the fun characters are on the bad guy side. Wags is the best.
Ok so first, a game I bought last week while roaming around the local Target looking at the Hot Wheels
I talked about it already, but yesterday I saw on Steam that they were having a Lego sale and guess which game was on sale for $11 after discount because I owned the Lego Movie. Yep you guess it, this one. Looking back I would have waited for the Steam version, and I may still buy that version, but for now I’ll stick to the Switch version.
Staying on the Switch I bought these games from their digital sale at various points
This is supposed to look like the early Zelda games, but I read it was more action and for $3 I said why not. Reviews said it was short but it will be something fun to play when I finish racing around.
This game looked like a fun adventure/puzzle game where this guy (kid maybe?) is supposed to find this other person on the other side of the island or something similar to that. Anyways another game that grabbed my interest and for I believe $10 I went for it.
This is from last night. I kept seeing this game for iPad but I didn’t buy it so I waited and sure enough the Switch version dropped to $5 (a couple of dollars more than the iOS version) As much as I do like playing games on the iPad I want to play this game with controllers. The first game I finished on the old Android Tablet, and that was a lot of fun, so hopefully this will be just more of the same.
More Switch Stuff!
Originally I wanted to get some vinyl skins for my Switch to customize it a bit, and I found some cool SDSU ones on Amazon. I also decided to go to the folks who make skins for all sorts of devices, DBrand. Well after seeing what they offered and picking out what I liked I saw that they also had a notice that they shared on Reddit. Turns out that vinyl skins applied to the Switch will damage the outer plastic of the device. This was a no go for me so instead I looked at other products. I wasn’t going to do a full case swap or anything crazy, I just wanted something that can be functional and not be gaudy. I went with this
Joy Con covers with joy stick covers and
A fancy face cover/kind of stand that was made in China.
This is what my switch looks like with the new covers
That fancy fake leather when closed
More fancy fake leather on the inside, just in case you forgot.
The red is brighter than I thought it would be but it’s fine. The flap on the face cover has magnets so when I’m using the Switch like a handheld (100% of the time) it sticks to the back of the unit. I like it, it adds a little more protection, and it is customized just a little bit more. I might add a sticker or something to the front.
Bonus: Since the joy con covers are inexpensive ($9 a set) I might buy other colors just to mix and match depending on mood.
Alright Pixlpeeps I am off. I want to go play with my MP3s because I need to finish organizing my non iTunes library external hard drive so I can send a copy to my cousin. Have a good weekend!
That’s all for now, more later!
I saw Ready Player One today. Totally worth it in the theater. I think it beats the book. I think Spielberg pulled back just a little bit on the obsessive nostalgia in order to make a more engaging story. That's not to say there isn't a lot of pop culture stuff in it, it's crammed with it.
I don't understand putting the body spray on before gym. I usually postpone a shower because it'll feel redundant if I go to the gym right after.
Then again, one of my students was burning my eyes today, so maybe I should think of it as a courtesy if that's what people are smelling.