This was from 10/20/2011 -- But I wanted to share some of my Darksouls humor and exploits.. -- =======================
I didn’t go to work Yesterday 10/20 – And while I was at home I decided to take a stab at DS..
What I expected to do was look stupid, run around with no where in mind, level up and probably get summoned by ALVINA a few times.
UM, what had happened was not what I expected…
This would include:
Mad Grinding,
Forestry Genocide,
Practice in the Art of Thievery and debauchery,
Vengeful Demon Hunting
Bug Hunting,
Skull Crushing with a bit of God on the side…
Mad Grinding :
So I started with my character who was a measly SL 38.., I played around for a while not knowing what I wanted to do, or where I wanted to go. I knew BLIGHT TOWN was the skid-mark on my undies that I wanted to avoid…..did I mention I hate that place!?!?
So I end up in Firelink Shrine (for some reason) and talk with the Pryo mage. I see the fire orb spell for 8k, and think that this would be a good spell to have in my arsenal. My current Pyro item was about +5 and I was doing ok damage when I used it.. I just wished it was a few more than 8 shots. Now I need money.. I am currently back in the Kitty Kat Club, but I haven’t been summoned lately (weird), so I head up to the UdP (Undead Parish ) to see Oswald about leaving the covenant.
Done –
I go back to the woods and I start to farm the first 3 guys.. The caster, the axe carrier, and the priest/paladin (I call him Friar Tuck, hehe)
I make my 8k within 3min, but I am liking the money coming in.. so I farm a few more times. Now I got enough to level and buy the spell.. So I level..yay my STRENGTH is now 33.. I will be at 50 in say…….10 years by the feel of it.
Forestry Genocide:
Well 1 level turns to 2, and 2 turns to 6, and now I was at SL 60.. I had been farming those guys for well over 2 hrs. I felt bad at times as I added 1 more person to the list: The Half Invis Thief. This brought me to a grand total of 7k a run.
I will spare you the details and tell you that after about 3+ hours of grinding.. I had a level 50 Strength and I was now at SL70. I cannot tell you how many times I killed the same guy, but I was fun.
Practice in the Art of Thievery and debauchery:
So I managed to get an immense amount of practice in back stabbing. Their deaths eventually progressed from :
I see you and I will attack and waste about 2 mins trying to kill as you run around and also try to kill me….
To –
“Creep up, BACK STAB -- set Target icon -- perform FIERCE ATTACK = Done in 2 hits for each guy.
I was a mad man.. I kept thinking that if this was in RL, what if Alvina would have came out and asked : DOOD WTF!!!?!?!?!? STOP KILLIN' MY PEOPLES!!!! – hehehe.
So I sit there with my Dragon King Great Axe on my shoulder.. damn thing is awesome! I even leveled it up – DKGA (360 dam to start) ->(leveled twice) around 425 dam now..
I took the liberty of leveling a lot of my gear as well. A lot of people might have issues with my choices, but I am glad to entertain tips and ideas for NEW GAME + - but for right now.. all my current gear is basically light weight leather armor that now is better than ELIETE ARMOR in stats. I now keep a full set of Stone Armor for Super Tanking until I find something better that can allow me to run and roll - right now with my Black Knight Sword I can run at full stride as I up’ed my endurance a bit to help out. When I wield the axe, I slow down a bit, but I can still run ok, but I roll and tumble like crap, hahaha. So I cannot use it for Dexterous mobs or bosses.
Vengeful Demon Hunting
I go back to Firelink Shrine and buy the spell, I also level my Pyro Catalyst to about 12 (I think, I now it does 200+ dam now). I go to Oswald and buy a crap load of Rings of Sacrifice since I want to keep a little humanity built up to better the loot drops (I bought all of his stock, damn
) . I rejoin the kitty kat club, and since my GENOCIDE affair, still have yet to be summoned… I wonder why..hmmmm, heh.
I decide to go and test my new found weapon and strength back at the Asulym. I am now hitting mobs for 1 hit kills, or a crap load more damage, but that is only to be expected when you jump your strength 18 levels in 3.5 hrs.. I am not drunk with power anymore as, the game still plays with alot of difficulty. I may be strong, but I still die at the hands of little guys for stupid arrogant mistakes, or dumb BAD luck. So I am still on guard and just a little more careful.
The Stray Demon was beaten.. but he was tough. Like my guy said (PaulMC), you had to get to know his rhythm. Then he was easy to beat.
The issue was (and I like this part of the game) that I now officially had a Strength build character. He was a badly made one, because I chose a thief, but next time I will choose a better class that will make the transition a lot easier. But non-the-less, my thief is a bad mofo, but can still get whooped because I still have low HP, and endurance. The game will make you choose: either you want to do this, but you have to put this to the side. I can still level up any other stat, but it now cost me around 28 – 30k a level, and that is where it gets tough. So with all that being said, the demon was hitting me for a few times and killing me like it was nothing.
Bug Hunting:
I killed that demon and I feel no accomplishment from it.. I know that I still have to go through Blight town. So I head down there. I ramble through and get to the lower parts of the town. The swamp area: Since I lived in the Darkroot forest so much I accumulated a load of purple moss. Along with the Rusted ring, I was able to get the items in the far corners of the swamp and not stay there for long (damn Mosquitos!)
Maneater Mildred did come for a quick visit, but a few swipes and she was toast.
I decide to pay the Chaos Witch Quelaag a visit – And summoned the assistance of Mildred.
And she did assist me, and WELL….. I beat the bug-lady and decided to ring the second bell. I saw a new area ( DEMON RUINS ) and thought it would be fun to check it out for a bit. I had a ROS on, so I won’t lose anything if I get killed. I check out the area and avoid killing the Egg people.. those little worms are annoying for 15 souls.
I saw a boss in the distance - Ceaseless Discharge. I thought, “What the hell, let’s go and check him out.”
Made it all the way to him and all I wanted to do was get his attention. I saw on X-play that if you get him to follow you all the way back to the FOG WALL entrance he either will fall and die, or get stuck. Needles-to-say, I was not fast enough to avoid his AOE attack so I will try him out later.. hahaha
Skull Crushing with a bit of God on the side..:
I make it back to Firelink, and the bonfire is out, the fire keeper is dead, and I got a mystery to solve (go wake up Scooby!). I will deal with that later…
A few days earlier, I read up on the catacombs. My first visit was interesting because the skeletons kept coming back, but I found that I needed either a divine spell, or weapon, and they will be dead forever or until the next Bonfire. I had turned my +5 Gargoyle Tail axe to a divine weapon. I had to re-level it back up since it went from 130+ dam to 95 dam after the conversion. However, all my farming and playing led me to acquire a bit of Green Stones so I got it leveled to acceptable means.
Also, after the second bell, K.Frampt (big jaberwokky looking snake dood)showed up at Firelink, he will help break down Red and Blue chunks and give you souls for all your excess junk. I cleaned house and stocked up on what I needed and headed out to the Catacombs.
So here is where I will leave off…
I am still in there, and I am doing ok.. don’t know what I will do after, but I will see. I have the key for New Londo ruins and I may check them out.
I will keep you posted.