In one of my classes there were a few guys making game systems out of the Rasberry Pi. It sounded super cool. The device is really cheap and easy to program. I'm so tempted to make a MAME machine out of it.
Not A Lot Of Gaming This Week
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It has been a busy week and a half and I haven’t been playing a lot. Whatever free time I find I jump right into my NCAA Football Dynasty so I can finish the current season. I have a solid recruiting class I want to use but I still have the last game of the season, the conference championship and the bowl.
Poochy & Yoshi’s Woolly World - 3DS
I fired up the 3DS after a couple of months of non use and surprised to see the battery was still full. I went back to this game and after getting reacquainted the controls and object of the game I was back in the game. Of course I only played the first level the first time I tried it, so there wasn’t much of a learning curve but after I believe three levels I got the main idea of the game. It’s cute, and a lot slower than Super Mario but the colorful graphics and fun gameplay, and an entertaining universe managed to get my attention for some couch gaming while casually watching whatever was on TV at the time. This is one game I’ll get back to.
Madden - 3DS
I’m still hoping there’s going to be a Madden for the Switch but for now playing 7 on 7 5 Mississippi Rush Madden is just fine. I continued with my ongoing season (coming up on 2 years of playing this season) with the Cowboys and I think I’m at the halfway point. I was up something like 21-0 when I needed to run an errand and instead of closing the 3DS I pushed the power button down like I do on the Switch to bring up the shut down icon. Not thinking about what I did, I hit the power off button on the screen and then realized that doing this cancels my game. I lost interest in playing after that.
Rocket League - Switch
Speaking of the Switch I played another game in League Mode, and then shut the system off. I want to jump back into the downloaded games I bought over the past month but I would like to devote some time to them instead of 10 minutes here and there. As for this game, still the same game, still the same me missing lobbed shots and outrunning the action on the field. I should watch some tips on YouTube so I can be better at the game.
Marvel Strike Force - iOS
I am now at Level 37, I unlocked Wolverine and leveled him up, and I've been playing the other side games instead of the main story stuff. I feel the freemium cap helps this game for me because when I'm starting to get tired of the game itself I run out of the various currency used to play the next section/level. I think I'm doing well trying to upgrade my squad, and I'm at the point where I might be hitting a wall where I need to start really grinding but for now I'm enjoying the game. Apparently there was some glitch where folks were getting a ton of shards for Thanos and it was patched. Dang I guess I missed out .
This game is perfect for me when I wake up because I usually beat my alarm by at least 30 minutes so while still in bed I grab the iPad, play a bit until I run out of lightning, and by this time the alarm goes off and I start my day. In the afternoon I go back play a little more, run out of lightning, and go do something else.
Other Gaming Stuff
-I really haven’t played much on Steam. I played maybe one game of NBA 2K18, I haven’t plugged my external Steam Drive (home to 90% of my library) in over a week. This needs to change because I would like to continue with Agents of Mayhem
-I’ve gone back to reading about people who make retro game consoles using the Raspberry Pi, and I’m starting to sell myself on doing this. I think it would be fun to have something like this in the living room with a couple of controllers and play some old favorites.
Alright Pixlpeeps I am off, have a good week
That’s all for now, more later!